Thursday, December 27, 2012

Maiden fc mag 94 & Xmas Card 2012

Patut aku nak post pasal Rausyanfikir abis tu semalam cek letter box ni dah sampai , so cerita pasal ni dulu k.
This is the front cover of Iron Maiden Fan Club Magazine 94 and also the Christmas Card for 2012.

About 44 full colour pages of everything related to Maiden.
Plenty of reading material, so I guess I would leisurely read thru it next few days.
As usual lots of nice new photos especially on stage with Maiden England stage design. I would spend next few days ogling the photos too hahahaha.
- The video tech interview with the crew member responsible is very interesting.

Love to read about his story regarding Maiden playing Jakarta Indonesia, and his working with the local crew and how their approach regarding electricity.
Got an interesting photo showing the electrical connections in relation to health and safety in Jakarta.

- Janick interview, lots of interesting questions from the fans
- Maiden fans who are serving in Afghanistan. Highly appropriate titled Afraid To Shoot Strangers. Still and forever a most meaningful song.
- Tour press co-ordinator article. Interesting.
- 8 pages spread of simply the most breathtaking Maiden collection by Rasmus. A very famous fan.
Plus lots of other articles, and of course very fantastic photos..

Love this below photo very much...Very beautiful stage design, the depth and the FROZEN EDDIES LOOK AWESOME.
Will be a spectacular sight when they grace Malaysia and Singapore in 2013. HOPEFULLY.

Pyros were not used at all Final Frontier World Tour dates, not only the Singapore show. So it would fabulous to see the pyros come back again this tour. I still got goosebumps remembering the pyros during SBIT show.

Christmas Card, the cover reminds me of the fanclub Maiden biography book cover that you get as a fanclub member back in late 80s to early 90s. I had lost mine.
Love the small print at the back of the card.
All I can for the design of this year card is -  Derek Riggs works is still treasured and appreciated, though I guess all copyright ownerships are under Maiden.


  1. Damn! Some highly rare stuff u got there, mate!

  2. Lawa gamba2 yang di shoot tu..eddie seventh son tu pun cun

  3. pyro memang cool tapi juga jadi malapetaka pada ramai rock star dan peminat!

    bila tengok eddie zaman seven sons, gua baru jumpa poster maiden 'the first ten years' yana ada semua ilustrasi album dan single yang dilukis oleh mr. derek. ilustrasi eddie yang hebat dan metal di tahun 80an.
    eddie alaf baru - suck!

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