Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lovehunters - self-titled Album Inggeris

        From having lots of fun listening to the new tribute album to Ronnie James Dio called This Is My Life 16-songs Japanese Version and  I am sure this fabulous line up of a  tribute album to Ronnie James Dio is taking up the rock world by storm, to digging up something older...

        Singapore band Lovehunters made up of three-piece of Yazid/ Moliano/ Saha is one of the best band I ever seen play or heard their songs. They have their fans but they could have been more popular.
        Their ridiculously entertaining amazing (full house) Three Hours Final Show in 2011 for me nearly overshadowed the occasion of Iron Maiden playing live in Singapore for the first time the following month. That is not easy for me to say but its really is. 

Unfortunately the official dvd that came out missed out a few songs, I guessed due to the appearance of Ramli Sarip on those songs. So maybe its those copyright issues thingys rearing its head.

But I did taped the show and uploaded the missing songs as a fan-collection audio on YouTube if anyone is interested. That night's NINE MINUTES version of BLUES UNTUK RAKYAT (blues for the people) is simply jaw-dropping and unforgettable. Lovehunters & Ramli Sarip was at their very best performing as one during this song.

        Thru this blog, I do sometimes received messages from their fans all over Malaysia even up to Terengganu asking me to find them some newer original releases by Lovehunters.

        Its a curiosity when though not to their own involvement but when the Malaysian National TV station has a community song programme where one of Lovehunters song is sung by some famous Malaysian community singers and used to appear often on tv in between main programmes. An example of Lovehunters songs transgresses musical genre boundaries and like by people from all walks of life and ages.

        Anyway, Mostly Lovehunters performed in the Malay language as majority of their songs are in Malay language, but they do have an English album out back then.

Today I want to talk cock about their 1994 English language album. 
- Self titled Lovehunters. 
- This was the time when Lovehunters line-up change to four band member. 
Yazid and was it then Iskandar shares lead vocal duties mostly on this album.
- 10 Songs in total.
-  9 of the songs are written with members of the band. Except for Shed No Tears written by Art Fazil.
- Produced by the band members themselves.

This says a lot about the quality Lovehunters has.

Rock N Roll , Blues/Soul Rock, Ballads that is as loud, good, full of emotions and entertaining as any other great bands.

ok, a re-listen to this album to refresh things...

- The ballad Angel In The Night in fact is a hot favourite on the Singapore's English Pop Perfect Ten 98.7 Radio Station and I think it went to number one, #1, Numero Uno, Nombor Satu, on the charts.  
I think its the strength of this album that Angel In The Night is one of my least favourite songs on this album if I have to rank each of them.

- I love Heart Of Gold which is very catchy rocking song. Those type of song that stick to your head.
- Why The Lies is "beatlesque" to me. Do What I Say is groovy. I Shall Be Released is a very nice ballad. Me And My Woman gets more interesting as the song progresses with the melody changes. Its Real After All is another fabulous slow song that I like.

- Whiskey Lady changes the momentum of the album completely as its damn heavy.
- Face Of Destruction - Continuing the heaviness with as heavy and yet fast rock n roll number.
These two songs are tremendous. Is these two songs on YouTube? Maybe not, then maybe I will upload just because of its rarity nowadays to get this album.

- Last but not least, as I am talking each song the way its arranged on the cd, song on track 10 is
Shed No Tears - I don't know why, its miserable, its sad, but its one of my favourite song ever LOL!!, one of the best ever Art Fazil composed song ever, and one of Lovehunters best song ever, at least for me. 
Seeing Lovehunters live and they start to play this song put a HUGE smile on my face.
Talking cock by myself, releasing stress on this blog, allows me to dig up this cd, and listen and re-listen to this song again and again... Never got sick of it LOL!!!

In conclusion,
This album is without doubt a wonderful memorable release by one of the best and most ground-breaking rock band to ever grace Singapore's and Malaysia's music scene.


  1. sayangnya aku tak berpeluang nak dengar album ni...cuma tau Angel In The Night...tu pun pasal lagu ni top kat radio spore...

  2. Nak gi youtube cari salah satu lagu tu nak dengo.lum penah dengo lagi album ni

  3. oh dep..
    bila ang nak uat entry makanan singapore tu
    makanan yang Rare...yang jarang2 tgok kat negara aku ni dep
