Friday, January 25, 2013

music at melody helloween chameleon

I lost touch on Helloween after they play Bukit Larangan Singapore in 24 Feb 2008. It was a fun and happy show with Andi Deris "sweating like a pig", and after complaining of the weather he can still wear that suit which is like the Gambling With The Devil cover.
From the start of the AC/DC intro tape For Those About To Rock, happiness is all around.
After that show I dont really bother about the songs from the next 7 Sinners cd.
Though I do check out a bit of the footage of Helloween's show in Taiwan for that 7 Sinners tour, there was one awesome video recording from the balcony. Happening Taiwan audience.

but then the last month or so, I sampled the three new songs Nabataea, Burning Sun and Another Shot of Life which is already on youtube before the launch of the new album is very nice. I think I listen to Nabatea once a day during the first week then. I really love this Nabataea song time changes.
These 3 songs makes me want to buy the new Helloween Straight Out Of Hell cd, but then I spend my money on another of the Rainbow deluxe 2cd instead haha.

I got an itch to listen to some old Helloween, so I rip my Chameleon cd to the mp3 player and also added a popular bootleg from the Chameleon tour in 1993 called Music At Melody.
Its the 2nd show from the tour, audience taped at Melody Stockholm 15 September 1993.

I like Chameleon, but of course it cannot be compared to the Helloween of the 80s as its totally different in style. By itself Chameleon is a great cd. 12 songs 71 minutes, the only song I dont like is Crazy Cat, the rest of the eleven I do enjoy.
First Time and Giants are still rockers. The inclusive of a short " If youre going to San Francisco dont forget to wear flowers in your hair " melody in Revolution Now is the best. Windmill, In The Night, Music, Longing are slow but pleasant.
Maybe I like it is because I listen to this Chameleon cd maybe once in two years? haha.
If I listen to it more often, surely I am less thrill.
The booklet is nice too, with the cute little cartoon drawings.

OK now......for the Music At Melody. I read somewhere Chameleon tour has lots of problems, I think its cut short, not too popular and then all the band problems and then goodbye Michael Kiske, and also the sad death of Ingo Schwichtenberg.

Check out the songs played.

1. First Time
2. Kids of the Century
3. Crazy Cat
4. When the Sinner
5. Step Out of Hell
6. I Believe
7. Pink Bubbles Go Ape
8. In the Night
(Michael Kiske - rhythm guitar)
9. Your Turn
10. Windmill
11. Giants
12. Music
13. Revolution Now
14. Guitar solo / Oriental Journey
15. Future World
16. The Chance
17. Eagle Fly Free
18. I Don't Wanna Cry No More
19. Dr. Stein

About 19 songs, 109 minutes as the recording of Dr Stein got cut off halfway, maybe the taper runs out of tape or something...But I think its a historic and important recording for Helloween fans even up till now, I think this recording is still going the rounds especially with everyone having internet.
You can hear problems, especially it being 2nd show. Kiske late on some parts, Markus bass problems, starts and stops.
Ooo Iron Maiden was mentioned, seems Helloween had played this place previously with Maiden.
I really like the audience guys surrounding the taper, they were singing and having fun in between songs, even singing Keeper Of The Seven Keys song, but were silent when Helloween were playing. I really like it. Its a good recording.
So, I wonder how the reaction really was that actual night for those expecting some speedier, faster, heavier songs as usually expected with this band.
- 11 songs from Chameleon ( except the ballad Longing )
- 1 song from a Chameleon single Bside
- 4 songs from Pink Bubble Go Ape
- and only 3 songs from the 80s, plus what is definitely a hint of Follow The Sign on the guitar solo.
- and Dr Stein is cut halfway..sigh.
- Also Kiske singing "Give It Away Give It Away" by Red Hot Chili Peppers during the Revolution Now intro.

But I love it, like I say, maybe because I think its been years since I listen to this bootleg.


  1. Album Chameleon ni pun ok n best jugak,walaupun peminat tegar Helloween komplen time tu pasal stail muzik Helloween dah berubah..lagu In The Night,First Time,When The Sinner pun best.

  2. some band need to progress in their music,and sometimes also that progression can be a failure.

  3. Windmill adalah antara lagu yang kalau aku bukak dalam kereta...wife boleh enjoy dengar :)
