Sunday, October 12, 2014

review- Blaze Bayley Live In Prague 2014 Limited Ed. of 500 Tin-Box DVD

Aku rasa Blaze Bayley ni ialah seorang yang jujur, rendah diri, mungkin hati dia baik, mungkin dia dah tempuhi terlampau banyak dugaan dalam hidup dia sebagai penyanyi atau kehidupan peribadi yang menjadi suka-duka kehidupan gitu...
AKU SUKA DIA....Korang bayangkan? dalam DVD ni dia berbual pasal sudu, YES, HE TALKS  ABOUT A HUMBLE SPOON BEING SO USEFUL TO HIM.... and this is the human touch that I like, because I carry a humble spoon to everyday I go to work or anywhere else when I carry my bag.

Dah tu boleh nampak cara dia, sebagai artis kecil-kecilan...

Serious berbual, dalam majalah2 hiburan omputeh pun, media massa hiburan omputeh pun, mana ada liputan Blaze Bayley sangat?
Jadi memang la, dia hargai sokongan peminat2 dia....

Blaze Bayley ni sekarang dah "independent", dah takde mana2 syarikat rekod company lagi, album2 solo dia semua pun hakcipta milik semua dah beralih kat dia jadi kira beli apa pun dari dia, cd ke baju ke hapa ke semua belanja terus kat diri dia sendiri.

Jadi berapa bulan lepas, dia umumkan nak rakam dan terbitkan rakaman live DVD persembahan dia kat PRAGUE, jadi ada limited edition 500 dalam packaging khas gitu, so aku pun taruk nama la cepat2... kasi sokongan la kira..
. dan aku tahu kalau taruk nama mesti ada best2 nye akan terjadi.. haha. OK la, 500 untuk satu dunia, memang kejap dan cepat je la senarai tu diisi.. memang kena laju, siap taruk "Alarm" dalam "handphone" ok!! Nak lekas2 register gitu kat website dia gitu...
Aku pernah cerita kan? Waktu aku taruk nama, paypal ke hapa gitu, BAYARAN AKU SANGKUT!!!!...
Tapi dorang tunggu kasi aku peluang berapa hari......  Boleh gitu macam....??
Betul2 nye aku tersentuh, kasi aku peluang lagik........ Aku tahu la aku bias, aku dah memang sokong, mesti la aku cakap baik2 je kan? tapi tak la...dorang baik2 je masa aku email...haha.
Akhirnya, dah siap semua... maka aku dapat yang limited edition 500 tu.. Macam biasa terbaik, dan macam biasa, buku kat dalam tu yang PALING ISTIMEWA..., dan macam biasa, Blaze Bayley je la yang buat macam gini.........Giler nye best..

Berhenti sekejap, aku nak lap air mata...

This is how the Blaze Bayley Live In Prague 2014 DVD Limited Edition of 500 copies Soundtracks Of My Live 30 years World Tour DVD looks like...

OK, Aku punye nombor 143 gitu kot? aku rasa la tu nombor satu tu kan?
Dalam tin la, cantik...ada Patch, ada Certificate limited edition dia sign dan taruk nama aku dan letak nombor, ada photo dia sign, ada tourpass dia taruk nama aku jugak, ada BUKU tu, BUKU tu 500 jugak... 
Lagi satu buku best, macam buku yang 300 copies limited Edition Soundtrack Of My Life PLATINUM EDITION yang aku dah review kat sini..

ni close up sikit...

Belakang tin tu pun dia sign....

Dekni suka sign kot? hahaha...

Kandungan DVD ni tiga jam lebih...



The contents are... and its as spectacular as the Soundtracks Of My Life Platinum Edition which was like released in October 2013. And I am also lucky to get a package of that too...

- The two hour show of Prague with about 23 songs.......with quite a number of video cameras used, and most important, a lot of footages of his support band for that tour... ABSOLVA with Chris Appleton - guitar, Martin Mcnee - Drums, dan bassist malam tu ialah - Dan Bate.

Blaze Bayley live with one guitarist, So an interesting arrangements of songs is enjoyed here...... For Blaze solo songs, and a bit of IRON MAIDEN songs that he played......

 - Another footage from 2011 of 5 songs, with lots of close-ups footages of Blaze and his fans in a small tight environment of De Rots Antwerp.

- Two videos...including the emotional One More Step. 
And when Blaze sings these type of songs, I really like it, Its for real...

And the amazing INTERVIEWS of Blaze, All the amazing Footages of them in Prague I believe,
all the Hotel room scenes,
and you realise........ how budget everything is....
BLAZE himself helping with the parking for his band's van....

Its really so budget....  Like I say , His humility and humbleness shines thru, Oooo And he did have some kind words for Iron Maiden too during a part of the interview...

I like what I see of him on his releases, as a singer and as a person. Did I say he spent time talking about the humble spoon? How many of us really takes the time to ponder about the humble spoon...

- Ooo I really like him, writting down the setlist for the show...and giving comments...
OK, now that is what he thinks of the song Clansman!!!!... 

- And the funny scene when Blaze was mumbling about the videoman taping and nothing interesting is happening and he's going "its the fans money for this recording, and you are recording with nothing interesting happening...", and actually something interesting happens right on cue with the band member stuck on the pavement,
and Blaze was like in ""Stressful"" mode looking at it,
that was hilarious........

Furthermore, I also like his scenes with his fans after the show,
and really like his after the show, straight to the merch to sign for everyone, and love the story of 700 in Brazil somewhere, and he sign for everyone...

Maybe after Maiden retires, then if I travel backpack to see bands playing in different places in Europe in different environment, then I arranged it with following Blaze schedules?


Being a Maiden and Blaze fan and being in the ass of the world is really a problem.....

A very very good buy indeed this DVD...  I am very happy watching the DVD and all its content...

And its something I will watch again for sure, and playing as background music while doing other things at home, and love the interviews and video footages of Blaze interviews...

The book is about 28 pages,

And you realise, BLAZE took so much effort to write down his notes and create this book for that first 500???
I am overwhelmed..
and to have it stated...This Booklet is Made For...

Maybe one day I hope I got to shake his hand... haha and tells him how much I like him a lot..

OK, this is some contents of the book and the setlist of the songs played on the DVD me its great, a wonderful companion to the Soundtracks Of My Life Platinum Edition 300 limited edition book..


I really like his humbleness in his writting above and thru the whole book. He made the great extra effort to thanks people

I think I have said enough....

This is a short glimpse of the dvd....
Should have shown also a bit of the interviews with Blaze with beautiful PRAGUE behind him, and also his other scenes, but trust me, its great...

I think I have said all I want to say...

surely I forget to say some other great things about the dvd
..., its contents that really amuses me, and also the wonderful book...

ooo this is autographed photo that he sent too...


  1. la..blaze siap tulis nama nama sapa yang beli eh..betul2 dia hargai peminat dia..packaging pun menarik..

  2. aku follow BB ni kat facebook dan instagram... dia suka selfie kat depan venue beberapa jam sblm show

    mmg tahun ni dia banyak buat tour kat amerika latin, europe and lately kat kanada kalau tak silap

    soundtrack of my life pun aku blm terbeli lagi...

  3. Yang penting happy....Respek...ini baru betul die hard.
