Tuesday, October 29, 2013

live from metropolis studios limited edition 500 version - belinda carlisle

Lets continue with the Belinda Carlisle's avalanche which hits me this few weeks.
So this is her very recent release Live From Metropolis Studios dvd and cd.

Metropolis Studios is in West London and the show was performed on 27th May 2012.
I got the Limited Edition which is only 500 sets worldwide and mine is number 038/500.

So its been a week of limited editions for me.
Blaze Bayley platinum edition release was even lesser, only 300 available.
The packaging is different from the normal one, theres a nice set of live photos in this edition, and you got a signed photo too.

Its a very intimate setting, Belinda dont even have much space to manuevour on the small stage.
There seems to be around about 100 of her fans squeezed in the tight space.
The fans are predominantly males, who seems to have a great awesome happy time.
Its a pleasure to watch this dvd.
- The two french songs she did are serious stuffs for me as a fan. Those French "Chanson" songs.
Reminds me of the scene from Saving Private Ryan movie, before the climatic battle where the Americans were waiting for the
Germans arrival and they were listening to a French song on the turntable.
- Vision of You seems improvised with a bit of male band members backing vocals.
- I think "Sun" was not released yet then, so its kind of a new unheard song during this performance.
- Every of her solo albums are represented here with at least a song each though Runaway Horses has six plus two Go-Go's songs.
- For me "Big Scary Animal" was so obvious in getting the place rocking. The REAL album is really a rocker, and I will talk about the remastered deluxe version of Real next post.
- Love the stage banters by Belinda, her jokes about calories loss of her drummer,
and she nonchalantly just opening a bottle of water and drinking it direct right on stage with her fans also having their bottled water drinks in between songs. Really a tight squeezed show.
- The band is rocking, the lady backing vocals is good too, and is Belinda's bassist for that night the same ANDY CARR who plays for Bruce Dickinson's Tattooed Millionare album and era?
Thats wonderful because both Belinda and Bruce are great performers with great songs.
- Anyway, the accompanying CD version has the same amount of songs but its basically heavily edited to leave out all the stage banters, so as to fit the music in one cd.


Now lets talk about the documentary which is part of the dvd.
Its really interesting, even if you're not a listener of Belinda Carlisle.
Belinda Carlisle opens up and tell stories of her growing up years, her family, her upbringing, her teenage years,
"the pretending to be angry" scene,
also the California radio and the New York music when she was growing up and the bands and singers which were on both scenes,
the decision to be either a singer or a drummer she has to make,
how the Go-Go's comes about, their principle, their climb to fame, then her solo career, and the drugs stories, and the drugs abuse, and the drugs SELF-SABOTAGE which makes interesting viewing, heroin being her choice of drugs,
how she was asked to be sexy, to wear sexy clothes for popularity sake I guess,
all the intimate things, and I like when she talks about respect and being respected in her career.
and she talks about BACKPACKING trips to India and places,
and she did mention not going to big hotels and not doing the normal things other tourists did,
and the best part was when I think she was asked about her regrets or something,
and she tells abouts the time she did the demo tape for an amazing song which she really like.
Unfortunately, her record company did not like the demo for this song,
Unfortunately seems its one of the few moments where she did not fight with her record company over this song issue.
Then one day she was in a petrol station in France, and she heard a familiar tune on the radio,
and she realise its the song she had done the demo,
and the song is number one all over the world being sung by another person.
And that song is Celine Dion's Falling Into You.
On the documentary shows Belinda's regret even though she says that Celine Dion has a great voice.
Now, if we can get that demo of Belinda Carlisle doing Falling Into You, that will be the bigg thing for all her fans.
Thats about it...standby for more Belinda Carlisle's Avalance.



  1. woo...no 38...pantas!!

    teringin gak nak dengar Falling Into You versi dia...aku tak minat celine dion..

  2. Falling into you tu ciptaan dia ke?dia tak saman record company tu

  3. belinda demo, tu lagu ditulis untuk dia. rekod company je cakap tak best dan rejek.

  4. Dia ade citer tak masa zaman punk dia main drum utk the germs hihihu

  5. 38 dari 500. Macam peluang untuk sendiri pun tipis. Patut dah Blu ray. Bukan DVD lagi.
