Tuesday, April 1, 2014

tale of two padded cells

not exactly the tale of two cities, which is in the news last week... 
Anyway, a few days back this monster of a hardcover coffee table photo book (there is a fabulous 5 disc collection inside the book) called Belinda Carlisle The Anthology arrived, and I just have to snap a picture of these two beauty and the beast..side by side.
Which is the beauty? which is the beast?
Belinda and the beautiful fascinating Piece Of Mind cover lobotomised straightjacket attired Eddie -
-Similar background
-bare feet in forefront position
-knees bended though at different angles
ooo I got to search back for the Derek Riggs book which has his sketch of another version of the piece of mind album cover, Eddie was kneeling, now that is even more similar...

I can't be responsible 

For anything I do now or say now 

I get too excitable 

To control the way I behave now 

I'm afraid of what I'll do 
If I find myself alone with you 
It's just a crime of passion baby 
Don't hold it against me 
I'm innocent 
I'm just out of my mind 

I plead insanity 
Whoa, I'm so mad about you 
I can't think straight, I can't see straight 
I plead insanity 
All I do is obsess about you 
I can't work days 
I can't sleep nights 

I will talkcock about this latest Belinda release more by next week, its a hard cover photo book, about the size of a vinyl album, with a total of 5 discs made up of 3 cds and 2 dvds.
(There is a very nice Live In Japan 2013 included)
I dont know how many copies were made but mine came with a numbered limited edition of 500 certificate.

I will show more details then. Now just a bit first.

"we know history......"
 - Big Scary Animal

ok , ok,
I better stop now : )

to be continued soon...


  1. wah..makcik Belinda punya boxset sudah sampei eh..terbaik lah

  2. Beb...Belinda is not makcik...but NENEK!....hahaha...

    tapi boxset ni memang wow!!!!!!

  3. Time keja jadi waiter dulu minah cashier tu ari2 dok pasang lagu Belinda nih...Aku paling tak suka dengar dia punya suara vibrato tu...Huhuu..
