Monday, April 22, 2013

white rhino nursing/suckling, hamaryads baboons, lion-tailed macaque, black white colubus monkey etc - April 2013 visit

Takkan habis la cerita pasal minat aku kat haiwan,
ni pertama kali aku nampak sendiri, White Rhino (melayu rasanya panggil Badak Sumbu Putih Afrika??) sedang menyusukan anak dia. Tak salah aku nama si kecik Jumaane dan mak dia Shova.

Now I know, - with all that body of " "armour".

A first time for me, seeing a baby White Rhino suckling/feeding/nursing on his mom. Their names are Jumaane and Shova.
Here are two short youtube videos of the above that I recorded, from the two different angles.

Oh of course you have those having a relaxing time...
and I am cursing because I only got a short while on this zoo visit as I got to go to work for the afternoon shift haha.

Ni baru real nye badak berendam , syok je eh tengok dia berkubang.

Moving to something else with horns...
Majestic horns.. Huge Majestic Horns...
Got some close-ups of one of the Mountain Goat this time when he was near the waterfall... Sorry I dont really know much about the origins of this specific kind, but the horns are awesome.
And they can really move around the steep rocks with no problem.

"dont go chasing waterfalls, stick to the rivers and lakes that you're used to"
TLC, how can they be forgotten?

Speaking of majestic, and also arrogance...
A visit to the Hamaryads Baboons section is always welcomed by many of them turning their backs against you haha..

So much awesomeness in them...

Proud egoistic humans are sometimes a pain in the ass..
But when animals present that same image, they just look cool.

And I just GOT to improve on my taking of their photos next time.

ok speaking of primates/monkeys of all kinds...

next that I think I never blogged about before is

Lion-Tailed Macaque -  Because their facial features and tails resembles the lion.
Tak tahu lak garang cam singa tak? haha.

They are a kind of a black and white colour combination,
but there is another species which is actually called 
black and white colubus monkey and the thing is its first thought these species thumbs were chopped-of by the natives when they're first discovered but not so...they dont use it that much of their thumbs and it evolves.

Ciptaan Allah sangat luas dan berbeza-beza dan sampai buat manusia fikir macam2. Nanti la lain kali sambung.

This post was helped by re-re-re-listening after all these years, to the still unbelievably so freaking awesomely great Motorhead's INFERNO, one of a kind album, and yes when it comes to Keys To The Kingdom, I repeat the solo part. A moment in time really. Like I say, its really one of a kind album by them.


  1. Mountain Goat = True Symbol of Norwegian Black Metal hahaha....ada2 saja aku ni!

  2. hahahah...dah macam cover Putrified Remains pun ada...

  3. beb ko nye passion len mcm ooo... someday go to african jungle or somewhere into the wild lorr... love the nature \m/

  4. Sama mcm dlm album venom la kambing tu..heheh

  5. did i see Abbath from the band Immortal?

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