Saturday, January 25, 2014

Roxy Music & Saxon - Unplugged & Strung Up double cd digipak version with Heavy Metal Thunder as the 2nd cd

I went to the ROXY for something else, then I realise I had not visited this record/cd store for a long time.
I guess this music store is now 51 or 52 years old this year, family sort of way I guess. I remembered them from their Funan days, now they are at Excelsior, a bit secluded place, but music lovers will know their current place well.
Those of you whether in Singapore, or Malaysia or anywhere,- if you have never visited Roxy, do give them a visit the next time you "Shop or Window Shop/Ogle" at all the displays of the shops at Peninsular Shopping Centre and nearby connected malls. Maybe one day I want to blog about a tribute to Roxy Music. 
Its a time machine, if you miss those music shops with records and cds stack up all over the place, music and releases and bands that you dont know even exist, and just spend quality time exploring music of all kind, this is the place. 
This is like one of the staff Mr Seah says is the "TIME MACHINE" place. You are transported back in time. For the time you are in this store, you just forgot MP3s, Youtubes, illegal downloads, or whatever exist. A place where you hold all types of rarities, boxsets, cds, vinyls, in your hands.
ok, so I got this.

SAXON - Unplugged and Strung Up digipak double cd where the 2nd cd is actually the Heavy Metal Thunder album.

I am not a huge fan of SAXON, I often miss out on their developments, so this digipak release gives me a chance to update myself with the current SAXON lineup and get some of their biggest and famous songs updated, re-energised for my listening pleasure.

FIRST TIME I ever heard and known of SAXON is as a primary school boy coming across a bootleg cassette tape of the Original Monsters Of Rock Festival. Saxon was on it with a song called Backs To The Wall.
The cassette tape that triggered my curiosity of what Castle Donington Park is all about and I know one day I want to go this place and see my favourite bands play there and I did reach it.
Saxon song "and the band played on" is a song written for Donington Park Monsters Of Rock the first time they played there, the very first Monsters Of Rock ever, with Riot, Judas Priest, The Scorpions, T-O-U-C-H and of course the most greatest RAINBOW headlining.
I had never seen Saxon play live, there was a time they are schedule to play at a festival I attended at a very early time and I dont bother to come that early even to see Saxon. Maybe next time.

cd 1- is 14 songs from different eras of Saxon which is over 30 years, that either is REMIXED or RE-RECORDED or PLAYED LIVE ACOUSTICALLY, or re-released as ORCHESTRA VERSIONs or ACOUSTIC versions.

cd 2 - (Heavy Metal Thunder) is 13 of their songs from the FIRST SIX albums re-recorded with the current line up and originally released in 2002. Very very good recordings and performances on the Heavy Metal Thunder cd.

Of course I prefer the more heavy, loud, heavy rock of cd 2.

CD2 has among others
-the CRUSADER. The song that is about the CRUSADES from the point of view of the Crusaders. Anyway its a nice song, I wont dive too much into it. I just enjoy it. Brilliant song.

this is also the only song that appears twice on both cd as different versions.
So basically you get 26 different songs from SAXON.

CD2 has among my most old favourites like Crusader, Power & The Glory, 747 (Strangers In The Night), Dallas 1PM (which is about the JFK assassination), and of course many sing-alongs like Motorcycle Man, Denim & Leather etc.

CD1 has among my most favourites, the faster, heavier ones like Stallions of the Highway and Forever Free and also the nice acoustic of Frozen Rainbow.

This is a good buy if you like SAXON, or want to know about them.
Its very traditional, classic heavy metal, 
very the ROCK MAMPOS!!

Lagu SAXON yang cuba memaparkan peristiwa Perang Salib dari pandangan mata seorang Tentera Salib.

kalau live, dorang skip satu verse gitu..
ni lak version dorang re-record line up skarang..


  1. cd2 yang best tu..banyak lagu2 nostalgik masa zaman bebudak dulu..power & glory,crusader ngn 747 tu..

  2. 1st benda yang aku buat lepas baca entri ini adalah cari lagu Broken Heroes versi orchestra tu kat best...
