Tuesday, May 26, 2015

early night with Marina Bay... and.... late night with David Letterman/Live on Letterman

Night, Malam.

Ni post huru hara, gambar makan stop kejap, rock2 nanti la pasal aku akan Avalanche banyak2 pasal rock ni semua next few postings LOL!!...
Lama tak ambik gambar malam/lampu ngan handphone.. Syok sendiri ok bila sesekali dapat snap walaupun bila tengok balik, foto banyak ke laut kualiti dia. 
Dan jugak aku nak tulis tribute aku sendiri kenapa aku rasa sedih jugak Late Night David Letterman dikhabarkan dah tamat siaran...
Dan jugak salah satu persembahan terbaik kat show2 David Letterman.. dari band yang pada aku paling "Hitam" la aku minat dan tahu dari aku sekolah sampai sekarang dah lama dah.

Marina Bay.... with my loyal HTC handphone of two years...
The photos are not really good, but not really bad either...

I guess its time to upgrade to a new personal handphone soon.. LOL!!
I would still go for a HTC I guess..

Late Night with David Letterman..

Its run is over after about 30 years or something?

There was a time, I used to stay up late to catch this programme, not exactly for the chats, the interviews, the Jokes - I NEVER ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND HIS NIGHTLY TOP TENS. I used to wish I have a better understanding of (American) English and (American) Humour so I can laugh along....

I used to watch David Letterman because on basically every show, he will have a guest artiste/singer/band who will play live in his show.
This was the chance for me to explore new music, to check out new bands/artiste that I may like...

Of course there are masters and monsters of music along the way....

Even when I don't have time to catch this show anymore, I try to follow up on the bands/artiste that plays on his programme...

Then there is a programme called "Live On Letterman" which is kind of an extension of the live performances on the same recording place of "Late Night With David Letterman", though this is performance of much more songs which is not necessarily appeared on the "Late Night...." show.

This is maybe one of my all time favourites performance from a Live On Letterman...

Depeche Mode - they did a selection of songs on this show about two years ago about the same time Delta Machine is released.

This is Depeche Mode doing Enjoy The Silence... Their drummer is not being utilize in full as their own live shows LOL!!!

When I was younger, for me Depeche Mode was the most Wicked, the most EVIL, the most BLACK, the most Frightening band I had ever known...though when Paradise Lost did Electronics which possibly could be they are fans of DM too, its simply astounding.
Paradise Lost was then basically even more DM than DM themselves...

Up to now, I still think no other band can touch Depeche Mode when it comes to being ""DARK"".

I hope to get an original copy of Live In Berlin... not so important but I want to have an original copy, especially as I enjoy Delta Machine album... I had reviewed or basically give my own opinion of it somewhere in this blog...
TWO YEARS AGO somewhere...

This is the same performance from the same tour from the Live In Berlin DVD, but of course with their Drummer having an extended run on Enjoy The Silence..'

and the impossibly body position of performers on the big screen. CONTORTED as it possibly can.. With just their facial features and eyes moving...

They only free themselves at the climax of this song..

Depeche Mode are simply Masters even after so many years.


Aku tunggu tunggu tunggu. apa jadi sey yang orang2 yang tengah dalam posisi gini...

Mata je gerak, muka je gerak..adjust2 sikit....kalau drummer extended drum solo? haha...  TERPELEOT PERMANENT haha...
Aku macam dah... cepat2 abiskan lagu weiii cepat2 abiskan lagu ni!!! haha.


  1. David Letterman...one of the best talk show.

  2. show david letterman ni, dlu ade tayang dkt ntv7, mmg aku follow tiap-tiap malam. zaman tu bahan lawak die Donald Trump

  3. Marina Bay ni memang cantik la view dia...aku pergi waktu siang pun dan rasa lawo dah view dia...

    dulu masa awal 90an..aku kemaruk juga tengok late night with David Letterman ni...dan sama macam ko cakap la...ada masa tu memang aku tak paham pun apa dia punya joke...

  4. terlayan show suratman ni zaman dia rajin kutuk2 bill clinton penghujung 90an dulu, yup ntv7

    pernah juga terlayan episod yg ada foo fighters main lagu generator (era TINLTL)

  5. David letterman kira rancangan talk show paling lama la eh mcm Oprah.antara david dengan ellen degenerates show aku lagi suka david ni..ellen show off je lebih

  6. maju betul singapore ni ya. tak kenal aku david tu hehe
