Thursday, June 13, 2013

amazing 2nd night Maiden Frankfurt 2013

a fascinating thing happened just now during Maiden's  second night in Festhalle, Frankfurt.
Bruce asked the audience, i mean those in front area to kneel. He was sayin things in German too, so I guess he was just having fun for the audience to jump up during the song Running Free. its awesome how Maiden have so much fun with the audience.

i got it on video, Yes, tonight i stand furher behind , I was on the 2nd barrier, I mean Festhalle is so long and huge that they installed a few barriers I guess for safety, but you are still freeto move around or join the madhouse fans right in front.

so tonight i just laid back, enjoy the show, LISTENED to the band more like it, and its perfection. 
i try to video the special timings, as and when tonight,
- the pyros explosions
- all the fires and flames rising, ON MANY SONGS MAY I ADD.
- the crowds and atmosphere. like i say, the Germans love their maiden. PEOPLE OF ALL AGES, CRUTCHES, WHEELCHAIRS, different style of clothings, irs all there.
- the lightings, spectacular light shows
i just place my handphone resting on rhe barrier.

and from what i see, Eueopean fans , i mean in Birmingham and Frankfurt, dont really take out their handphones much, so there is not much blockings of views, though these white people are tall, even some of the ladies and i really need to strain up to see bettee haha, bit srill muxh better rhen yesterday, so yes not much camera handphones,  they are there to really absorb and have fun wih the bands, i mean Bon Jovi and Maiden.

its awesome, iwill share my videos next time.

funny thing is, the Germans i had talked with, were saying how excitig it will be at DoningtonPark this Saturday.
in fact the Maiden crew member on hearig i'M going to Donigton was saying it will be a SPECIAL SHOW.
Thats good, but i'm a bit worried of my safety, haha. last night i was already squeezed by the Germans in front, i am wondering how it will be like if this saturday's attendance reach 100,000.
i guess i will quitely stand ar the back or sides, just enjoying ir a bit further away.
but, who knows haha, i will be joining the crush up front.

photos and videos next time ofmy backpackig trip in these two countries.

helloooooo, i realised, not much typo error tonight, i giess i am not shacked as last night,.


  1. European fans x suka ambik video semasa tengok konsert...ada bagusnya least they concentrate tengok performance band yg diorang suka...

  2. Nice story,nasib baik takda typo..heheh

  3. tunggu ko punya gambo pegi sightseeing...kalau ada gambo gi zoo pun alrite jugak...

  4. dep, aku teringin nak gi Frankfurt tu
    tapi bukan nak nengok concert tapi nak shoppink aa, volleh ghitu Hehehee
