Thursday, November 28, 2013

backpacking for ............

This is my backpacking bag. I had used it for like 3 to 4 years, looks worn out but I trust this bag.

I am fortunate to find the type of bag that I had dreamt of if I want to backpack. No metal parts so its very light but the material and workmanship seems reliable, enough side pockets, able to be expandable topside, and I didn't detect any stich failures even if I carry over 12kg and squeeze as much things in. Able to fit into the plane easily as I carry it with me on-board. I had never anyone asked me how much my bag weights when I want to board the plane, so I presume I can carry as much heavy stuffs as I can I can on my backpack.

I think I got another photo of how I pack my wet stuffs like shampoo and shower creams into the zip lock bag (of course I stand in the muddy fields and in the rain for Maiden, or indoor stadiums getting sweaty, exchanging sweats and having others perspirations bathing me in the horrible madhouse of the more front section of the craziest fans, but still I must smell good right? hahaha.. Bullshit I know, its but its not always greasy and slimy all the time even being a man on the street.. )...will find it later .. but first..

So Maiden will play live in 2014, whether they will play, at least to me, the two most important countries that is Singapore and Malaysia is unknown, but definitely a short Europe tour is confirmed with the Rock Am/Im Ring announcement. Manager Rod Smallwood had let known they want to play live every year as to ensure their fitness especially Nicko.

Personally I would want Maiden do a new studio album in 2014, and do a full world tour just like Final Frontier Tour end of 2014 till mid 2015. I need new stuffs from them. Been so long...and never shall Maiden turn into a CABARET BAND!! playing to old stuffs, living and hanging on the past relying on past songs, and all that style..(I first learn of this Cabaret Band term thingy from an AC/DC interview long ago). That's is why the bands that I like, I would want always brand new albums from them with brand new songs.
Now it seems the we will get a new album which seems likely as their final studio album is somewhere in mid 2015 the EARLIEST.

Now, in my hearts of hearts, I just hope...Maiden will drop by Asia/Australia either April 2014 or after the very short Europe Tour of mostly festivals which will be around end of July or August 2014. (REMEMBER FASTING MONTH IS END OF JUNE TO END OF JULY 2014).
The Ass Of The World as far as Maiden is concerned lacks Maiden since early 2011.
So the gap of more than three years is enough to get pop/rock/metal music lovers to get excited again and buy Maiden tickets. I guess Maiden is a household name for many, still.

What about myself?
I had planned to see Maiden again, so its basically backpacking by myself for about a week to another location I have never been. I had thought it will be in 2015 on the next world tour to support a new album, but with these announcements, and all the rumours and gossips about Hellfest full line up which is yet to be announed, I was just doing some surfing to see the feasibility of me travelling to this village called Clisson or something near a city called Nantes.
- Donington Park Download Festival was quite easy as everything is in English. I choose to keep my stuffs and refresh and get some sleep in nearby Derby and have no problem at all with the transportation and everything.
- Backpacking across Australia for Maiden was also easy due to the language usage.
- Germany for Maiden is not that difficult as I just stay in Frankfurt city for Maiden two nights there and its solely for Maiden and though the signage and stuffs are in German but the people there are helpful to me when I speak to them in my PHUA CHU KANG ENGLISH.
- But I understand Hellfest will be about 40,000 per day max, so I guess its smaller than Download which I believe hits 100,000 fans for the day Maiden headline.
So how do I get the tickets? and where do I refresh and catch some sleep, that's the problem, as I don't think I want to camp.
But Hellfest is playing in my head, reading the rumours of the lineups is incredible, what with the ones already announced. A chance of a lifetime really for me.
- Rock Am Ring/Im Ring Festivals.. is unfortunately not worth it for me at the moment, I rather travel to see Maiden arena shows at different places..
- Knebworth with that rumour of Maiden/Metallica/BlackSabbath and even ACDC can I put this?? FASTING MONTH!!! for Muslims. Kind of inappropriate. HAHA.

Anyway, lets see how the dates announcement goes these next few days...
Its always a gamble, get the tickets first, and then start to worry the next few months about the finance, cost of flight tickets, the leaves from work, ensuring my love ones quality of life are not affected by me going crazy for Maiden.. again and again and again.

If for whatever reasons I cant make it, the tickets will be kept for a memory of what could have..

Theme of 2014.

I guess it wont be Maiden England... I guess it will like all the rumours - some 90s songs will be in the setlist.

So my wishful guess and I kind of fantasise it not to deep but not too shallow kind of thing.., taking into consideration - only songs played live before will be played.

2. (scream for me - name of city/festival) - THE FLIGHT OF ICARUS
3. (if you gonna die!!??) - DIE WITH YOUR BOOTS ON
5. (good evening, this short tour is to celebrate some songs from the 90s, some old songs we rarely played, some songs which I guess we will never play again, this one is a title track from...blablabla) - NO PRAYER FOR THE DYING
7. FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (with lots of sing-alongs crowd participation)
10. (the next song is a song we left out from the previous tour...bla bla bla) - INFINITE DREAMS
16. BRING YOUR DAUGHTER TO THE SLAUGHTER (with lots of sing-alongs crowd participation)
17. SANCTUARY (halfway introduce band members and mentioning the next album will come out next year and it will be a double album, yesss this is a fantasy).

though I guess Tailgunner, Afraid To Shoot Strangers will be played I guess?
p.s -
and in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore they will play a second encore - World Premiere of live version of JUDAS BE MY GUIDE and I WOULD BURST INTO TEARS AND CRY MY EYES OUT!!!!! Freaking fabuloustic song.. and I got to stand in front of Dave Murray for this one.

ok bullshit I know.. haha.

Check this photo,  I remember I kind of lump everything into this zip-lock bag, including two finger-nail cutters yes KIASUISM haha..
I remember at one of the airport I was informed "YOUR BAG IS TOO BIG!!", haha...and the kind lady gives the proper size, and both of us were hoping we can squeeze the liquids stuffs into it.

You meet nice people everywhere....


  1. dep, ang nak gi mana lagi ni dep
    wah mengembara bersama pujaan tercinter ke

  2. gambar yang last tu..mengalahkan make up pompuan punya barang..heheh..

    harapan setinggi gunung memang nak tengok maiden main kat kl..mintak2 ada la nanti..

  3. sebut backpacking ni tetiba aku teringat lagu Backpacking Around Europe - Yuna pulak...hahaha...

    "We're going that backpack intrigue
    We're traveling around Europe
    And 7 different languages
    We learn how to say Hello
    Oh we yoodle by the Eiffel Tower
    We'll drive around Rome
    Before we head on home"
