Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You can find good songs everywhere...

Pergi exhibition aku boleh suka lagu kat dokumentari..
keja parttime malam2 pun, curik2 tulang tengok ceta hindi pun, aku boleh terdengar lagu aku boleh suka pun..Korang jangan ketawa siak lagu apa tu ok...

Tu hari kita pergi ni exhibition pasal Titanic.
Serious berbual cam ada lump in my throat gitu tengok exhibition ni...
Betul2 pengajaran....hidup jangan overkonfiden sangat..
This is the real thing punye la kira...

No rose , no jack..
just the glory, majesty and then horror and miserable deaths.

Interested? go here...

Satu benda yang aku balik rumah dan follow up, ialah salah satu lagu kat documentary Ghost Of The Abyss.
Aku belum tengok in full dokumentari ni, so kat exhibition tu ada, so kita gi la tengok sekali dah terlanjur.
Darkness Darkness.. Lisa Torban.

Boleh? Kat dokumentari gini ada lagu best giler gini..


Song of the year aku...

Aku kerja part time malam2 jadi ... YOU KNOW WHAT!! haha. Satu malam dapat $60 ketul beb. Jadi la. A man got to do what a man got to do. To the regular men on the street, just like me, you should try it to if you have not.

So rotate2 duty, aku kalo buat pass counter, tak boleh tido kan? so aku godey2 kat komputer tu...
Hmmm Bodyguard.... Salman Khan & Kareena Kapoor. Kanchong siak cerita, tapi best la.
Satu malam aku tengok sikit2 la, so lepas tiga malam abis la...

And I really love that Teri Meri song... My song of the year...

Listen here.. Terkejut siak aku, siap kat youtube ngan cover version gitar , piano semua ada...

Teri Meri Meri Teri Prem Kahani Hai Musykil.. cewah.

its very refreshing to hear these type of songs sometimes...