Saturday, October 25, 2014

Janick Gers & The Count (The Count) (my Maiden Europe 2014 backpacking to Serbia, France, & Hellfest 2014 PART 16)

Sebelum ini post isu2 serious so kali ini mari kita cuci mata......

Something for me to ogle...a sight for sore eyes indeed.

Janick Gers..   Its very very difficult for me to take pictures of Janick Gers, like I say because I cannot resist standing at the Dave Murray and Adrian Smith side.

Anyway, you dont have to worry about Steve and Bruce, they are all over the place..

But sometimes Janick came to the right of the stage, so its time to take some photos of him...

Ooohhhh the thrill..............  Ohhhh.... I can feel it man, just going thru these photos....

Dry Ice Moment,

Always pleasing on the eye, this Janick showmanship and performing acts on stage...

His contributions to Maiden will never be forgotten.  His songwriting, his stage showmanship and performance, his everything, and he really presents himself differently on stage,
and when he is being interviewed or something, as an Intellectual person.

Anyway, he had spent more years in Maiden than Adrian Smith.

And anyway, I still remember after my four dates 2011 Final Frontier World Tour dates, I list my top three solos for the tour of course excluding Dave's Trooper solo...
and not surprising I most like Blood Brothers solo of Janick and his solo of Dance Of Death, besides Adrian's Coming Home modification for Singapore show which sadly reverts back to as per normal once in Australia.

Well... but sometimes, he should just gave back all the old songs solos of Adrian back to Adrian LOL!!. Maybe just give him Sanctuary only? HAHAHA...

ok ok just joking...

Ooo a photo with 3 members in it, Dave , Janick and Steve....

Moving On....This is the Count who actually plays the keyboards...

And second picture below is him with Bruce who will modify his hair style for the song SSOASS during Maiden England 2013, and 2014. I dont really recall 2012, because I dont got a chance to backpack then LOL!! Anyway, North America, is definitely out for me to backpack alone to see Maiden.

THE COUNT first appeared live in 1988. For during the world tour of Seventh Tour Of Seventh Tour during the instrumental parts of Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son.

And now for Maiden England World Tour from 2012-2014 the song is played again, and The Count reappears.

Like I say, He plays keyboards on stage, with the nice prop around him, and wearing a Count mask.

He is Michael Kenney. Bass Tech for Steve Harris /Also the backstage, behind the curtain, under the stage Keyboards player.

NOW.....,songs like  POWERSLAVE live has completely change with his keyboards... I LOVE IT!!!!!!


These photos aint much and its not that nice.., but like I say, its taken with lots of love.... LOL!!!!


  1. Ooo..baru tau nama pemain keyboard tu..skang pun yg masih ligat kt pentas janick je la eh..

  2. Janick akan forever jadi underated gitarist untuk Maiden...
