Monday, June 30, 2014

aerosmith warming me up before gorgoroth and carcass way after midnight photos & youtubes at Hellfest 2014 ((my Maiden Europe 2014 backpacking to Serbia, France & Hellfest 2014 report PART 2)

Continuation of my Hellfest 2014 dumb and dumber review,.. from the Tsjuderss, Impietyss and Death To Allssss of the previous post to something more varieties this time around, a bit about the late evening presentations of the Saturday night bands that I choose to see, the second day.

Another angle of the Hellfest tree at night...

I dont have much idea now to share more miserable itsy bitsy stories on this post, so just straight to the late evening of Hellfest 2nd day which is the Saturday...

After some other great bands & other adventures which I will talk next time,

its time to relax a bit firstly with Deep Purple... they were playing mainstage 2, lots of nice tshirts and embroidery patches in the crowds...
they play I think 3 new songs??
Besides Maiden, I think this is the band that I seen the most times, I always love them...
Maybe Deep Purple should not play too much at their age, maybe some selected shows only??

Obviously they have slowed down a bit... it would be nice if they had played some of the songs that I can say would have helped influenced how heavy and fast music itself is shaped...songs like Fireball and Highway Star.

Like I say, one of the personal problem I had was the choices of bands that I like requires me to switch different stages which are far apart, so everytime I am at mainstage 1 & 2 , I just prefer to be behind. Especially as the Europeans are generally taller and if I am trapped in a mass of tightly congested pool of people, my view is restricted LOL!!

then, its time for some Aerosmith at stage 1..

I just stay at the back because I wants to catch some Gorgoroth and then Carcass at the tents, so I avoid passing thru too much mass of people.
Aerosmith did some old songs, I think I hear at least one or two new songs, CRYING was played, I am so happy.

Then Steven Tyler introduced the keyboards/piano player, OHHH COULD THAT MEANS?? and I start to record the video, and I take the opportunity to just pan across the area, so it gives the idea of the surroundings around mainstage 1 while Aerosmith is playing,
and also Avenged Seventhfold fans waiting for their band to play at mainstage 2 immediately after Aerosmith.

Lagu dari filem Armageddon, Liv Tyler jadi heroin gitu la kan, haha, 
lagu cinta paling jiwa-jiwa gitu... 

Aku suka ok lagu ni, lagu ni sangat2 Sweet sekali...

 Dianne Warren tukang tulis, dekni ialah antara penulis lagu yang paling terror la pada aku untuk band rock omputeh.
Aku suka API bakar2 tu...

Its very surreal , I Dont Want To Miss A Thing performed at Hellfest just before I switched to the Temple and Altar stages.

Oooohh Aerosmith has the EGO RAMP set up for them for being the number one headliner for day two.

And Aerosmith is like Metallica having this huge super clear LED screens behind the stage.

Then its time for some GORGOROTH. I only got time for a little of them, as I am late due to catching Aerosmith first. Watched from a bit far behind, as I am standby standing nearer to the Carcass Altar stage.

got a bit of them playing Destroyer as one of their last songs...

Attendance wise, the Altar/Temple stages was quite fully packed although majority of the people are at the main stages with Aerosmtih being followed by the Avenged Sevenfold which is the butt of Carcass jokes later.
In addition you have two great bands playing Warzone and the other stage, I forgot what it is as I am typing this blog.

then its CARCASS time...its already 1 AM in the morning, I am so tired and sleepy....and I am sure many in the crowd are a bit drained too..

- and CARCASS knows it, Jeff Walker keeps asking the crowd about their situation, in between instigating the crowd to proceed to mainstage 2 to see Avenged Sevenfold plays instead,
- he even cover his eyes too to wait for the crowd to leave Carcass and goes to AX7,
- the AX7 sound leakage was bad as I believe it comes from stage 2 everytime Carcass is in between songs and Jeff's chatters and story-telling sessions.
- He talk about Roger Glover "the Poor Bastard", they are from the same town or village, he talk about seeing Emperor for Sunday, he talked about Dan Lilker,
- I think he did say "death to false metal" after one of his rambles.

this was their Carcass TV..

I tend to stand at the sides, firstly it gives me more chance to be nearer the stage, as the crowds are so deep in the center area,
also, standing at center area to catch the full stage means I cannot compete with height, if you get what I mean in that congestion..

and lastly, ALL HELL CAN BREAK LOOSE ANYTIME AT THE CENTER, if you get what I mean hahaha. So, I politely stand at the side, its the best for me.

Sometimes when I see some of the more rocking bands playing their more rocking music, and you glance to the centre,
and you see the Whirpools, the rotating Tornadoes developing, haha..  ok ok, have fun haha. Not me. No Stamina haha.

oooo I catch a bit of Carcass on video, ( a bit!! get it?? most of the times its blocked LOL!!! and sometimes you have to worry about blocking the views of those behind you too )

... this was one of the bands which I can feel the crowds anticipation before they comes on stage.

this was their entry , they use 1985 before first song is Buried Dreams.

Last part was controversy...

everyone thought Carcass has finished, Carcass also has finished their one hour set.

Its like 2AM in the morning,

suddenly while majority has left, Jeff came back on stage and says Carcass wants to play somemore, which is logical as they are the very last band for the night,
so I think its a happy announcement, but then I think a Hellfest staff asked them not to.

a bit what happen is here

Maybe its because its curfew time, or 2AM is the limit for the Hellfest organisation.

So then I left...

I will talk about the HELLtransport back to Nantes at 2AM in the morning from Hellfest Clisson roundabout in a post about the travels and transportations next time....

I still got a number of bands to go thru, been ogling thru the photos, especially those bands that play in the daytime as it means nice pixs...

OK next post I will get out of Hellfest and talk instead about EXTREME playing their own full show at Le Bataclan Paris, the day after Hellfest is finished, I hope to upload the full audio on youtube too...


  1. 666 tu ialah sebagian rig berbentuk dekorasi untuk temple stage. cantik.

  2. berapa ratus keping gambo la agaknya ko ambik ek...kalau zaman dulu jenuh nak pegi cuci....hahaha...

    Extreme tu teringin aku nak dengar "When I First Kissed You" versi live...

  3. dep Ang dah balik ke..
    Title lagu tu touching le

  4. Carcass memang gerek ah..A7X pun aku tak minat jugak..heheh

  5. Ala....kesian tengok Carcass punya 2nd half show...byk org dah beredar...oh man, death to false metal it is...
