Friday, August 22, 2014

Dave Murray... ((my Maiden Europe 2014 backpacking to Serbia, France, & Hellfest 2014 PART 11)

From the long post of the historical 400 over years of the only remaining mosque standing in Belgrade Serbia, 
Masjid Bajrakli Mosque, 

to some Dave Murray.... the beaming smiling happy one and only Dave Murray..

Hope you enjoy these pictures of him in action at Belgrade on 17th June 2014 taken  by yours truly,...
As usual, not that nice compared to others photos, but it gives the greatest delights to be able to take these photos... I am so happy with each one...very happy haha  Yes Yes... I am always chronic fetish stage when it comes to Maiden......

I like him very much, always like to see his photos from since I was like a small boy...

Now I am so happy I got to take photos of him in action..

And this is why like some of above photos, I can't resist to always stand at near the same area most of time I see Maiden play....
Dave and Adrian Smith together is so irresistable.

Wasted Years and that guitar comes out!!!

OK, so what brand of jeans he is wearing?? So lets go hunt for the same brand???!!! hahahahaha.

Nice shoes too....

Lastly Dave Murray with the "Ronnie James Dio" popularised hand sign....


  1. murray with flying v tak nampak pelik, tapi lagi pelik dgn pesen rambut kurt cobain tu hahaha...

  2. Orang paling "lama" dlm maiden ngan Harris eh..tapi apa yg aku tau Steve Harris pun akan rujuk kat dia kalo ada apa2 masalah dalaman pasal band ni gak dia guna V

  3. Orang paling "lama" dlm maiden ngan Harris eh..tapi apa yg aku tau Steve Harris pun akan rujuk kat dia kalo ada apa2 masalah dalaman pasal band ni gak dia guna V

  4. Ingatkan joe elliot def lepard tadi...
