Monday, November 26, 2012

these colours don't run ( again )

I was just looking at these young, fresh, handsome faces on this youtube posting...

I'm not surprised if some of these boys and young men would be spending their Hari Raya and school holidays with relatives and families and friends  in Tampines, Bedok, Yishun, Jurong, Boon Lay, Marsiling and other heartlander areas...

And I was just plain wondering...

why? and How come it can reach to this extend??

Maybe, I guess its all about being a Weekend Warrior, and not losing face among "friends".
p.s 1827hrs addition - But then I realise, there is at least one kind soul, who seems not to participate.
Maybe his parents, his elders, his teachers, has taught him well or he just has a conscience.


  1. buat malu aje.... kenapa masa kat indon tak bikin ??

  2. sbb tu la malaysia kalah mlm tadi, sebab mereka ni memang bodoh! buat malu tahah melayu jer.. yg main bola singapura tu pun melayu jugak, kenapa nak gelar mereka cam tu? Majulah Singapura! dan Nusantara!

  3. Ultra Malayaz dah mengamok dah psl mcm mana M'sia boleh kalah itu hari...ermmmm kena tukar manager ni...Rajagobal dah hilang function...
