Wednesday, November 26, 2014

LED ZEP I and LED ZEP II (2014 remastered versions with companion discs packagings)

Lepas seronok buat ulasan dan upload bootleg the amazing persembahan kumpulan Kembara Live Istana Budaya 2014 (Hari Jumaat date) yang aku harap korang terhibur la jugak kan pada posting lepas (dan aku masih tertanya apa setlist hari sabtu dan Ahad dan ada tak orang bootleg tak untuk tu dua malam)....., lets tone down untuk cuci mata...
2014 ni JIMMY PAGE mula keluarkan balik album2 lama dorang ngan versi Remastered dan semua album akan ada "companion" cd yang penuh remixed/studio outakes/live versions dan whatever la.
Tak penting sangat la kalau korang dah complete Led Zeppelin.
Tapi kalau korang macam aku, yang aku pernah cerita aku tak pernah ada koleksi studio albums Led Zeppelin ikut albums satu persatu, pasal dulu aku beli versi yang Jimmy Page susun balik semua lagu ikut selera dia jadi jumlah 6cd.
Kalau korang minat sangat dan ada duit spare, boleh beli yang Deluxe version tu... Giler best. Vinyls ada, cd ada, buku hardcovers ada. Satu album dah berapa, kalau semua albums, giler berapa nak belanja. 


Anyway untuk aku, aku pun RIP je semua cd ni, aku cuma dengar masa jalan kaki dan naik bas dan naik train... Aku rip 320kbps dah kira ok la, aku pakai Altec Lansing nye headphones aku rasa ok la...happy la kira... haha.

So this is how the 2014 CD Remastered versions with Companion CD of Led Zeppelin I and Led Zeppelin II packaging looks like.

I will continue the rest of the packagings next time....

For the time being, the first two...

The live versions found on the companion disc of the first album is not really "amusing" if you are used to Led Zeppelin live bootlegs from that period.

Anyway, I guess I will never get a chance to visit OLYMPIA THEATER in Paris...

The night Extreme plays La Bataclan (THE MONDAY AFTER HELLFEST 2014), is the same night Joe Satriani was playing OLYMPIA THEATER,
So its a straight forward choice of Extreme (playing full Pornografiittti album in front of their FANATIC Paris crowd), or Joe Satriani (who also recorded a live DVD in Olympia before),
and I choose to see Extreme. SO I miss Olympia Theater.

Because this is the place where the live recordings of the companion disc of album ONE is recorded, and it is a place where Deep Purple Live In Olympia was also recorded.

I Like that Deep Purple album because they play lots of Purpledicular album...

And I can enjoy Steve Morse's Deep Purple and for a while forget Ritchie Blackmore.

Anyway for the Led Zep II, the remixed and studio outtakes are interesting too but its not something I will listen to again that often...

I kind of like the snippets addition to the originals though...

Lawa-lawa foto ni semua....

Thats all...


  1. aku tak kolek led zep...tapi aku ada beberapa keping la cd diorang...semua jenis inlay sekeping...tengok packaging yang ni memang terliur la...

  2. tumpang lalu tentang kembara...

    Setlist hari ahad tkde beza. In fact encore pada malam tu adalah Gerhana. No Khafilah.

    Setlist Friday include Gerhana as part of the setlist, or encore jugak?

    Anyway here's my review

  3. Aku haritu dah pegang2 lp led zep reissue tu..rm69 je..tapi tak jadi jugak nak beli..skali best la pulak packaging ni
