Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sheba + Journey

Two things.
Satu sedih , satu happy ,

Sheba, beruang kutub ( polar bear ) yang emak tu, dah mati minggu lepas. Umur 35 tahun. Selalu 25 tahun dah kick the bucket, tapi dia hidup sampai 35 so kira ok la.
Sheba ni lahir kat tengah2 manusia ( captivity ), so kira seumur hidup dia tak pernah rasa Lautan Artik dan tak pernah rasa hidup liar.

Anak dia la tinggal sorang, Inuka. Dah umur mamat ni dah 22 tahun kot.
Kira kalo nak lepaskan kat liar aku rasa kerja giler. Mau mamat ni mati kebulur tak pun kena bunuh ngan members lain. Tak pun kena buli ngan Penguin dan singa laut haha.
Polar bear ni kan, aku belajar satu benda, aku mati2 dulu ingat, konfem bulu dorang mesti warna putih sesuci gitu. Oooo then tengok depan mata oooo kelabu2 gitu la kalo ikut suhu temperature gitu.

So, looking forward to Inuka nye new den kat third zoo nanti, aku rasa mesti pengsi la. Cuma sedih la kan,
dia dah tinggal sorang.
Memang la dorang sekali swing, atau sekali hempap kat kita, konfem kita semua mati, tapi tu la dorang cantik, cute dan dorang pun ciptaan Allah. Buat kita fikir.. terutama sebelum buat sesuatu benda..terutama zaman2 gini.


Moving on...

Journey is coming... I dont know about any Malaysian dates, but Singapore will be March 2013.
Journey is liked I think by different type of people growing up in the 70s to 80s.

From P*%k Khianats to Budak2 Tea Dance to Mat Rock to Mat Metal to even I think one of the best thrash metal singer in history. Pa Ka Liao.

Even now, their songs are still used by all these pop Glee tv series, Mariah Carey, and a very cool moment, the final ending of the Sopranos. How cool is that.

I dont know why people still talk about Steve Perry is not around so its not Journey.
- I always think Journey belongs to Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain.
- Ross Valory is also a long time member.

- Deen Castronovo is ex-Wild Dogs, and also play with Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain in Bad EnglishHe drums fantastic, and he can sings superbly while on drums. Reminds me of Eric Carr.
- I dont have any problem with the Filipino Arnel Pinada, because he is similar to Steve Perry's voice. That is what Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain wants I think.

Revelations album is so a spectacular rock album, very unexpected. I never thought Journey would come out with an album that good with this Philipines guy.
Furthermore, for those who are so obsessed with Steve Perry not in the band,
wake up, because before Arnel they already have Steve Augeri and even Rising Force' Jeff Scott Soto also sang with Journey.
And now, maybe Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain should kick out Arnel and employ the best singer possible to join Journey and he already know the songs and even audition using a Journey song for the world famous band back then-  Joey Belladona from Anthrax. and I would be very happy haha.


  1. Thanks to Glee...anak2 aku tetiba terminat nak godek2 cd Journey aku...

  2. Ada detail Def?
    Rasa2 macam nak pergi ni.

    *How we touched and went our separate ways*

  3. alamak....Journey bikin gig kat sini??

  4. Zan ni kira TOTO nye challenger la kan?

    March 19, 2013, 8pm at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

    Ticket Prices:

    *$3 booking fee applies

    Tickets on sale December 5th at all Sistic outlets in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

  5. berteromber yep Mariah Carey, Sopranos & Glee banyak tolong revive popularity Journey.

    So far announced Singapore je. Lain belum kot

  6. owh..baru tau polar bear ni boleh menyelam..hehe..

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