Sunday, March 16, 2014

extreme versus joe satriani (day dreaming only)

If my lunatic "Looney-Tunes" plans work out to backpack this year to some places that I really don't have much idea what to expect, (cue - nervous laughter) I would like to squeezed something else in during the trip.

        Actually, I did try my best to research on Legacy Festival (LOA) which is around the same period, at a place called Weisman in Germany, due to the 25th Anniversary Kings of Metal album in full headlining performance, but I just cannot think I can possibly find my way to this place called Weisman easily. 
        At that time, not many bands were on the bill, I am just intrigue with Carpathian Forest on the list also then.
        Now Manowar had pulled out due to what else but financial disagreements, but the latest bill presents this show as really solid with a lot of great bands, good bands, interesting bands, or some bands that just trigger my curiosity to see them play live in front of huge thousands and thousands of appreciative fans. The bands that I dont like, I will just go people-watching, eat and drink or maybe just turn up late and rather wander around the village/town/city and take photographs.
        I wonder if anyone in Singapore or Malaysia would have plan to travel, spent their hard-earned money, to see Manowar headlines LOA only now to have them pull out. But at least the list of bands playing is getting more awesome and frighteningly attractive by the day. 
        Anyway, Manowar reminds me of Foo Fighter medical cancellation in Singapore. Tickets can be refunded, but not the travel costs, the plans, and worst of all - the disappointment. Ahhh, reminds me of people who had reserved hotel rooms and travel plans for some Japanese band too last year or something.

Same like the last month issue with Megadeth in Soundwave, I was just wondering how many music fans in Singapore and Malaysia who would sacrifice time and money to travel to all over Australia just because they are huge Megadeth fans wanting to see them play huge festival shows and I think two Intimate Shows of their own and to have Newsted too on the bill. What I knew was that it ends up with EGO one, fans zero. So both bands are out and I think it affect the rest of their Asian dates. I understand Newsted did not play before Alter Bridge and Alice In Chains last week in Singapore. 

OK back to my own predicament, so now I think I can squeezed something in...But its really a bit difficult,

not only taking account the artist, but the location. I have always known Paris as two locations that I would like to go..
- BERCY as this is always a legendary place and I keep reading about how great this place is when Iron Maiden plays, and TOTO did their live DVD here and its awesome.
- O'lympia - Just because I like the Deep Purple "live in O'lympia" album. I feel the version of "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" in there is the ultimate version, what with all that Jon Lord touches in this live version. Its so beautiful.

And its EXTREME versus Joe Satriani at different locatons on the same date, same evening in the same city.
Joe Satriani is again playing Olympia just like his "makesmedizzywithalltheartisticspecialeffectsvideoarts" live dvd of his which was recorded at the same place a few years back.
And Joe Satriani was also a Deep Purple member, helping out DP when they are still finding the Ritchie Blackmore replacement before Steve Morse joined. So its kind of a special note for me in regards to this event.

Meanwhile, Extreme, playing in a place called Le Bataclan, I googled it and it looked nice, and its so intimate place. Extreme are playing the full Pornografitti album. And I know its impossible but I really would like to see Gary Cherone sings Van Halen's III "Without You"

So I guess, after some thoughts, and of course comparing what I gather from listening to youtube of Joe Satriani's new CD, and of course the full album that contains More Than Words, I'll choose Extreme then, though they are also playing a shorter set for Hellfest, though I guess I will be at the other "more extreme" stages when Extreme turns is on LOL!!!. But maybe I will try to visit Olympia as a backpacking walking tourist, just to see the wonderful historical O'lympia from the outside, and snap a few photos of that place.

OK enough short rest period and day-dreaming...back to work.. on a Sunday. Finishing my shift though. 


What happens if on that same night....
Pet Shop Boys or Depeche Mode or some other heavier more extreme "cracker jack clothes" music acts announced their shows.

Now, then I know who I would go for :-)


  1. Extreme yang aku kenal cuma gary n nuno je..heheh..pernah ada kaset pornografiti tu..vokal gary pun memang kena jugak dengan muzik Van Halen kan.

  2. Nuno Bettencourt > Joe Satriani

    More handsome...more hair...hahaha...

  3. btw...dengar kabarnya Extreme turun Spore 3hb Jun ni...
