Friday, November 16, 2012

extreme britain - terrorizer's secret history of...

Dari nasyid Hidayah ke sesuatu yang heavy lagi sikit.

Last year Terrorizer magazine came out with the special edition Secret History Of... Thrash Metal featuring James Hetfield on the cover.
Recently they came out with another special edition Secret History Of... Extreme Britain. This times its Steve Harris who is gracing the cover. I like it.

Again about 98 pages thick and this time
focus on everything British roots of metal, black metal, death metal & grind, thrash, punk, hardcore, riffs and spiffs, also mentioning about Scotland, Wales and Ireland acts, way of life and environment, some articles from old Terrorizer magazines,  nice new articles, 50 terrorizer essential extreme british albums countdown,  Dani Filth editorial, and an interesting write-up on legendary radio personalities John Peel & Tommy Vance. Plus lots of other things and expect a lots and lots of bands that you may enjoy, like, dont like, have heard the name before, never heard the name before, to be in this mag with great photos. 
Also kind words and references to the influences of bands from the mid 60s to Led Zep, Deep Purple, UFO, Rainbow, etc etc

I think, its as good as the Thrash Metal edition.

I had a good leisurely read.

Plus a cd I havent heard of newer bands.


  1. Perghh Dani Filth jadi editor utk special edition ni...CoD dah lama meninggalkan zaman black metal yg sound raw tu,lepas tu byk org x berapa berkenan dgn album2 yg terkini...the history is so cliche...

  2. Menarik..! Nak kena cari nih.haritu pusing2 kat kinokuniya tak jumpa pulak.jumpa metal hammer cover depan gambar corey taylor slipknot tu tapi tak beli pun
