Sunday, November 11, 2012

slang + acoustic in singapore ( def leppard 1996 double cd )

TERKEJUT BERUK. " Baboon's Surprise " is what I get when first listen to Def Leppard's Slang many many years ago when it came out. The first song and I was like " so where is the harmony chorus? " haha. klank klunk klank klunk.

- I still remember I dont like the more modern rocking songs on this Slang cd, but still enjoyed the slow love songs that Def Leppard is really good at.
- Seems Slang is made when Def Leppard members have big personal problems and without their regular producer. Sort of like Maiden's X Factor isnt it?

- After Slang, I lost interest in Def Leppard later albums except for a few songs,
but I really really like "Promises" from Euphoria, such a catchy pop song,
and from X , I think Def Leppard made their best love song ever " Long Long Way From Home".

- This is also the first full album with Vivian Campbell playing on it.
- Speaking of Dio related, when Ronnie James Dio died, did any Def Leppard member say or give out any messages or tributes? Or they also got trapped in the bad situation between those two people.

Song by song -
TRUTH was like, errm industrial? ok ok Dio also has his own Angry Machines haha.
TURN TO DUST was like " taste of india " and " kashmir ", so I kind of like it.
SLANG was like a pop radio single, just different.
ALL I WANT IS EVERYTHING - ok, familiar territory haha. Love this song, and this song got this beautiful lyrics " Its Hard To Hold Your Head Up, When You're Kneeling Down To Pray ". You can learn about humbleness and humility everywhere, even Def Leppard songs.
WORK IT OUT. I hope they come out with another remix of this song when SLANG is reissused next year as a double album with remixes.
BREATH A SIGH. Love this song. Def Leppard always can be relied on when it comes to slow motion songs haha. Slow Snap Fingers song.
DELIVER ME. Like the startinggg...
GIFT OF FLESH. Rocking song.
BLOOD RUNS COLD. Another slow song. Really nice. Really unbalance album, I like the slow songs, but I got problems adjusting to the rocking songs on this cd.
WHERE DOES LOVE GO WHEN IT DIES. This album has its more than fair share of slow songs.
PEARL OF EUPHORIA. Unmemorable, and there was like some empty space till the song ended.

Now lets talk about the 2nd cd on this Slang limited edition release. Accoustic in Singapore. I remember it was at Hard Rock Cafe, I never go, cam siyak kan?. Where was I then? serving Full time NS, I think so.

- ARMAGEDDON IT was like so fantastic when performed as an accoustic song.
Def Leppard playing accoustic is still so melodic and with very harmonic vocals from the band members.
- TWO STEPS BEHIND. I cannot listen to this song often, makes me feel bored easily but live versions is better and the electric version is nicer.
- FROM THE INSIDE. The best song from retroactive. " I am bad, I am evil, I am winter, I am pain, I messed up your life, I beat up your wife, I lose all your friends, and I win in the end, so you'll be the joker and I'll be the clown". ONE OF THE BEST ALCOHOL ABUSE DRINKING SONG EVER!! Personally for me,  if anyone cannot handle intoxication with calmness and worse suddenly turn to an angry evil ugly orc representing Sauron, please dont drink. This world has enough problems.
- ANIMAL. acoustic and yet still a monster of a song.
- WHEN LOVE AND HATE COLLIDES. love this song always. phewits.
- POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME - acoustic and transformed into out of this world. Happening version.

So that night to hard rock I never go, or at least I can say I have seen Def Leppard play live.

So now waiting for SLANG deluxe version 2013. Remixes, unreleased songs. I really want to hear the remixes of the songs in the this original Slang.

p.s - So I was like thinking, ok skip Slipknot headlining night, skip Ramstein headlining night, ok maybe I try to see Ramstein to check them out, which reminds me that I am so highly waiting to hear Depeche Mode new album coming out 2013. I really dont fuck care the other bands, I just want to see Maiden on the Saturday headlining Donington with SSOASS theme just like 1988 in front of their 100,000 home fans. For others, I rather go sightseeing in Derby area, then news just in... Motorhead, Alice In Chains are confirmed. Phhewwiittt.
and now the biggest rumour is KISS!!!!!!, ooo it would be nice if KISS is willing to play 2nd from headliner show, ooooo I really got to try my best go to Download for 3 days. Ahhh internally I am so stressed up ha.


  1. This album came out during my days of being a teenager,so im pretty much acceptable on this kind of sound...anyway nice cd u got there bro!

  2. Saya suka album, malahan ni album def lepp terakhir yg saya suka. Start album euphoria , magis def lep seperti tiada

  3. Gini aku suka, taste lain2 setiap orang dan tetap dihormati pandangan memasing

  4. Beli versi kaset dulu ni.first time dengar tekejut DL dah tukar style music.tapi lagu all i want is everything is my fav

  5. kena dengar le nampaknya album ni. Antara album Def Leppard yang dibuat donno.

  6. mungkin selepas 16 tahun...aku patut dengo semula Slang ni...
