Friday, April 12, 2013

Delta Machine - Depeche Mode

Thru the years, I try to keep in touch with some great British electronic music groups that are still around since the 80s.
One of them is Depeche Mode. Still one of the biggest pop name all over the world.
I got their just released new album Delta Machine, it comes with a double cd, and a nice packaging with over 20pages of photos and lyrics.
One thing never change in my opinion, Depeche Mode is still dark, and still sometimes disturbing. 

My opinion.
13 songs on cd1, 4 songs on cd2.

The album begins with a good start

"Welcome To My World Step Right Through The Door
Leave Your Tranquilisers at home, You Dont Need Them Anymore".
" All The Drama Queens have gone and the Devil got Dismayed
He packed up and fled this town His Master Plan delayed"

Heaven is the 3rd song, I think its the first single.
Seriously, this song got stuck in my mind.

Secret To The End is 4th song, and the first to get me moving, a slow build-up of momentum - this album.
Slow the 6th song has some nice guitars.
The Child Inside has some nice lyrics
" Each tear that flow down your face, Trickles then pick up the pace
And turns to a river inside, a River that will not subside"

9th song Soft Touch/Raw Nerve is certainly a happening bouncing song. I think this makes a fantastic live song.

Moving on to 2nd cd
3rd song Always is uptempo and have a nice chorus.

4th song on cd 2, and the last of the 17 songs is All That's Mine, finish the album on the high.
A head-shaker.

Nice packaging, 2cds , 17 songs that is fine with me, with some great songs , with a good price.
I think its worth it.


  1. bak kata urang tu kan dep lau dah minat...
    layan je
    hati senang so aku pun suka gak Hehehee...tunjuk aaa kamera baru ang tu dep

  2. tak minat Depeche Mode...lebih suka Pet Shop Boys... :D

  3. Bunyi-bunyian synthesizer dari band Depeche Mode ni memang memukau bagi aku sebenarnya, walaupun aku lambat mengetahui psl band ni (early 90's) tapi muzik diorang memang influential. Byk band2 famous macam Deftones, Smashing Pumpkins, Coldplay, Radiohead merasakan Depeche Mode ni antara influences diorang.

  4. I enjoy their Playing Angel (2005) album, Sound of the Universe (2009) kurang dengar, yang baru ni belum dengar..

  5. one of the best electronic band in the world.DM rules.
