Thursday, July 11, 2013

Arsenal Emirates Stadium- My Maiden Europe backpack 2013 day 5

Lots of photos on this post...but firstly a video with a short 'intro' of this portion of my trip. Anyway my fetish are two things - Iron Maiden & Arsenal.
Ni video aku buat, ialah video angan2 mat jenin, berangan kalau dapat kerja ngan Arsenal haha.
Tu jam cuaca sejuk giler, dah tu hujan, angin kuat sejuk dia gigit2 dah boleh rasa sampai tulang, ngan backpack aku tu jam rasanya dah 10kg, berat giler aku angkut dari airport Heathrow, ni Emirates Stadium aku pergi terus dari aku sampai dari Frankfurt pagi2.
Ngan tak cukup tido, berdengung je..malam sebelum nye, abis tengok Maiden malam kedua dah tu mandi, packing cepat2, dah tu kul 3pagi sampai airport Frankfurt pasal aku takut aku lambat, siap aku tak berani tidur kat airport Frankfurt pasal aku takut aku tak boleh bangun haha, ngan security cek lagik, ngan flight awal gi London pasal aku nak pusing2 kota London seberapa banyak aku mampu berjalan kaki untuk berapa jam sebelum naik keretapi gi Derby/Donington Park untuk tengok Maiden headline Download Festival dan jugak band2 lain.
Tak silap naik Underground tak yah tukar keretapi terus dari airport. Dalam sejam kot sampai tapi Emirates Stadium ni kawasan dia ada tiga stesen Underground, so banyak cara nak sampai.
Pe pun aku bersyukur sepanjang backpack trip ni, aku tak buang masa kat mana2 immigresen. Ni sebenarnya aku paling cuak kalau sangkut, pasal semua plan aku nak gi sana gi sini confirm tergendala. Aku nye plan semua cukup2 time gi sana gi sini. Agak pegawai2 imigresen cek aku semua peminat Maiden kot haha.

kalau tak boleh gi sini...

ok I stop at Arsenal Underground station...

then I just walk in the coldest weather and wind I ever experienced, with a torture of a heavy backpack on my shoulders and back. Anyway, I cannot imagine if I live in this neighbourhood a stone's throw from the stadium, it would be nice haha.
So Emirates Stadium, how I wish I had gotten the opportunity to visit the old Highbury.
So I bought myself a ticket to tour around the stadium (I end up discarding the audio-video device which you can listen to and just explore on my own), plus access to the Arsenal Museum, and of course OGLING at all Arsenal merchandises at the Armoury. Jerseys, clothings of all kinds, cups pans glasses, decorations, and whatever thing you imagine haha.. 

Let me tell you, bought a original jersey ( not for myself, I got me a replica 1971 jersey , I prefer the classic simple yet awesome look of the 70s before JVC comes into the picture and the change of the crest to the new one ). So ok, just to give you an idea, over there the new 'being use for present season' jersey will cost about 50 pounds, and plus the name (if you opt for a player's name, the template is ready ) and number and if you want a "premier league" badge or " champions league" badge or whatever on the shoulders sides, it will cost you about 20 pounds more.. They will do everything in front of you, and the satisfaction is that its as close to a jersey that same player wear during games.
Walaubagaimanapun, aku ada kenal satu kawan yang bukak cerita kat aku pasal kita minat sama team, bahawa dia pernah sendiri dapat jersi Dennis Bergkamp dari tangan Bergkamp sendiri masa dia gi tengok Arsenal berlatih kat London (dekni punye cerita pasal Arsenal memang gempak, giler nye peminat, dia dah tengok Arsenal main kat Highbury ngan Emirates, dan dapat giler2 nye akses kat benda2 yang orang cuma berangan je, satu aku puji dia pun orang biasa2 je cam kita semua, cuma Arsenal ni dia punya Passion, jadi dia memang giler plan betul2 la kot untuk ni semua, aku tak tahu berapa dia nak kena belanja pasal tak senang kita dari jauh nak gi tengok Arsenal main kat sana, mungkin cam aku plan untuk Maiden, dan jugak korang plan untuk gi memancing kat Lautan Hindi ke, laut cina selatan ke, apa je la....passion kita masing2.. ), dan dia mendapati jersi Bergkamp tu cutting dia lain sikit, ada macam custom-made gitu ikut badan Bergkamp.

OK JUST ENJOY ALL THE RANDOM PHOTOS!!!! (its been a long time since I typed this 'click any photo to enlarge it')

tak silap aku, waktu tu stadium Arsenal ni digunakan untuk konsert Green Day, ni kira cam aku gi Aston Villa nye stadium tengok Bon Jovi main la.
Kalau Iron Maiden main kat Emirates Stadium, woooooo hooooooooo... harap sila beritahu dua tahun sebelum nye jadi aku boleh buat persedian hahaha.

There are pendants swapped during games being displayed in this Museum, I found two MALAYSIA ones...
I cannot find any SINGAPORE ones haha, any Arsenal had played in Singapore but it was against Liverpool many years ago..

The END.. Arsenal is red and white, Iron Maiden's famous font lettering is red and white. Just thinking aloud...


  1. Arsenal? Ermmm okla...tapi nice jugak ada cenderahati dari Pasukan Bolasepak Malaysia terdapat di stadium sana.

  2. tak jeles sangat pasal bukan Old Trafford....hahaha....

  3. campur tolak semua berapa kos overall nak buat trip ni?

  4. Arsenal??? alamak... skip... hehehehhe

  5. Very2 nice..kira dream come true jugak la dpt dtg kat Arsenal punya stadium ni eh

  6. Mm tiket konsert
    Bon jovi 100 pound
    Maiden jerman x 2 malam 140 euro
    Download festival 200 pounds.

    Fligt sg-lon 1200++sing
    Lon-franfurt 300euro? I forgot.

    Ni yang critical ni.

  7. dapat gak ang menjejal stadium arsenal ni dep
    teringin nak gi LONdon
    mimpi mimpi je gamaknya
    Nais Photo dep

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