Sunday, March 4, 2012

outrage - rise and shine live!

ada waktu untuk rock melayu, ada waktu untuk rock omputeh..
dan...kadang2 ada waktu untuk rock jepun.
Masalahnya, rock jepun ni susah aku nak nak tahu perkembangan. Kalo ada kat internet pun tulis dan cakap Jepun. Tu pun to-tet-let aje. Dulu2 zaman tok kadok, sebelum zaman YOUTUBE, aku ada buat kawan internet ngan satu orang Jepun ni, makdatok, dia punye bootlegs rok jepun giler babi, semua main dvdr je dok, pelik2 macam Loudness Dragon kat Belgium ambik dari balcony atas, EZO dari tepi la, apa la..
Ada la dia sedekah kat aku sikit. Best zaman dulu buat kawan sama minat satu dunia.
Sekarang, zaman Youtube, dah tak thrill dah nak snail mail buat kawan ni semua.
Apa yang dulu punye giler nak carik, skarang masuk youtube aje...selalunye dah ada. Selalunya la, tapi aku rasa banyak jugak kot tak wujud lagi bentuk youtube.

So ni Outrage nye live double cd bertajuk ' rise and shine 'untuk tour latest album dorang RISE yang dah basi pun haha. Dah suka, apa nak buat, terkopak siak beli kejadah ni.
Outrage - Kadang2 pada telinga aku Lagi Metallica dari Metallica , dan lagi James Hetfield dari James Hetfield.

my merapek meraban review.
I like the last Outrage studio album RISE. certainly Heavy Metal with their usual dosage of Thrash here and there. Many nice songs. Some great songs. Guitar solos short and long.

Recorded at Kawasaki Club Citta 2010/5/1. My understanding at this specific show they played a very long set with 26 songs???. But on this cd there is 22.
But I have no complains.The whole RISE is here live and their popular live songs.

Stage banter between songs are all in Japanese, and I dont mean to offend but hearing the studio versions I already have a problem understanding what the singer is singing, hearing the live version, is even more near impossible.
Ya Ya, I know as if my English in this blog is also easily understandable haha.

Their cover of Slowly But Surely leads me to like finding more of the Japanese 70s Psychedelic rock band Flower Travellin Band.

CD1 - 10 songs Rise is complete, with TOR even. Interesting to compare the songs from Rise to Until You Are Dead, from Fists Full Of Sand to Terrorizer studio and official live versions.

CD2 - 12 songs. Fang, Madness, Final Day, Call Of The Hunter, Deadbeat etc etc are all in there of course. Fast and heavy.
Very nice. Makes me very happy and smile by myself when walking and taking the train haha.
Step By It is also in there - and when the part this song slows down a little for the solos.... I like.

There is a dvd documentary released for this tour to support RISE also. I think dvd 1 is a Japanese speaking documentary of their travels and backstage all over Japan, but I think there is a 2nd dvd with many songs from different locations all over Japan. I really want this dvd. Japanese bands live shows in Japan always look very happening on dvds and it must be nice to see all over Japan scene even just on dvd. But, Super expensive. Maybe next time.

So, with Outrage coming out with Rise and Rise and Shine Live that I really enjoy,
I dont think I am missing out by not bothering to hear St Anger, Death Magnetic and Lulu. sad but true.

The Obi Strips is always forever cute.


  1. walaupun aku sibuk dgn komuniti tapi pelik juga aku suka baca apa yang ko share kat blog bro.
    terasa ko jujur share pandapat ko.
    lagipun sesekali time tension, bila aku layan slipknot atau megadeth rasa berbaloi jugak, hahaha...

  2. Final Day..gua sgt suka ini elbem.

  3. berapa reganya ni beb?

    puas aku cari The Final Day....susah betul nak dapat...kalau ada pun reganya memang aku tak mampu la...

  4. gua ada keset ja..kalo ada versi cd..nk jugak beli..psl..mp3 pon jgn harap nak jumpa

    err..berapa rege cd ?

  5. Ello my friend......
    miss u babeh (hahaha)
    as usual peminat no1 music ROCK!!!!
    apa xtvt terkini hang dep. mailah dengar2 kan kami di sini
    Aku onair time 8-10 malam setiap hari...
    Roger roger aku lau ang nak datang dep. nanti aku spinkan lagu pebret hang ni na...Bye adiossss

  6. hanya layan mini album diorang - final day. pas tu tak ada berita pasal band ganas tahap kamikaze ni.
