Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Powerwolf - The History Of Heresy II "2009-2012" . (the 2nd Boxset)

As usual, lets talk cock in Malay and then switched to English...

Negara Jerman ni kan dari aku kecik2 dulu sampai sekarang sentiasa keluarkan kumpulan muzik yang menghiburkan aku...  Macam2 la style muzik Jerman yang aku suka ni kan?.. dangdut, techno contoh cam -  Alphaville, Scorpions, Helloween, Camouflage, Kreator, Powerwolf,  Sekarang aku tengah korek segala nak tahu dan dengar pasal Equilibrium, aku suka sangat tengok dan dengar lagu2 dorang main kat Hellfest, GEMPAK GILER dorang nye persembahan dan macam aku cerita kan? Masa aku kat Merchandise Stand Hellfest, dan aku cuma ada budget untuk beli satu tshirt band rock je... so masa aku diri tunggu giliran nak beli tshirt Dark Angel "France nye design" yang "ohh sangat pengsi logo Dark Angel kat tshirt tu", tshirts paling orang tengah beli kiri dan kanan aku semua tengah berebut ialah tshirt bands Equilibrium dan Powerwolf, aku tak bedek, aku kat situ, dari situ aku boleh agak la sambutan kat Hellfest ni untuk dua bands cammana...!!!  Tapi Equilibrium memang mengejut berukkan aku style dorang. 

OK sebelum aku merapek merhaban asyik keluar topik je... OK dipersembahkan Powerwolf...
In untuk rai dorang punya 10 tahun ulangtahun, dorang keluarkan dua boxset, maka minggu lepas baru keluar gitu bahagian kedua boxset ni...
Sebenarnya, sebahagian isi boxset ni, adalah album2 studio dorang yang aku dah ada, tapi ok la aku rasa berbaloi la pasal kandungan lain kat dalam dan album2 tu sendiri yang ada dah di'expanded" kan... Dan jugak pasal aku minat Giler kat band tak senonoh ni... Entah hapa hapa gimik band ni, tapi memang menjadi sampai aku suka sangat.....  Happy giler bila betul2 kat Hellfest aku tengok dorang kat atas pentas beraksi, pasal aku memang tak sangka dapat tengok band ni main.
So layan gambo je la....

This is the POWERWOLF "HISTORY OF HERESY II 2009-2012" boxset which is the 2nd part of the Deluxe 10th Year Anniversary of Powerwolf.

So on this second boxset you have the contents as - the "Bible Of The Beast" album with bonus tracks Testament In Black and Riding The Storm. You get "Blood Of The Saints" album, you get the SACRILEGE SYMPHONY CD where a Classical Orchestra plays Powerwolf song, and of course you got the HARDCOVER "HISTORY OF HERESY PART II" book, which is more than a 100+ thick full colour pages of photos, of lots of interviews, stories, and also song by song opinions by the band members...

For those interested, this is how the First Boxset looks like and my opinion of it..

Enjoy the photos.....

This is the combination of both boxsets...
I think its a really wonderful collection if you enjoy Powerwolf..

And maybe if you have not began a Powerwolf collection, I guess this could well be a very "Value For Money" Purchase...
With the hardcover books of hundreds of pages... a dvd and other bonus..
Its just you dont get the nice lyric booklets of the normal cd as the packaging for this boxsets for each album is different.

Anyway the first hardcover book do not include the lyrics, the second one do carry them.

I cannot find much pro-shots of Powerwolf on youtube, but here is one...

Give you an idea of how they are live, lots of fun, great songs..., fantastic showmanship.. lots of crowd participations.. LOL!!

Lastly two photos of Powerwolf that I took myself..... Happiness!!!


Love this photo from the Hellfest stage... It was freaking hot.. but still so enjoyable and lots of fun during Powerwolf set.