Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mindcrime at the Moore (blue-ray) - Queensryche

Demise of HMV at Somerset means 70% discounts and finally I can afford some blue-ray discs. Hoohoohoo..(ikut style ketawa BAPAK KRISMAS).

Lets start with Queensryche (QR) “Mindcrime at the Moore” where they play Operation Mindcrime and Operation Mindcrime Part II in its entirety with some improvisations, plus a couple of encores inluding Jet City Woman. Running time for this disc is 179 minutes including the bonus features which has Ronnie James Dio's on stage performance and back stage chats footage. The Joy!\m/

If you haven’t notice, I really love the original Operation Mindcrime and Empire albums. I blogged on them like mad, and when the special editions and remastered editions came out I blogged again and praised them even more. 
Unfortunately, after Empire, QR starts to go in a different direction which I am not so keen. Hopefully, with them now splitting up into two different bands, things will get better with their new music especially for the 4 who retains QR name and new singer. 

So watching the first part of this blue-ray disc excites me. Everything is so clear and sharp, Geoff Tate was still in the band as we know it, no Chris DeGarmo, but we have Pamela Moore a number of times on stage. She’s really a fabulous singer and the band is brilliant of course.
Watching the second part of the show when QR plays the complete Mindcrime Part II is shared by doing household chores at the same time HAHAHA....
For sure there are some interesting parts and of course who else to sing Dr X parts rather than Ronnie James Dio himself. Though he appeared on video screen only.
- Anyway on one of the bonus features, there is a footage of him appearing live during the Los Angeles show to perform “The Chase” with Queensryche on stage.

Mindcrime at the Moore involves the presentation of a kind of rock opera throughout the whole concert particularly involving Geoff Tate (but with the rest of the band solely focussing on playing, and there are lots of nice camera footages of the four of them on their instruments). So you have the characters like the nun and of course Nikki appearing on stage one time or another. I DO NOW HAVE A MUCH CLEARER PICTURE OF THE STORY SINCE QUEENSRYCHE PRESENTS THE DRAMATISATION OF CRITICAL SCENES OF BOTH ALBUMS ON STAGE which kinds of make it good and bad. Good because I know more of what Queensryche originally wants the audience to guess and explore more into. Bad, because Operation Mindcrime lost a bit of its mystery to me as a listener and fan.

- A wonderful documentary on the bonus features showing the Moore Theatre itself. This beautiful theatre is located at Queensryche’s hometown in Seattle. They sold out three nights for this show in front of their local fans.
I also like the backstage shots of the band tuning, rehearsing, discussing the show with the crew and all that behind the scene stuff. 
- Its marvelous and creative by the way they use the drum players of Seattle Seahawks Drum Line marching on stage for the Mindcrime intro and at the ending. Its nice especially the drum line have both men and ladies on a heavy rock presentation.

I really like this disc, certainly the first half and the encores, and hopefully I will enjoy Mindcrime Part II better next time I watch it.


  1. Hadoii..abg deaf meleleh tengok..esok nak tengok kat rock corner ada tak..yang tahun 91 punya dvd pun tak penah jumpa lagi

  2. double gun ini mengingatkan aku pada filem aksi John Tralvota

  3. Moore theater mmg tempat legend kat seattle especially for zaman2 seattle underground movement.. If ade rezeki backpaking ke seattle ni antara tempat wajib singgah haha.. Tp klu citer operation mindcrime ni.. Aku terjebak explore bila baca review ko.. Album yg mmg ohsem

  4. Kalo tak silap dlm dokumentari Hype! (cerita pasal scene muzik grunge di Seattle) pun ada scene live performance dari beberapa band grunge pada ketika itu....awesome place....

  5. wow abang deaf sudah upgrade Blulei laaa

  6. wow...blue-ray....kalau aku beli ngadap cover dia ajer la...takder playernya...hahaha...
