Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bon Jovi @Villa Park Birmingham 9 June 2013 review - my maiden europe 2013 day 1

Masa aku balik kerja tadi aku dengar balik bootleg aku rakam masa tengok Bon Jovi, so aku rasa aku lompat cerita pasal ni show dulu la...
Pertama sekali opening band petang tu ada dua, band nombor dua THE ENEMY best giler.
Aku tak suka sangat label genre2 gini pasal cam puaka kadang2 pasal macam aku selalu cakap muzik best boleh dapat kat mana2. Dari Kenny G ke Punk khianat. Kalo kita dah taksub satu genre tu, belum apa2 kita dah kondem muzik genre lain...siap kutuk2 peminat2 muzik genre berlainan tu, pada aku rugi la kan kita miss good muzik.
The Enemy ni band indie rock gitu katanya, Indie ke, Indian ke, Red Indian ke, lantak la, janji pada aku dorang The Enemy ni gerek abis masa aku tengok dorang main live.
Dorang start main, aku dengar sikit je terus aku keluar handphone rakam sikit. Aku ada taruk dalam youtube channel aku, hidup dorang live, 3 piece je. Terbaik. Dari sorang je crew dorang soundcek lepas 1st band main, dah memang mata melekat la tengok stage. Anticipation.

OK, masa aku gi backpacking ni, aku dah plan macam gini...
- Tengok Bon Jovi, aku nak enjoy, happy2 goyang2, singalong confirm kebanyakkan lagu aku akan boleh ingat balik liriks tak jadi hal, tapi since aku nak bootleg so aku singalong tapi tak tak keluar suara la haha.
- Tengok Maiden malam pertama kat Frankfurt aku nak Giler Babi "goes f^cking mental" sehadapan dan tengah yang boleh. Nasib baik aku tak cedera, nanti la aku cerita.
- Tengok Maiden malam kedua, aku nak diri belakang sikit, aku nak tengok Maiden main, aku nak tengok stage show dan semua special effect bunga api, pyro, stage lights dorang, dan aku nak DENGAR dorang sebijik2.
- Tengok Download Festival nye bands aku nak relaks2 dan absorb atmosphere.

This is the setlist for Bon Jovi - Birmingham Villa Park 9th June 2013
...27 mostly stupendous songs that I had always like...they play near to 3 hours mark.

1. thats what the water made me
2. you give love a bad name
3. born to be my baby
4. raised your hands
5. lost highway
6. runaway
7. its my life
8. because we can
9. what about now
10. we got it going on
11. keep the faith
12. amen
13. bed of roses
14. captain crash and the beauty queen from mars
15. we werent born to follow
16. who says you cant go home
17. rocking all over the world
18. i'll sleep when i'm dead
19. bad medicine/old time rock n roll/bad medicine
encore 1
20. dry county
21. wanted dead or alive
22. in these arms
23. happy now
24. have a nice day
25. livin on a prayer
encore 2
26. always
27. blood on blood

- What is the attraction of Bon Jovi after all these years? about 30 years now this band is around?
- When I reach Villa Park, thousands and thousands, easily 35,000? or much much more? The pitch standing tickets are definitely full house, and the stands, are packed as well.
- People of all ages, of all walks of life I believe, the very young to the very old, all dressed differently, I see a guy wearing a fanclub tshirt of Iron Maiden haha.
- When Bon Jovi starts the whole place just erupt.
- I guess I am standing at the right place with the right people, at the start one guy was taking out his handphone to record and he was asked by one of the people around him to put it away.
Seems like JUST ENJOY THE BLOODY SHOW!!! fuckcare all the handphones and video recordings..and dont obstruct people who WANTS TO SEE THE SHOW ON STAGE WITH THEIR EYES.
- Everyone was like dancing and moving and singing along on the spot haha.
- The stage was like from one corner flag of Villa Park to the other corner flag...Its huge. The car stage really works to show sort of like travels, and with all the effects and lights and colour, its a sight to behold.
- Phil X seems I hear Jon Bon Jovi call him sounds like "felix" was the Ritchie Sambora's replacement. He starts his lead guitars and solos from 3rd song onwards. He is very alive onstage.
- The live 2nd guitarist that Bon Jovi always use is as usual low-profile but he solos on 1st two songs, and some other songs.
- Tico Torres and Dave Bryan is there and quite often appears on the jumbo screens.
- I dont how to describe song after song of wonderfulness and happiness haha.
Raise Your Hands! ooooooohhhh myyyyy.....
Ok some albums of Bon Jovi I dont really like, but nobodys perfect, and even one or two songs I dont care much for, the people around me were singing word by word haha.
- Keep The Faith ending has Dave Bryan and the two guitarists soloing in and out of each other.
- Bad Medicine was like...ok....15 minutes? haha.. and includes " I am not handsome like Justin Bieber (cue HAHAHAAHHAAHAHA!!!), I cannot dance like Justin Timberlake ( cue BOOOO!!!!!) haha.
- Amen. Most most unexpected song of the night, the two guitarists on accoustic.
- Encore starts with Dry County. Most emotional, roller coaster and deep song. Its a wonder November Rain was such a huge hit on the radio and all over the world, unfortunately Dry County, a similar long song aint,
but nevermind, I think most Bon Jovi fans rated this song highly, and around me even ladies are mouthing this song " Now the moneys gone, all the jobs are gone". I guess November Rain is a love song,while Dry County is a depressing song about life, and death and all the hardship in between.
- Livin On A Prayer we got the two versions, the first portion of the accoustic version and then the full original version, ooo I thought the ending chorus stops after two rounds, but Jon was urging the crowd to keep on singing so we got four rounds till band stops playing. I dont mind if it goes to 10, cause I like it haha.
- Jon was very kind, so Bon Jovi plays two more songs...Always is like a monster hit? I know this song is popular but I didnt know its like 'all goes crazy for the song' popular.
- Yaaaa!!! They play Blood On Blood. Jon should have change the lyrics that night to " and me, I'm just the singer in the world's favourite rock n roll band" haha.
- ok ok, I dont get to see them play Someday I'll Be Saturday Night haha. and of course Good Guys DOnt Always Wear White, the rest of the songs from Slippery When Wet, New Jersey, no Superman Tonight, NO SAVE THE WORLD??!! Undivided, no so many songs....
ok ok, I know its impossible but 27 songs and most of them are BLOCKBUSTER SONGS (AT LEAST TO ME)....3 hours...
- ok the merchandise stands do have some nice tour tshirts, but I was saving money for Iron Maiden "dated ones" ones, so I cannot buy even one haha. But I did bought the tour program. Maybe I'll take photos of it and paste it in this blog next time.

Now some photos...

Wait I will write and put up photos of Birmingham city, the short time that I am there....
I think I am there for less than 24 hours, But I managed to jalan-jalan a bit...
and the delicious food... I ate Beryani there haha.


  1. Dry county diorang ada main live?dapat tgk depan mata lagi..priceless!

  2. bro, nak tanya...dari Birmingham ke Donningtan berapa lama perjalanan either by train or car?

  3. Aku tak travel direct pasal aku gi frankfurt in between tapi dorang memang dekat jugak kot.

    Dari london birmigham train 2jam lebih.
    Dari london derby tiga jam lebih..

    Tapi ada tren express yang tak berenti banayk stesen.

  4. stage cantik...ada blood on blood, dry county, raised your hands, runaway...kira ko dah untung la...tapi kalau lagi banyak main lagu2 zaman 80an memang lagi syiok la kan...
