Sunday, October 28, 2012

this is how I listen to Led Zeppelin

Kadang2 aku fikir apa sey Led Zeppelin makan dari dorang mula sama2 1968 sampai 1980?
Kenapa ni empat orang ni boleh buat lagu dan persembahkan lagu2 dorang ni semua, dari lagu yang dikenali ramai hingga ke lagu orang kurang kenal, ngan baik dan out of this world giler babi nye sedap dan menarik?
ok setiap anggota memang terror dan handal, tapi cammana boleh bila bergabung ni terus bleh jadi cam gini nye bagus ni, mungkin Jimmy Page pandai produce kot dorang. Menakjubkan.
campur lak ngan macam2 tragedy dan campur lak ngan macam2 best2 nye terjadi kat dorang, sebab tu memang mistik giler la , dan kalau orang cakap dorang empat ni macam2 cerita.
Aku rasa ada ramai korang pun dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin.
Ada yang suka dengar lagu2 dorang yang popular, ada minat yang rancak, ada minat yang complicated giler, ada yang minat lagu2 slow mendayu2 dorang,
tentu ada yang dengar album by album, dan ada yang dengar dan minat kebanyakkan atau semua lagu2 rakaman studio dorang.
Memang dorang nye buat lagu memang out of this world.
Aku pulak dengar lagu2 Led Zeppelin rakaman studio dorang macam gini...

pengsi sey design2 nak2 yang dari boxset pertama.

One of the first boxsets I ever got back then was the Jimmy Page's May 1990 remasterings of all Led Zeppelin studio songs plus 3 additional song.
Total of 86 songs and Jimmy Page completely rearranged the sequence of song tracks from these nine albums and then made it into and original boxset of four cds. He sort of mix it up and arranged it the way he wants the listeners to listen to the remasters.
The first four cds of 54 songs came about 1990 in a beautiful boxset with a huge booklet, and the second boxset with two remaining cds has a cd-sized booklet at about 1993.

So the songs track listing ends up like this. I like it very much.

Led Zeppelin is so very unique and out of this world. I will continue to listen to their songs and never get bored, because the songs are great from fast to slow straight forward and complicated with full of surprises and its always about picking up new things whenever listening to their songs...

And this is just the studio songs....


  1. Gotta whole lotta love Led Zep bro! Respect that u bought the boxset as a collection...kalau di tempat aku ni jangan harap la ada brg2 mcm ni...kempunan aku haha...

  2. pergh..terliur tengok boxset ni..hehe

  3. yep sampai coda campur nasik tambah tiga lagu

  4. ada news mengatakan jimmy page tgh remaster all the albums again, possibly with demo, alternate takes and other bonus new artwork

  5. thanks for the info beb.

    kalo dia boleh buat cam Deep Purple remasters yang Roger Glover remix tu pun dah gerek.
