Sunday, August 25, 2013

Metallica/Anvil - Live Singapore 24 August 2013 (part "I cant remember anything...cant tell if this is true or dream" aka part one)

Anvil short review is in red further below, the rest of the text is just some observations of the whole event and organisation. Metallica I talked a bit till next time in this colour at the bottom.

2013 has been a year of firsts because I finally I got to see bands like UFO, Motorhead, Alice In Chains, etc etc and surprisingly Anvil.
Seeing Anvil is certainly another one of those once in a lifetime occasion, its really a wicked surprise to announce them just few days before the Metallica show.

Firstly, kudos to Lauretta Alabbon, I cannot find any fault at all with the whole organisation for the Metallica show. 
-I think lots of money has been spent on the whole organisation of the show, they even occupy the whole Hall 3B Expo to cater to those travelling by the 'advanced book' bus service.
- I notice they employed quite a lot of support staffs from even at Expo itself. 
-I notice the taxi queue at Expo with lots of those wearing Metallica tshirts, I think the organisers are strict with the "tickets only" for the bus service.
-Pleasant surprise, a headcount done to ensure everyone has a seat on the buses. NOW, THAT IS CLASS!!. I'm sure all these catering to the expats/foreign visitors/tourists/ do have a nice benefit to the locals.
-Reaching Changi Exhibition Site, and I realise, FUCK  there will be no PYROS!! The airplanes are landing and taking off at quite a distance but I dont think they will allow all these fireworks, or maybe its just Metallica not bringing Pyros for Asia?
-So a friend I went with wants to look for the merch, and then seems I hear BADASS ROCK N ROLL? so I called my another friend who came earlier and he said " ANVIL HAD STARTED!!
What the fuck! So forget Merchandise, its a rush for Anvil.

So Anvil played about 45minutes, - Winged Assassins, On Fire, Mothra, Swing Things (and what a super jazzy drumming instrumental), Hope In Hell, Metal On Metal etc etc.

The guitar solo with the Vibrator is performed. I quickly took out my handphone to record it.
I recorded the show on audio as usual, but unfortunately I missed the first two songs at least.

So this is the vibrator solo for Singapore haha.

Got to hear Anvil count in "one two one two fuck you"
Anvil changed the lyrics for Mothra to  " IN THE LAND OF SINGAPORE, LIVES A MIGHTY MONSTER CALLED MOTHRA!!"
Also the guitarist/singer introduced the drummer as his best friend in the world or something.

this is another one I videoded (yes I know broken english),
its the last part of Winged Assassins and start of On Fire.

If it has been any other band playing after Anvil, then Anvil could have killed the following band, but then its Metallica.

Still I think Anvil has won over a lot of fans in Singapore. Good for them.

Metallica I will talk cock about it later, or tomorrow...

ok, roll the bootleg, 
really rubbish with me having a lunatic karaoke session and moving about, but not to worry, I hope there is the soundboard out soon.....
Anyway, how easy the lyrics are recalled and confidently sing alound, even some of these songs I have not heard for many years.

Metallica's setlist for Singapore 2013 was...

1. Hit The Lights
2. Master Of Puppets
3. Shortest Straw (SURPRISE!!!yes!yes!yes!yes!)
4. Ride The Lightning
5. Fade To Black
6. Memory Remains (infinity ending haha)
8. Welcome Home Sanitarium
9. Sad But True
10. ...and Justice For All (HIPHIPHORRAAYY!!)
11. One
12. For Whom The Bell Tolls
13. Blackened and jam
14. Nothing Else Matters
15. Enter Sandman
16. Creeping Death
17. Battery
18. Seek And Destroy and I dont know what happen next thing because we left during this song, rush for the bus, and then the last MRT to leave Expo for Tanah Merah haha.
If Metallica and Anvil had done a special encore together I wont know. But boleh la, korang semua hari minggu tak yah kerja!!! haha.

Somewhere in there Kirk Hammett doddle Iron Maiden's Where Eagles Dare.

To be continued.


  1. now that u've mentioned it, kat KL pun hammett ada main riff2 lagu WED tu...

  2. Untung dapat tengok Anvil skali..yg lagu no.7 tu broken,beat and scarred kot?album death magnetic,btw nice review bro..tq

  3. Tahniah ,shabas dan terima kasih kerana Saudara Deaf Angle memang telah beruntung dapat menonton Anvil live dan berkongsi pengalaman. Kesuntukkan masa dan Kewangan telah menghalang saya untuk turun ke Changi untuk melihat Anvil live. Kesal dan Sangat rugi. A.M.P.U ~3442.

  4. Nice...tu saja yg gua boleh cakap hahah

  5. KL pun takde bunga api. Cuma ada mercun bola aje penonton bakar sebelum habis lagu last.

  6. KL pun takde bunga api. Cuma ada mercun bola aje penonton bakar sebelum habis lagu last.

  7. i was at the front stage barricade, being pushed by nearly 10 000 (?) people at the back... small matter, the feeling got to watch HETFIELD riffing in front of my eyes? !@#$%^&*()@#$%^&*(!@#$%&*(*&^%$!@#$%^&*!@#$%^$%^#$%^#$%^&$%^ !!!!! hahahahaha

  8. banyak2 review yang paling aku tunggu2...pasal ko selalu tau apa yang ko betul2 bukan poser...hahahaha...

    Somewhere in there Kirk Hammett doddle Iron Maiden's Where Eagles Dare"
    ingat fan biasa2 sedar ker benda ni...

    Thanks deaf. Tunggu ko punya bootleg arr..

  9. ni tempat venue memang class...

    Kat Stadium Merdeka walaupun takda bunga api kita dapat lihat:

    1) padang kosong belah tengah...memalukan je (ini semua salah penganjur)

    2) 3 -4 orang main kejar-kejar dengan RELA - lompat dari zon PPRT pegi ke tengah padang zon mahal

    3) bebudak panjat tangki air sampai yang top level tu (teringat masa main game MAx PAyne) semata-mata nak tonton concert free

    4) brader2 polis tengok free dari berek polis berjampiran Stadium.

    5) tiada Ribena disediakan . They drink Ribena. Metallica fans dont.

