Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Anthem (Japan) & Maiden uniteD (Netherlands) new "and got me excited" releases coming soon...

Two things that got me excited. One from Netherlands (Holland) and the other from Japan.

Firstly - The new Maiden United or (Maiden uniteD) album is coming soon. Remembrance.

I already got the single, of course LOL!!! (I love their re-interpretations and try to follow their news wherever possible). Here is how the packaging of the first single looks like...

It will be STRANGE WORLD and with the second song an alternate version of THE EVIL THAT MEN DO. Spectacular of course.

This is the Strange World single... Simply Magnificent and wonderful reworking of a personal favourite of mine from the first Iron Maiden album.

I cannot get the Wudstick version of the Evil That Men Do on youtube, so this is the version that appears on their second album Across The Seven Seas..

Untuk korang yang mungkin tak perasan sangat pasal side project ni, Maiden uniteD ni base dorang pemuzik2 Negara Belanda. Berunsur bermain accoustic instruments gitu..

Gitaris dorang ialah Ruud Jolie - Within Temptation.

I will talk more of it next time... and also I think I havent show how the vinyl version packaging of both the previous Maiden United albums looks like...
Its awesome....

Next time...


ANTHEM is coming out with two new releases...

Stupid language barrier. Its very difficult to get news about Anthem as I have zero knowledge of Japanese language and I dont even know where to source for their infos.
I rely a bit on cdjapan.co.jp..

So the first release in May 2015 will be a Best of - The limited edition has triple disc... From their Victor Label Years 2000 onwards choices of best songs...

The second one Blazing Faith Revisited somewhere in June 2015 will be something like this..


First Blu-ray in 2015 from Anthem features a studio concert, in which current members perform songs in Anthem's first album, and a concert "ABSOLUTE WORLD" held at Shibuya Lamama for their 200 fans. Also includes interview with members, making-of, and more. This edition comes with a live CD featuring the studio live in the Blu-ray.

I tried sampling some of the latest Anthem album with their YUKIO MORIKAWA return as a singer for their latest album...
But... I always prefer Anthem with EIZO SAKAMOTO.

I think EIZO has a bit of metal in his voice compared to YUKIO and personally for me - their latest studio album is a bit less heavy to my ears compared to the EIZO years.
So I never buy it... YET. LOL!!!!!
But I am excited on this Blazing Faith Revisited release. The limited edition has a 2nd live CD... 

I just wonder YUKIO returning means more of the songs from his years are played, and less of EIZO years are played?


I would like to hear YUKIO sings Black Empire LOL!!!  I am still finding out what is EIZO doing now... I got to make a Japanese friend in the internet!! hahahaa...

Akio Shimizu is the best!!!!!
and What is Naota Shibata talking at the end of the song? But it sounds so nice...... I wish Steve Harris also still talks on stage nowadays...

 I think the biggest challenge for me is to find news, get tickets, and backpack all over Japan to see Anthem live on their Japanese Tour... Maybe one day, AFTER IRON MAIDEN IS NO MORE. 
I saw on the Live Unbroken disc documentary there is European Girl (yes a GIRL) speaking in English somewhere in Japan talking about Anthem. I dont know how she got all the infos and tickets in the first place. The fans always look amazing on the videos...



  1. terima kasih infonya.. ada membe fb ckp ni album baru iron maiden nanti.. huhu.. ingatkan tadi ni iron maiden betul tu.

  2. aku tau banyak info pasal Maiden United dan Anthem dari blog ni...tq Deaf.

  3. dulu ada tgk diorang main trooper versi akustik kat youtube, tu yg kitorang pernah cuba main trooper versi un-distorted :)

  4. Syok jugak maiden united ni yek.packaging vinyl nampak best je tu.

  5. layann dia punya cover Strange World, up the Irons!

  6. show us your record collections!
    show us your record collections!
    show us your record collections!
    show us your record collections!
    show us your record collections!

