Tuesday, March 11, 2014

duit Dinar & Belgrade Serbia Maiden Ticket arrived...

        As I am posting this, its been like more than 80 hours that Malaysia Airlines MH 370 is still missing. 
A number of countries are helping with the search and rescue as best they can, with whatever expertise and equipment they have, planes, ships and at least so far one submarine rescue vehicle
The neighbouring countries, far away countries. All are in it together.

         There is a mood of solemnness these few days. 
I guess not only especially in Malaysia or China as its their flight and most passengers and crew came from these two countries. 
I am in Singapore now and with both Malaysia and Singapore have the blood and family ties (and close friendship bond) that is always there. I mean its easily could be our loves ones or friends on that flight.
Everyone is I guess keeping an eye on the news of the search and rescue mission. 
Many I guess are getting continuous  updates from reliable sources through internet and the newspapers are giving huge coverage for this missing flight.

    I guess Prayers and best wishes are being said all over the world for the safety/recovery/closure of this flight's passengers and crew a.s.a.p.

. Aku baru tahu matawang negara Serbia ialah Dinar. Pengaruh zaman silam ye. Aku google, aku dapat tahu sembilan negara guna matawang Dinar - Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Macedonia, Serbia, Tunisia. 
      Selasa 17hb Jun 2014, Kubu Perang Kalemegdan, bandar Belgrade. Iron Maiden akan main kat sana, pembuka tirai malam tu band rock yang baru jugak dari Sweden iaitu GhostGhost, satu band rock yang selalu keluar kat majalah2 hiburan muzik berat barat. Ghost sangat pelik imej mereka, gimik2 mereka memang menarik dan mencuri perhatian ramai, ada suka dan rasanya ramai jugak yang menyampah dorang, nak titik style muzik dorang tak mudah, serious berbual aku dengar dorang aku teringat band The Doors Jim Morrison.. Aku pernah nak tengok dorang, tapi aku rombak segala rancangan pasal ada peluang nak rasa pengalaman tengok Bon Jovi main tiga jam 27 lagu siap dry country kat Stadium Villa Park dengan berpuluh2 ribu peminat2 dorang penuh satu stadium yang memang PASSIONATE dan true. 

kat sini..

Actually the ticket arrived late February. Very speed-of-light and no-nonsense service by the Serbia tickets guys (my email query was answered fast). Impressive. 
Eventim.Rs was the ticket seller, and DHL was the courier for fans all over the world.
In about two days, the ticket was printed in Serbia, then sent to Hungary, then Germany, then Singapore.

So like I say, 1001 things can happen which prohibits me from this Maiden-obsessed adventure, ok, 666 things is more appropriate. But failing to plan is planning to fail. So we'll see.

It would be definitely an awesome experience at Kalemegdan Fotress, to see Iron Maiden (and Ghost) playing at this historic city, at this famous and happening park, at this what seems a legendary fotress full of historical meanings and values.
It would be a chance to backpack and see and absorb the historical city of Belgrade as much as I can, to experience Serbian people hospitality, and to experience how fantastic Serbian Iron Maiden fans can be.

I hope my intentions come true and safely.

(1) Pyramids among the frozen ice Eddies? So I guess maybe the song Powerslave will be in the setlist?
(2)Street lights from the first two albums? that row of houses? Please oh please play Killers.
(3)They already rehearse a song that would be so appropriate with the Maiden England theme back in 2012 originally for this tour only to be dropped for Afraid To Shoot Strangers, so why let it be a waste. Please please play.. IinfiniteDreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreamsinfinitedreams... you get the infinity idea.

Its been announced the setlist will be a combination of the 80s three History Tours + one 90s song, which definitely should be the very popular singalong Fear Of The Dark song. 
But the setlist can be anything and I will still enjoy it. Many of them I guessed will be played for the last time ever. Maiden is coming to a close very very soon.

So hurry up, Bring On The (Final??) New studio Album and a proper New Album tour with plenty of new songs in the setlist as fast as possible please...
and please get ready a new Ed Force One plane so you guys can do a full every country in South East Asia tour too ( I mean Paul Dianno is playing Vietnam besides Singapore) with Caught Somewhere In Time, Alexander The Great, Reach Out with Adrian Smith singing, Thin Line Between Love And Hate and Judas Be My Guide as the second encore specially for Me!!! :-)


p.s Reminds me of Fort Canning Park Singapore (without the nice river).


  1. tempat dia nampak cantik...please ambik gambo banyak2....

  2. perrhh gempak gile tempat tu!

    nice info, jahat2 serbia guna dinar jugak ek hehehe

  3. Fuh! Terbaik la tempat dia..petik gambo banyak2 bro.pelik jugak serbia guna dinar jugak

  4. Tengok venue unik macam ni teringat macam kat Bali dulu.

  5. 4500dinar - 68sing, 180rm??

    tapi rasanya section paling depan tengok Maiden, ni antara paling murah la kat mana2 pun.

  6. caspera, I heard bali show was very beautiful nye location.
    my fren pergi sorang, pandai2 sendiri tanpa tiket, pun takde masalah.
    Cuma show tu ada masalah angin kuat ke hapa kacau prop,

    dan as well documented, Indonesia seems lack expertise dan equipments nak handle Maiden.
