Tuesday, August 6, 2013

FC BARCE"hari raya"LONA

(If there is a soundtrack for this post, then its Van Halen's "I cant stop loving you".)

First reason I thought of that song and humming it while typing this post is that, ya I know its Hari Raya, but just like the first line of this song " There's a time and place for everything, for everyone".. So got to try to make it for FC BARCELONA , need  to find the time to go Bukit Jalil Stadium on this Saturday night, and ooohh training session on Friday too.
Secondly yap, the chorus, its for ex- EL CAPTAIN Fabregas, and Song. Never forgetten them, especially Fab4.

So its a rare chance to see Barcelona plays live. 

To see close-ups of Messi, Neymar, Valdes, Alves, Pique, Xavi, Iniesta, Song, Fabregas etc etc etc basically the whole team.
I am not really a fan of this club, but I think they play the best and most entertaining football besides ARSENAL FC. The only difference is Barca plays well and win trophies. HAHAHAHA!! ( thats a painful laughter may I add ).

Ooo another thing, check out the stored-value card for travelling on Kuala Lumpur's subway with this design. Fancy.
The usual stored value card is worth about 12RM with a 10RM value, but this fancy design cost 20RM with the same 10RM value.


in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia 
and the Rest Of The World -

Happy Eid Fitr, Aidil Fitri, Hari Raya Puasa, Lebaran, or whatever you called it.


World Peace, Arsene Knows and Up The Irons \m/


  1. dep, aku mohon ampun dan maaf andai ada terkasar tutur bicara dalam komen mengomen ni. Selamat Hari Raya dep. jangan lupa up photo food banyak banyak erk...hehehe

  2. Enjoy the celebration.. Maaf zahir batin \m/

  3. Kalau Fabregas masuk Man Utd....agak2 dia kena boo tak time main kat Emirates....heheh...selamat beraya beb.

  4. Selamat hari raya bro dep.mohon ampun dan maaf andai ada ferkasar bahasa..
