Monday, January 7, 2013

Lost Horizon "kid" & lawak

It is 2013 and I think there are people all over the world still hoping Wojtek Lisicki will regroup Lost Horizon. Bringing back Daniel Heiman in the process.

In just two cds, they had become one of my favourite bands, I am so lucky to get to know of this band while sampling out cds many years ago.
Behind all these cover arts, dressing style, transgalactic deepspace names they used for LH, and the genre they are mostly classfied under- power metal, ( fuck these labellings and brandings sometimes mislead, great music is everywhere, and music fans can be anyone, seeing a young couple in Punky Brewster clothes singing word to word along to Dimmu Borgir is as awesome as watching the band itself on stage, I dont know whom to look, the band or these kids who I guess are true fans though not dressed as expectedly by certain people haha) LH make great songs on their 2 albums. Unfortunately for whatever reasons, LH did not become more famous, they went seperate ways, but still there are some lucky ones worldwide who are touched by their music.

I come across this youtube at ( hohoho, correction ) makes it AFTER work yesterday hehe , Its about 53 seconds of pure unpretentious innocence of a small boy listening to LH first time. The look on his face when he realise that the song has lots more to offer ( Highlander, the inspirational song this boy is listening is about 12 minutes long ) is priceless.
I think this scene is a reflection of the lucky people who love heavy music, had happened for decades worldwide, and will keep being repeated in many household for years to come.

Lidah terjelir cam Gene Simmon,
Tanda Dio guna dua tangan,
Mata terbeliak naikkan ke atas cam kena rasuk...
Lawak..and bila aku tengok kat youtube railing pagar stadium bola Terengganu sampai tercabut berebut tiket maharaja lawak or something, pada aku tu dah tak lawak dah.


  1. fuh bagus budak ni!

    miming yg sangat menjiwai!!!


  2. Time and time again ko blog pasal LH....tapi aku tak pernah try nak dengar LH ni betul2...

    sekarang ni...bukak LH....layan...

  3. me - sedang melayan video tu tanpa perasaan *huhu*

  4. Daniel Heiman muka dia nak macam Lex Luthor dalam crita Smallville.. tapi suara dia memang power!
