Friday, June 6, 2014

powerwolf - HISTORY OF HERESY part one (2004-2008) boxset

Powerwolf History of Heresy Part One (2004-2008) boxset.

Unboxed it and you get this.

Turn them over and it looks like this...

I discovered Powerwolf late, by then they had came out with album number three, but better late than never....

I was going thru youtube looking at fans-recordings of newer metal bands playing live, hoping I find something that I will like enough to explore more.

On the youtube I saw this German band called Powerwolf working the crowd in the afternoon daylight of a festival, and it was lots of fun crowd interaction, and the song was nice too.
- the singer who I think came from Romania (thats why he is good with Werewolves LOL!!) is awesome and intelligent and also Opera-trained (so maybe thats why Powerwolf lyrics are filled with Latin too). the keyboards player was everywhere, they use two guitars without a bass for live performance unlike studio, their GIMMICKS are simply entertaining and most important IT WORKS to attract people's attention in  a positive way.

I remember buying Bible Of The Beast cd, it was way better than what I expect, I love the whole cd, and it goes on from there.

They really love Mercyful Fate and Black Sabbath, and these two names keep cropping up in the book on this boxset.

Also add that to their liking for Iron Maiden and their gallops and melodies, Steve Harris bass playing, using of Latin's language to make the songs more mysterious and religious soundings, (although what I think is its just a jumble-up Latin to just fit the themes and lyrics of songs), 
sings about Satan!! Werevolves!!!, heavy metal in a very very cunning (hillarious) way , lots of melodic singalong for live purpose, great songs, and I was hook and becomes a fan.

Seriously, look beyond their song titles, their satan theme songs, werewolves fantasies, their HALLELUJAHs!!! look beyond their looks, check out their songs, and I dont think you will be disappointed. Bible of the Beast is good to start with, their 3rd album.

An example is a song called "We Take From The Living", with its DIE FOR HEAVY METAL!!!, RAISE YOUR HORNS FOR SATAN!! but its actually a song about bands that sell their merchandising t-shirts at an expensive price during concerts. Put a smile on your face right because its so true.
How can you not like a band like this?

So this is Powerwolf boxset to celebrate 10 years, just a short review and also a bit of photos of the packaging, I think there will be two boxsets, because this one is History of Heresy part I (2004 to 2008) and it contains the remastered first two albums Return In Bloodred and Lupus Dei, but just to make your heart feel less pain if you already have a copy (LOL!!!), there are live versions added to the cds which comes in a completely new packaging and design which I think is only for this boxset, and also you have the Worship Wacken DVD which is live from their first Wacken show in 2008 and also a documentary during that era.

A nice story informed at the packaging of the DVD was some of Powerwolf members are huge CARCASS fans, and Carcass reunion was at the same time on another stage as Powerwolf were playing on a smaller stage, so they missed Carcass.

And most beautiful is the hard-cover book, OVER 100 pages thick, with lots of photos and essays, and informations, and backgrounds, ideas and influences to each song, and LOTS OF THINGS.

Seriously, this boxset is really value for money, its not expensive compared to other bands boxsets, and you get two cds with revamp packaging plus bonus songs, you got a dvd, YOU GOT THAT INCREDIBLE BOOK, and 5 cards among others, and its really beautifully packaged.

I am so happy to get this boxset and waiting for the next one to accompany the other two cds.

lastly, just an idea of Powerwolf live, maybe I had shared this before but its really an awesome footage.

this was like 2012 from a fan recording, a German metal band, with a Romanian opera-trained singer, able to work the Moscow Russian crowd in English language and you can see beyond the hilarious situation of the singer getting "frustrated" with the crowd (40 Percent!!!!, and the Haaaaaahhh!!! that causes him STRESS),

you can see how good, entertaining, crowd-pleasing, enjoyable this band is...
The singer got the audience full attention and they are eating out of his hands...


they will play Hellfest 2014, I hope to be there and I know it will be so much fun and enjoyable to see them perform.


  1. Best la packaging dia..dah macam boxset lord of the ring pulak..nampak horror gitu

  2. dah selalu sangat kau promote powerwolf ni...terpengaruh jugak aku...heheh...nanti try cari cd dia la...

  3. ross the boss dan death dealer pun blm ter"cekidaut" lagi...
