Monday, March 25, 2013

High On Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis

Dulu bila aku tengok ni band naik pentas aku tak tahu apa nak jangka, aku tak pernah dengar lagu dorang, tak tahu pun dorang berapa anggota, kira memang tak tahu apa2 la,
sekali tu tengok, ok, 3 anggota, gitaris jugak tukang nyanyi.
Hah kau! bila dorang mula main je ternaik bulu kening aku,
Hebat dan mengasyikkan, aku yang cuma nak tengok2 je dorang main sambil tunggu giliran band2 yang aku memang tunggukan, terus teruja dan fokus. Kecoh giler gitaris/penyanyi dia. Pa Ka Liao, dah la berlengeng tak pakai baju.

Apapun, ni band kira ada macam campur perasa Slayer + Motorhead, bila laju memang ribut,tapi kadang2 bila dorang perlahankan muzik dorang, sedap berdengung je gitu.

This is a quite recent and latest release by High On Fire.
- De Vermis Mysterius.
Seems its translated as Mystery of the Worm. This is a concept album.
Related to works by the Physcho writer, HP Lovecraft works-(Call of) Chtulu etc.

High On Fire, especially Matt Pike (guitarist/vocalist) is an eye opener for me, as I have not heard of them until I see them play live. It was very impressive and enjoyable.
Fast, loud, yet melodic.
I wonder how they are not that bigger and more famous.

So I was taken by surprise among all the beautiful organised ruckus of the first few songs, track no 5 SAMSARA slows down to what reminds me of Led Zeppelin's No Quarter. Moody.

Anyway, I cant get the melody line of Kings Of Days out of my mind. It leaves a lump in my throat, this song.. All 7 minutes of it...

Anyway, I dont know much, but I think High On Fire could be the best metal band from America right now and I hope to see them play again, and this this time I want to be nearer to the stage haha.


  1. Most people nowadays labeled this as one of the pioneers in Stoner Rock...and yes i agree with that...dia punya vokalis/gitaris pun ada buat satu lagi band Stoner Rock iaitu Kalas...perghh memang heavy dan lembap, and i like it! Faizal Skudal kena dgr ini band...

  2. pertama kali jugak baru tau ini band..
