Friday, May 30, 2014

siapa pun boleh buat baik (EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING GOOD!!)

Aku rasa semua paham yang thorbaik ialah, tangan kanan memberi sampai tangan kiri pun tak tahu.

tapi kadang2 its exceptional macam seseorang pemimpin set example untuk orang lain so dia tunjuk, terutama untuk MENARIK PERHATIAN UMUM sesuatu peristiwa atau sesuatu perkara, yang mungkin orang tak perasan gitu...

atau korang semua tunjuk contoh kat love ones korang kat rumah kan?? ngan korang SET EXAMPLE, ajar dan demonstrasi macammana nak beri bantuan, derma, sedekah, zakat, korban, masuk tabung mesjid, sukarelawan and all that gitu kan pasal memang tanggungjawab orang Islam pe, seberapa rock mampos nye korang satu dua pembaca blog ni haha.

kadang2 tu kalau kita tengok kat sokkabar ke news ke tenet ke, baca2 benda2 gini memang kita tumpang bangga la kan.... kita senyum lebar2... macam.. hah!! gini la thorbaik!!
KEMBANG KEMPIS HIDUNG OK!!! ialah...idola kan buat baik hahahaha.

Iron Maiden to give part of concert revenue to flood victims

BELGRADE -- Iron Maiden's leader and founder Steve Harris believes Serbia "will come out stronger after the disaster the recent floods."
He wished all those who have suffered from the disaster to return to normal life as soon as possible.
Iron Maiden cannot wait for its concert in Belgrade on June 17 and hopes that the flooded areas will be repaired in the meantime, he noted. 

A part of the revenue from the concert of Iron Maiden will go towards repairing the damage from the floods, the organizers of the concert have said. 

Billy Idol, who is due to perform here on June 25, has announced the same. 

Iron Maiden will perform in Belgrade as part of their Maiden England tour. Fans from all over the region and across the world are expected at the concert, since this will be the only one in the former Yugoslavia area and just one of the several concerts they will hold this year.

Aku harap aku dapat pergi... Aku harap takde benda screw-up... Paling penting aku harap aku sendiri tak SCREW-UP!! haha. 

I GOT A FEELING IT WILL BE A VERY SPECIAL OCCASION THAT NIGHT at what I think is a most spectacular historical location. I think it could be 30,000 crazy fans so I will politely give way hahaha.
Please dont things go wrong for my backpacking trip, I am the "if there is nothing to be worried about, I get even more worry why is that so? because life aint a bed of roses". cehhhh....kata pujangga..HAHA.


  1. beb...aku rasa ko boleh cipta rekod anak melayu pertama tengok Maiden live kat Belgrade...

    kalau lah ada penaja nak buat dokumentari...kan ke best....

  2. Aku suka betul tengok Eddie dengan uniform era Napoleon tu..Kalo ada action figure dia aku nak beli la..heheh

  3. aku baru je baca artikel pasal maiden nak buat derma ni kat

  4. ayat ko sedeh je dep
    naafer tu......
    jangan lah sedeh2 nanti aku pun nangis :-)
    OOO ang nak gi tengok konsert erk...dep

  5. Menarik!, rasa teringin juga terselit atas pentas tu, ha ha ha!
