Sunday, December 14, 2014

Led Zeppelin III (2014 remastered version with companion cd packaging) - dan roda tu boleh berpusing..........

Yes! The wheel can turn... what fun!!

Sambungan...dan sambungan...
Tahun ni dan sampai tahun depan, Jimmy Page perlahan2 keluarkan balik album2 studio Led Zeppelin ngan sound dia dah remastered lagik dan pada dia yang terbaik la untuk zaman ni.
Keluaran semua ngan bagai2 bentuk, dari paling jenis asas cd dan piring hitam sampai deluxe boxset yang memang giler la siap setiap album nye boxset ada buku hardcover semua complete secomplete nye. 

Bayangkan satu album dia punye boxset deluxe tu harga dah berapa, kalau kumpul satu persatu setiap album bila pelan2 dikeluarkan sampai tahun depan, dah confirm beribu2 la ye.
So takpe...kita pilih mana yang sesuai. So aku pilih perlahan2 bila ada budget, yang double cd untuk setiap album. CD berkembar pasal setiap album ada cd tambahan, lagu2 dan versi lagu2 yang rare, tak pernah dengar, remixed2 lain, jamming jamming kat studio zaman tu dan sebagainya...

Kalau korang memang ada dalam perancangan tentang remastered releases untuk 2014 ni tapi tak tahu mana nak start, mungkin korang boleh beli album feberet korang, tapi kalau korang nak pilih satu yang permulaan bagi deluxe editions yang dikeluarkan 2014, aku rekemen yang ni.

Macam aku, terus terang aku bukak packaging ni sekali je, rip semua cd ke 320kbps pasal aku cuma dengar waktu dalam bas,dalam train, dan jalan kaki je ngan headphone aku rasa boleh kasi sound enjoyment terbaik.
Lepas tu aku ambik gambo2 ni, jadi aku boleh ogle sambil tampal kat blog ni...lepas tu aku dah tak pegang lagi dah bungkusan cd ni haha.

Hands down this is the best so far of the first 3 albums that was remastered and released as different versions with different packaging. My budget allows me to get to get the 2CD versions. I still rip them to mp3 for my daily travels and walking enjoyment and I dont have the opportunity to listen to the actual cds really.

I feel like I am holding a toy, I really love the wheel, I love the packaging, and the companion cd, the second cd is also the best for me among the first 3.

The first cd, the Led Zep III album from 1971 if I remember the year correctly, has always been a bit unusual, with more slow moments, plenty of acoustic situations. I had always love Tangerine and Gallow's Pole.

(I read that Bruce Dickinson wants Maiden to make this kind of album after Powerslave because he was done after the exhausting World Slavery Tour. I dont mind his recommendation is not followed, because we got Somewhere In Time instead LOL!!!).

I remember listening to Gallow's Pole back then, and it was so dramatic, the song building up, and will the person be saved or will he not be saved... I find this song fascinating and here we got the studio version and the Rough Mix.

So besides this, the companion cd also carries Rough Mixes/ Alternate Mixes/No Vocals tracks of some other songs from the original album,
but most important it has these awesome three tracks I am so enjoying as I am not familiar with them at all.
- Bathroom Sound
- Jennings Farm Blues
- Key To The Highway / Minutes To Mind

And Jennings Farm Blues is such a happening instrumental. Such beauty to my ears.

Its credited as Rough Mixes. Amazing rare songs. I think there must be more gems hidden or undiscovered from the Led Zep recording sessions.

From the first three albums special packaging that I had talk cock in this blog, This release is my favourite when it comes to the COMPANION DISC contents.

TO BE CONTINUED....and continued....and continued......


  1. Masih tak perasan pary mana yang boleh pusing tu

  2. Cover album dia ada lobang2.
    Then kat tepi bucu kanan tu ada roda. Then ko pusing kat cover tu dalam ada 2nd artwork dalam

  3. Led Zep ni masih kekalkan elemen sama mcm vinyl pd cd dia ni. Nak tengok Physical Graffiti mesti diorg buat lobang lobang pada tingkap tu.

    Macm ni la baru best, cd beli juga, rip cd rip juga, baru ler kedai cd tak tak?
    Eh.. Deaf, biasa ko rip kepada mp3 guna software apa? Buat entry sikit pasal ni la... dulu dulu ada aku baca ko citer pasal lossless.

  4. sm
    biasa2 je window media player pun boleh tapi aku setting tukar je.
    K nanti aku buat posting la pasal sewaktu ngan nye apa ko cakap tu...

    Yap. Physical Grafiti tu macam mana tu dia nak buat Jacket tu...

    Kalau dorang mampu buat sebijik cam vinyl nye jaket original tu mesti best.

  5. Especially In through out door..

    ada envelope brown, then kita tak tahu cover apa kita dapat...

    Amazing zaman 70an dulu dorang so kreatif

  6. sama la macam aku..bila beli cd,dah rip jadikan mp3,belek2 cover/inlay sambil dengar lagu,lepas tu dah.simpan terus.hehe..kalo jewel case boleh tahan,tapi kalo digipack mesti every part kat bucu berkedut.tak suka betul..
    tapi led zep yang ni memang cun la packaging dia

  7. sama macam portdy...aku pun masih tak boleh tangkap tang mana yang boleh pusing tu...hahaha...

  8. oh jadi itu sound rip ok juga ke bunyi nya.. kata org dengar dari cd lagi best hehe...

  9. Terima kasih deaf atas respon!
    Zaman semua org sibuk ni Portable Cd player pun susah nak beli. Selain dengar dari henpon diorang pun dah gerak ke lossless & hi res music player. Dah mcm audiophile dah... Tu yang kita ni mcm kurang pendedahan tu.

    Yang kumpul LP plak tetap kena dengar kat rumah.
