Friday, February 27, 2015

Uli Jon Roth' SCORPIONS REVISITED - Double CD (Korean Pressing)

This is my review and opinion on Uli Jon Roth Scorpions Revisited 2cd. I will intro in Malay language then I’ll talk cock a bit in English.

Satu dua minggu ni untuk yang korang kat Singapore memang best la kalau korang jenis kerja waktu pejabat. Tadi Uli Jon Roth ok (aku ni kat mana sempat buat blog kat situ la aku buat, ni start malam tadi pakai tablet sekarang baru nak tampal gambo dan post, aku still masih cuba KAWAL WAKTU  semula kerana perubahan sikit dalam aku pergi carik rezeki, so kalau semenjak dua menjak blog aku banyak typo atau ayat yang tak betul atau berulang harap maaf, langsung takde QC dah... tapi masuk internet buat blog, is something relaxing and enjoyable buat aku... pasal ni peluang aku SYOK SENDIRI), 
nanti awal March pulak Nathan East. Nathan East korang kalau tak familiar dia bassist yang famous amos dan main untuk band2 musician2  top guns gitu. Kalau korang tengok dvd TOTO 35th Anniversary Live In Poland, yang bassist asyik tersenyum kulit hitam tu dia la. Oooo Kayyyyy kalau TOTO panggil dia jadi bassist dorang untuk main live tour tersebut...  Well....... 

TOTO Please come to Singapore & Malaysia this year...I will skip work just for you!!. But sorry I will not skip work for Uli Jon Roth LOL!! Walaupun aku nak tengok sendiri dia punye SKY..... tu

Aku betul2 nak gi tau ni dua event, tapi DAMN!!! (Aku dah angan2 nak Nathan East sign Blue Ray Toto Live In Poland aku dan aku nak Tanya dia “Please share how it feels playing with TOTO everynight?” Cehhh!....) Aku kerja shift malam ah dua2 hari dorang dua ni beraksi. Dah bulan Januari aku dah miss Steve Lukather... Toto nye guitarist pun datang sini main tu jam.

Kerja lagi important la siot... Giler babi ah aku kalau asyik enjoy je cam takde tanggungjawab.. Ceehhh WAAH!!! Berbual tak agak haha.

OK, walaupun kita tak dapat menengok Uli Jon Roth depan mata, tapi... kita boleh dengar cd terbaru dia. Double CD ok, SCORPIONS REVISITED. Kalau nak beli original beli cetakan Jepun atau Korea. Ada satu lagu extra, benda2 gini kita kena carik paling “value for money”... I’ve Got To Be Free, dari Taken By Force la kot... haha. 

Cerita Scorpions Revisited ni dari booklet yang macam Novel panjang, UJR nye kawan2 suruh dia main balik lagu2 zaman Scorpions dia yang dia join jadi ahli 40 TAHUN dahulu. Jumlah semua dia main dan nyanyi sikit2 untuk Scorpions lima la kan kalau dah campur Tokyo Tapes. Oooo... dia kutuk jugak Tokyo Tapes la siot. Dia cakap Mixing tak bagus. Dia heran cammana Tokyo Tapes boleh jualan tinggi dia bilang kat master tapes rakaman Tokyo Tapes tu boleh buat mixing balik yang hebat... Tu pasal dia nak pastikan album dia buat ni dan mixing untuk Scorpions Revisited lagi terbaik dari mixing Tokyo Tapes. 

Cerita panjang lebih ok proses mixing ni, dia mintak tolong kawan dia buat pasal Uli Jon Roth nak kena tour pasal dorang dah kena booking awal2 buat Tour Eropah waktu nak mixing tu. Dia cakap la sekarang dia nye band pakai tiga guitarist jadi dia dapat sound lebih baik pasal Scorpions kalau live main Cuma dua gitaris je, jadi susah nak dapatkan bunyi lagu yang dia nak. Dorang ambik dua hari buat rakaman ni...

OK, so mula2 dia rakam2 live satu dua tahun lepas lagu2 Scorpions ni tapi dia tak rasa best sangat, jadi dia dapatkan balik pentas yang Scorpions zaman dulu berlatih dan tulis lagu waktu zaman 70an dulu. Sekarang pentas tu ialah sebahagian sekolah, dan guru besar sekolah tu ialah bekas keyboardist Scorpions waktu mula2 Scorpions berpecah kemudian bercantum kembali ngan Dawn Road lepas Michael Schenker pergi masuk UFO. (Anyway, aku dah kemaruk UFO yang zaman sekarang nye, lepas aku tengok dorang main Donington 2013, GATAL SANGAT AKU DAH NAK BELI ALBUM TERBARU DORANG PADAHAL KENA BERATUR ADA ALBUM LAIN LAGI DARI DULU AKU TUNGGU GILIRAN BUDGET MENYAMBAR ALBUM2 ITU.)

So UJR siap dapat penyanyi yang dia rasa boleh nyanyikan lagu2 lama ni semua... ye la Klaus Meine sapa boleh lawan kan. Then dia cerita la semua rakaman live, tapi Cuma tanpa penonton je, dan ada lagu dia sekali main terus dah ok, ada lagu lak main berapa kali then UJR pilih versi mana...... Terus terang aku cakap... ni album terbaik. BELI YANG KOREA LA... murah2 dan ada lagu extra. Jepun nye pressing mahal la.....

Macam korang boleh tengok kat timing lagu2 ni, ada lagu yang waktu dia dah berubah contoh cam Dark Lady, ni lagu pendek terus hah kau dah jadi 8 minit lebih,  pasal Uli Jon Roth nye band ada improvisation dan jam. Apa pun, setiap lagu nye melodi dan apa yang kita semua suka pasal lagu2 Scorpions zaman UJR tu semua tak diusik tetap sama... tetap seronok!!! Tetap syok sendiri...!!

Aku dah berapa kezaman tak dengar lagu2 Scorpions zaman ni, tapi senyum sendiri la. Tadi gi kerja, kan aku nak gi kerja tempat baru sekarang 2 jam ok, naik train, naik bas, jalan kaki.. tapi dalam perjalanan pasang mp3 rip lagu2 ni rasa sangat best... KENANGAN MANIS LA NI SEMUA KAN... Korang ingat tak waktu korang budak budak kat kampong...darjah satu darjah dua...dengar In Trance pertama kali..... 

OK la, of course banyak lagu yang aku suka jugak takde macam Speedy’s Coming takde... Fly People Fly takde...Top Of The Bill takde, Backstage Queen Takde, Hes A Woman Shes A Man pun takde... Born To Touch Your Feeling pun takde...bayangkan berapa banyak sangat lagu sedap2...  tapi tak kesah la.. apa yang ada ni dah happening.. Sekarang lain kali tunggu Scorpions Revisited part II lak, aku rasa DVD live pulak...

CHANNEL 5 now...

The Japanese and Korean versions of Scorpions Revisited contain an extra song. So its a better deal I guess. Definitely this is a very good buy for me. Unforgettable Songs that everyone of us loves so much is revisited beautifully and wonderfully, and Uli Jon Roth got a great singer to do Klaus Meine justice LOL!!!
The breakdown based on albums, without being too PEDANTIC,

Fly To The Rainbow Album – TWO songs
In Trance Album – SIX songs
Virgin Killer Album – SEVEN songs
Taken By Force Album – THREE songs
Tokyo Tapes Album – ONE song
Instrumental Improvisation – ONE song

So there you have it 20 songs. The improvisation is the Rainbow Dream Prelude which is a very nice acoustic instrumental by UJR before transforming into Fly To The Rainbow.

The booklet that comes with the double cd has a wonderful essay by Uli Jon Roth detailing the start of the idea to celebrate his 40 years joining Scorpions by doing this album, the in-depth details of “making of this album”, the story of how the recording stage that Scorpions used to rehearsed and write songs were used again, the usage of singers, usage of Three guitars and keyboards compared to how Scorpions sound live when he was in Scorpions, the mixing process, and lots of things..., they took 3 days, some songs were done in one take, the rest played a few times and he select the best, how this album is played live but without an audience.. and many more things...

Few of the songs itself, as can be seen,such as Dark Lady and Sails Of Charon has a clearly extended timings due to improvisations but the songs remain how we remember them.
This is a wonderful double CD. I really love it...


  1. Akhirnya..dia main jugak lagu scorpions balik eh..dah jadi trend kot skang ni.whitesnake pun nak kuar album tribute deep purple stormbringer tu.pasal david coverdale yg nak buat.katanya album scorpions virgin killer pun nak kuar reissuenya vinyl jugak.

  2. sticker yg lekat kat plastik tu kasi potong pastu simpan... aku pun buat cam tu!

    packing bagus beb, banyak text and pic..

    dengar sekali imbas sini..

  3. Betul deaf....mana boleh lupa lagu2 zaman kita kanak2 ribena dulu....Aku sampai sekarang pun masih selalu dengar lagu2 zaman uli ni...

    Btw...scorpions baru dah ada lum...rebiu sikit...

  4. setiap kali baca entri blog kamu ni, pasti ada saja benda baru yang aku belajar dan tahu. ni bukan era aku tapi perna baca juga lah sikit pasal nama ni, kat majalah dulu2. layan juga link pc kokak tu.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Satu je nak tanya... Cari kat Discogs ke kat eBay ni Deaf?

  7. Dear deaf-angel,

    I'm a Scorpions and UJR-fan from Hungary and I'm so glad to find your blog because of this article above.
    I have the new UJR album, but unfortunately without bonus track (I've Got to Be Free). Would you be so kind to send me this bonus track to me by e-mail?
    The new UJR album is great, I listen it every day, but the experience is uncomplete.
    I'd appreciate very much, if you could send me this track.
    Here's my e-mail address:

    Thanks in advance.


    Zsolt, from Hungary

  8. Of course I got it :))
    Thank you very much. This is the best news for this day, you made my day better :)

    Can I help you anything in return?

    Zsolt, from Hungary

  9. its alrite. Glad you got it.

    Keep in touch yes.

  10. So there actually is a bonus track? I just got the UDR version that says it includes the bonus track but the CD only has 19 tracks. :-(

    Is it possible to get the I've Got To Be Free mp3?

  11. Hi,

    It is

    Thanks a lot,


  12. Hello..

    My apologies I did not access to this blog for some time.

    I am doing it now. Hope all goes well.

    You should be prompted on your email.

    If you are not getting a We Transfer file or its expired in a week. Do tell me.

    I am doing this for fans who had bought the official original CD only :-)

  13. Hi. I did get it. Thank you very much.

    Yes I actually got a digital copy of the album when it came out. I then but the UDR CD version as well. Though it says Bonus Track it is not there. It seems that only the Korean pressing has it. Strange.

    Anyway thank you very much!!!

    I'm glad Uli came out with this. The songs are very awesome. He's an awesome guitar player.


  14. Thats great. Yes, the album is very lovely.

    And the song Got To Be Free completes it.
