Sunday, March 23, 2014

Extreme and Paul Dianno (hope to make it) galore.

ok tu hari Berteromber bilang kat blog bahawa Extreme nak main kat Singapore, aku tak tahu tu jam berita ni, so then aku gi website selang beberapa hari, betul la, laju info Berteromber dapat, lain kali best2 tampal je kat sini ok. First time Extreme main kat Singapore. KL takde sebut lak dalam website rasmi Extreme.
Harga tiket belum keluar..

Melampau la kot aku ni pun nak gi haha...cukup2 la kan...
tapi aku kalau jadi gi tengok Hellfest, Extreme ada hari pertama dorang main pentas utama berapa band sebelum Maiden main kot, tapi aku nak gi tengok band lain la kat pentas2 lain,
Korang bayangkan kalau Extreme dorang selitkan kat pentas2 altar dan temple band black metal death metal orang puteh gitu, lepas tu dorang main lagu MORE THAN WORDS?? mau jadi choir ramai2 penonton nyanyi sama2 ye tak?? haha.

Apa pun nak tengok Extreme main show penuh punye pasal depan suasana peminat2 omputeh dorang yang rata2 all out aku rasa kat tempat kecik giler dan bersejarah, aku dah beli tiket Extreme main full show kat Le Bataclan hari senin.. Tempat kecik gitu dalam teater lama gitu...
Kalau tak dapat pergi, FRAME aje la...buat kenang-kenangan haha.

I have no idea what Plaement Libre Debout means?? I think it stands for free standing?? I hope so haha.

Extreme ticket for Le Bataclan Paris show 2014, a Monday date just after Hellfest weekend.

They are also one of the just included band for Hellfest 2014, playing first day Friday.I think Sabaton was just also included?? I read people talk about Sabaton, I dont know much, only know them from some youtubes.

Before Extreme hits Europe they will first play Asia including Singapore,... though Japan dates is promoted with different title.

So Singapore 2014 and Le Bataclan France show is going to be similar theme, Pornograffitti in full...
except Hellfest, they will have a shorter time on stage.

So its time to re-listen to the above....

and how I wish, Extreme decide to do a Gary Cherone solo or other band involvement for just one song... Anything!! I dont mind Nuno doing a Rihanna.
and I am sure they can do this, like this with their own style...

VAN HALEN III lineup LOOKS SO HAPPY and having fun ON THIS LIVE VIDEO!! I really like it...... I think this song is so superb!!!!Definitely if I choose a best of Van Halen, I would include this song,  everything about their presentation even live its even better with the BEATLES at the ending of it. Eddie Van Halen twirling around and around everytime the chorus is coming up...!! and the backing so sweet.
Unfortunately I think many Van Halen fans in the big market of USA cannot accept Gary Cherone?? I dont know.

Anyway, this Tuesday Paul Dianno sings in Singapore...  Not intending to go for any shows at all actually, saving up for Backpack. But this is something special -  The voice of the first two albums, the voice of Invasion, the voice of Drifter live with the EYO! YO! YO! YO! YO!, the voice of BURNING AMBITION!!... and so on..

Paul Dianno in Singapore Hard Rock Cafe Orchard.
Prowler seems indicated to be played. That will be very nice.

- I hope he sings Strange World too.

- I hope, and I dont think its going to happen, Drifter with that EYOYOYOYO!! thingy.

ooo of course, I want to hear him talk about Clive Burr and dedicate Remember Tomorrow to him.

And of course, I do want to hear him on stage grumbling about Iron Maiden and maybe say something rude about any member of the current band haha.  Ok I hope none of these will happen.

I know I'm asking too much. And I dont know even if I can make it. Lets see how it goes that evening..


  1. Wow! This is crazy....Paul DiAnno perform kat Singapore tu! Untung la bro deaf dpt tengok...jgn lupa buat review nanti bro.

  2. Dia dengan blaze pun tengok dah macam adik beradik eh..badan sama besar,botak lagi..heheh..kalo dia nyanyi running free kt singapore pun ok jugak,epik tu..

  3. Kalo tak silap steve vai main malam tadi kt sana kan?mlm esok or lusa dia main kat kl lak..

  4. aku nak nyampuk bab ni macam tak tak reti jep dep (hehehe)
    ang letaklah thread makanan sure aku leh nyampok lebeh dep

  5. rafi, tapi dianno ni lebih menonjolkan lagu2 semasa era IMnya dlm setlist berbanding lagu solo

    vice-versa dgn setlist bayley

  6. aku teringin nak nengok Extreme ni...kena pulak full set Pornografiti...pergh!!! harap tiketnya tak mahal sangat la untuk aku mampu tengok....

    kalau boleh request...nak Nuno bawak lagu Crave...heheh..
