Saturday, November 22, 2014

A short "gezek" review of Kembara at Istana Budaya last night...(edited 1:20pm)

Amacam korang semua...?
Edited 1:20pm.. setlist salah.

A short review of Kembara at Istana Budaya last night before my usual long disrespectful "ulasan merapek meraban" posting I will do the next few days if possible.

I have been fortunate to see some really awesome live shows this year in Malaysia, Singapore, and backpacking to HELLFEST 2014 in Clisson France, La Bataclan Paris and Belgrade.


Worth all the last minute rush, the LRT rush, ohhh please build an MRT station near Istana Budaya doorstep..
Penat wei nak menapak...dah la jalan semua lebar2 petang2 kenderaan banyak...
Tapi of course la korang naik teksi dari LRT cuma 3-4RM je...
Balik cekik darah sikit LOL!!!!..

Never mind like I say lets speak in the 300 movie style " THIS IS KEMBARA!!!!".. so its worth it all the berpeluh berpeleh.

Its reminiscent of 2011 really, I got to see Iron Maiden four times that year, but I really still think my favourite from 2011 was the Kumpulan Lovehunters final concert at Esplanade.

Band Melayu jugak......kan???

Kembara's show last night was much more fantastic than the Singapore's one last year.

Kembara played for about 2hrs and 45mins NON STOP. They did not leave the stage at all. Did they? Come to think of it, did I see them have a drink or something? I dont think so...

28 songs..  A much altered setlist arrangement compared to the Singapore show. 

THE HORNS Section was brilliant.
Great guitars and solos by both A Ali and Zoul.
Superb singing by S Sahlan, A Ali, Zoul and M Nasir.
The bass was alive.
S Sahlan was roaming everywhere and with fancy steps.
Rupa Tanpa Wajah and Bunga Bakawali back to back - Simply Awesome.
and more..

I believe the Mark I and Mark II Kembara line up present were - M Nasir/A Ali/S Sahlan/ the bassist Rahman/ Zoul/ and the keyboardist Md Shah. Ujang Exist I believe was on drums.

I wonder was there many tapers last night? Please share... If not.... my humble inferior version....  coming soon....

It would be nice if one day kita orang melayu pergi konsert rock ke hapa ke kita boleh buat style omputeh nye metal fans, tiap2 shows, bootlegs semua keluar banyak2 then boleh label version 1, 2, and 3 and so... on...
Then takde yang superior or inferior really.... its just for fans to keep as keepsake really...


If Last Night was this awesome, I wonder how the tonight's and tomorrow night's show will be....


Is the STPB involved for the graphics on the giant screen behind the band during Bas Nombor 13?

You have the Merlion spewing out water...



  1. Oh..pegi jugak.aku tak pecaya kalo abg deaf tak pegi..heheh..set list nice.lagu kolar biru n duit pun ada.terbaik la..

  2. Seronok .
    saya kenal Kembara dari keset Polygram Koleksi Kembara vol 1. Semasa kecil dulu.

    menonton show ini seperti mendengar semula keset ini dari mula hingga habis

    minus lagu Buta Kerana Cinta... Mencurah janji ...dan Menentang Badai.

    agak terkilan tak dapat bertemu Bro Def dan Saudagar Mimpi.

    Bro dep... perasan tak M. NASIR melompat lompat sambil memandang drum section macam Jon Bon Jovi nowadays?

    Ke aku dah mabuk kiambang ni...

  3. pergh! Deaf..set list harapan aku ada mengena la...Kutu, Kolar Biru, Oh Bulan ada main semalam...mungkin kita dah bertembung bahu semalam di IB semalam. Hahahha

    Apa pun semalamnye show aku rasa mcm kurang havoc. Penonton depan rilek rilek saja..hahahha
    Penat org dekat atas nyanyi.

  4. Yup! Aku setuju...lain kali letak la monorail dekat sikit dgn Istana Budaya. Aku semalam pergi menapak balik menapak ke hotel juga. Dah la hujan...nasib baik aku menapak separuh jalan jer..dah . Tahan teksi yg baik hati kena RM4.50 jer.

  5. Lagi satu bab pemetaan visual-video bagai tu. aku yg duduk kat tingkat atas ni macam tak berapa nak dapat gambaran penuh & menyebabkan tak ambik kisah sangat. Yang penting Kembara mmg rockin that night!

  6. Ahh.. Di manakah dikau dan osman tikus takde... But at least tk copy paste esplanade nye setlist and wanna bring out mk 1 more ... Kinda shocking khafilah is the encore... Outta nowhere lol. Siapa pergi sabtu nye? Ade difference? Im going on the last day!

  7. Oh and they could have added Cetak Rompak as the outro. Sindiran terhadap bootlegs lol

  8. retrosai

    enjoy the show.. nanti kasi your point of view..

  9. Thanks deaf...untuk yg tak berpeluang pegi...tunggu ko punya bootleg ajer la...

  10. M Nasir ada gaya eh Portdy..
    Bon Jovi makin tua, makin jadi M Nasir la haha..
    SM - ko tak berpeluh ke jalan haha..

  11. Deaf : Berpeluh juga menapak pagi buta tu...sambil nyanyi-nyanyi lagu Malam dalam hati... walaupun hakikatnya dah pagi buta.

    Senang-senang nanti nak tulis review jugak la...tapi sekarang aku dah ingat-ingat lupa la, balik sarang aje banyak sangat kerja nak kena buat.Adoi... jadi nanti aku nak dengar balik bootleg ko tu la...kasi refresh balik memori aku yg berkarat ni...

  12. Deaf.
    My bro... ada jodoh ketemuan kita jumpa dilain konsert. Balik naik keta kancil gua je... hehe
