Friday, December 14, 2012

throw the dice?

Mari kita lihat sapa yang kena..? tapi ni bukan buah dadu brahim pendek k.
March next year is going to be awesome isnt it? and I think more is to come...
and the lucky numbers are......
1) DEEP PURPLE 12 MARCH 2013 Star Theater Singapore

- new album coming, hopefully new songs live.. but I try not to miss out on Deep Purple everytime they come here... ooo I read they are starting with Fireball this tour....and Wasted Sunset is being played in many places....lalalala.

2) JOURNEY 19 MARCH 2013 Singapore Indoor Stadium

- my life soundtrack is full of Journey songs hohohoho. Fast, slow, in between...

-I like Arnel Pineda. Because he sounds like Steve Perry, and I think he is HUMBLE, and I dont think he will CRITICIZE and INSULT THE COUNTRY AND PEOPLE of a land where he EARNS A LIVING.

Korang bayangkan la, korang gi negeri orang...korang carik makan kat negara orang, lepas tu korang hina rakyat tempatan kat negeri tu pasal ko fikir ko dah bagus sangat, lagi baik dari orang lain...apa orang tempatan rasa?
Aku tak paham sey... Gi carik makan tempat lain la kan.

Hormat la sikit orang tempatan...walaupun ko bijak pandai.
Bila kita kat tempat orang orang, sapa pun kita, kita kena rendah diri, hormat undang2 tempatan, jangan berlagak, jangan pandang rendah sapa2 pun, kat NEGARA KAU, KAu nak mampos ke apa ke takde sapa pedulik.

3) ROBERT PLANT and The Sensational Space Shifters 21 MARCH 2013 Fort Canning Park Singapore.

- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Definitely they're going to play a number of Led Zep songs, I dont care what songs, but from his solo years...please please kindly play Ship Of Fools and 29 Palms haha.But it wont be right? ....AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4) PAUL SIMON 22 MARCH 2013 Fort Canning Park Singapore.

- Hello darkness my old friend, I have come to see you again.... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


6) DONT GO AT ALL. Save up for Maiden and hope for the best.

kalau awak tikam 1000 dirham, saya bayar ribu ribu ribu ribu dirham...


  1. aku tau ko mesti pegi semua punya...hahaha...aku tunggu rebiu ajer la..

  2. amboi...full schedule hah....demi minat kan heheeheh....

    alamak teringat tetibe citer ibrahim pendek baling dadu tu heheeheheh sume kene tipu!

  3. jarang dengar purple main wasted sunset dalam live mereka. melodi yang hebat dan solo nanges dari mr.blackmore

  4. Kalau dapat you pergi la semua show tu bro...baru best! Hahah...terus buat review la

  5. wasted sunset live?best tuu..tak penah dengar lagi DP main live lagu tu..

  6. Salute to Jkt & S'pore organiser for bringing the best lineup for 2012 and upcoming 2013. To deaf, enjoy the shows & I'll wait for ur reviews... \m/

  7. pegi konsert kene pakai dadu jugak ke bang? ehehehe -eddy
