Sunday, May 12, 2013

Giraffe Zirafah - Lucy,Roni,Growie - 2013 photos

Zirafah, Giraffe.

Look at me, look at me...

Paling tinggi, paling cute, lidah paling panjang,
sopan santun je aku nengok dorang ni, tapi part orang kasi makan ada gelojoh sikit,
aku suka antenna dua kat kepala dorang...Alien, nanoo, nanoo.

Antara sesi beri makanan yang paling menarik pada aku ialah sesi beri makanan kat zirafah. Makan la dorang lobak ke hapa ke... duit masuk tabung amal la untuk maintenance "Singapore Zoo", bayaran 5 ketul je.
Pasal....nanti dorang datang dekat2 ngan korang
dan korang dah nak sama tinggi ngan dorang kat sesi ni...

So you get to know there are 9 sub-species of giraffes, and though they are tallest in the world, and have the longest necks but the number of bones in a giraffe's neck is similar to a human, except the giraffe's is greatly enlarged.

So I took some close-up photos of Lucy & Roni ( the two female Angolan giraffes ) and Growie (the Baringo male ).
Dont ask me who is who because I still dont get it yet, maybe the next visit I can pick each one by name. Lucy is the one who is shy and run-away from people haha, this should be correct.

Ooo, I took the video of the starting of the session and the feeding session itself,  click here ->

and I like it because of the information given out about these 2 ladies and a gentleman. And yes they looks very gentle, but I think their kick is deathly when they are in danger.

So the lion is showing of his tounge too...
Its great when the animals look towards your direction and so you can take photos of their faces.

to be continued and continued


  1. sangat chommel, dep. dah macam dalam NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Sungguh menawan. Zoo kat tempat ang memang best. Zoo KL ni aku tengok cam biasa je

  2. Aku rasa mcm nengok channel Animal Planet pulak haha...nice pictures bro!

  3. aku masuk salah blog ke?? Deaf Angel The Zoo Keeper of the Seven Keys?

  4. Very very nice photos bro..cute zirafah ngan singa jelir lidah tu

  5. lain macam rafi punya "cute" ..hehehe

  6. zoo johor tu hari dorang kasi makan kacang panjang....aku rasa zirafah ni apa2 sayur pun dia bedal kot...

  7. Mak aaiiihhh panjang nye lidah...tapi kira ok laaa sbb leher dia pun panjang...
