Sunday, July 15, 2012

nasik ayam aspirasi & new bootlegs

nak puasa baru nak hegeh2 tampal gambo makanan.
ni Nasik ayam tiga seteng.
ngan abundance of nasik ayam penyet, dah lama lak tak bungkus nasik ayam normal.

Nasik Ayam beli kat Singapore, Alas suratkhabar takut meja kotor lak sokkabar KL.
hitam tu lak, radio gaga. Ni aku ngah type ni Adam Lambert ngah nyanyi lagu ni kat speaker laptop ni.

timon kat bawah ayam k.

Saje je pasal kawan keja aku budak2 Cina pun puji cara packaging tapao kedai nasi ayam Aspirasi.
Kotak cantik.
Tapi ni kawan kerja aku belikan kat Pusat Penjaja Maxwell kot?

Selalu untuk aku sendiri , nasik ayam Aspirasi ni ialah bila kita gi Vivocity/Sentosa etc dan singgah makan kat Hawker Center kat World Trade Center sana.
Dorang banyak branch.

Switching to some other things but just as important... Hoho.

Quite a number of bootlegs live recordings of the current Maiden England USA Tour 2012 from various shows is available.
But I really most love the Philadelphia New Jersey Camden show on the 29 June 2012. I hope I got the date and location correct.
Just love the way the recording was done by the taper. Awesome. And of course Maiden was on fire.

This specific show is the one I choose to add on my Mp3 player for regular listening when walking and in public.

Also been listening back to the Great White tribute of Led Zeppelin from California 1996 and I am not listening to the official CD release but instead the complete about 2hrs FULL show.
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You is all in here.
Splendid recording.. I really love this one.

Also, very very latest from Poland 7 July 2012, the bootleg of the full show of Adam Lambert fronting Queen. What a very nice selection of songs. Adam Lambert is not Freddie Mercury but still very enjoyable.


  1. ni lau time pose memng merewang aku ni dep
    ni nasi ayam baru ke? kat key ell macam tak dek je...hahahha posa kang ang buat entry PARAM
    memang banyak org suka....

  2. dah ada org buat flyer maiden england 2013...Spore ngan Indon masuk list...ntah yer ntah tak...cek official nyer tak cerita pun...

  3. aku tak berapa paham "yang hitam tu Radio Gaga" siap censored?

    BTW Deaf, andai ditakdirkan geng2 Iron Maiden browse2 terjumpa entry ni, kompem diaorang terpikir maksimum untuk relate nasik ayam aspirasi dengan diaorang... hahhaha

    But for me, I just conclude that both were awesome for the 'taste'
