Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paradise Lost - The Plague Within (eco-book version)

Salam Semua, Dari Kumpulan Rock Melayu Wings, kita ke...Kumpulan Rock Omputeh.. lagi tepat lagi Kumpulan Rock dari UK, PARADISE LOST.

As usual I will talk a bit in my Broken English, and then followed by me talking in my BASTARDIZED Malay Language.

I had liked and still like Paradise Lost, one of those bands that can play different style of music which range from the heaviest DOOM-miest music right to the most "electro - techno" tunes and their fans still love them. This has not taken into consideration the vocal delivery that range from the depths of bowels of hell to a sweet angelic one LOL!!

I finally got to see them play last year, and it was a very wonderful experience especially being surrounded by like-minded Paradise Lost fans.
Though I find it weird as live, their setlist of songs style differ so much from one song to the next that each song needs for me to adjust how to react.

I think that is a sign of a great band. They can play what they like with no worries about BEING ACCEPTED or not. 

The new album when it was announced, The Plague Within - as usual with previous new Paradise Lost albums makes a guessing game. Will it be another Depeche Mode style or back to their Gothic Doom style or somewhere in between?
But all is well, Nick Holmes return back with some songs sung in his Death Metal Growls style of old, there are enough varieties of songs to make me happy.

Greg Mackintosh is simply a master for Paradise Lost, he wrote all the songs alone on this album, and his lead guitars is so wonderful to hear on this album.

I hear this album the first time and I dont get it, after listening to it a few times, especially in the still of the night, alone walking on the streets or on the bus and train, in the coldness of night, then I think this is another very very good Paradise Lost album.

Paradise Lost is so beautifully and sweetly depressing. LOL!!

Anyway, this is the Eco-Book version so it has Victim of the Past with two versions.
The 2nd version is a live version I think taken from the BULGARIA show that was intended for a DVD coming soon...


aku nak cakap melayu... melayu pasar.

masa diumumkan Paradise Lost nak keluar album baru, terus mesti saspens, pasal tak tahu apa style muzik dorang nak mainkan...
Adakah Eletronics, adakah akan lagi baik dari Depeche Mode? Atau main style Gothic / Doom Metal dorang?
Tapi sebelum keluar album ni kan Nick Holmes penyanyi dorang dah masuk kumpulan supergroup Death Metal Sweden - Bloodbath dan Bloodbath nye album baru kan keluar dulu tu hari, jadi boleh agak la arah tujuan style Paradise Lost ni kali kan.

Lepas tu lagi satu... lagu pertama yang dipersembahkan di laman internet, siap ngan video ialah lagu Beneath Broken Earth..

Wah so tu jam dalam hati aku cakap, lagu rancak!! lagu rancak!!! hah kau!! sekali terkejut beruk ok.

S..E...R...E..T...  lagu ni.
dah la DAHSYAT!! hohohoho...
ni video dia...


Seronok!!!. Best kan Greg Mackintosh... Korang kalau dengar album Draconian Times, lagu last Jaded..kat bahagian2 nak abis lagu tu,   aku suka dekni.

so lagi la aku suspens lagu pertama dipersembahkan dari album ni... adakah ni momentum album terbaru... ??

So aku bila dapat cd ni, wahhhhh pasang... takut2 ok nak dengar haha...

Lagu pertama album ni ialah NO HOPE IN SIGHT...

 WOOO GEMBIRA ok lagu pertama album macam gini... dah agak mesti semua lagu sedap yang lain haha. Ni lagu, dah kul 11 malam, 12 malam, korang jalan kaki sorang2 dalam gelap, naik bas dah takde penumpang gitu, pasang headphone bukak kuat2..., wahhhhh, TANGKAP!!! Ni la kelebihan Paradise Lost...boleh kasi aku tangkap gitu bila ada waktu yang sesuai.

Then dengar lagi...
Ohh Beneath Broken Earth ialah rupanya lagu paling slow album ni,
cuma Sacrifice The Flame, momentum sama macam Beneath Broken Earth

Lain2 semua tak slow sangat tapi of course la depressing2 doom2 gothic2 style gitu macam Paradise Lost buat dari dulu,
dan ada lagu rancak..contoh  Flesh From The Bone..

Nick Holmes tak semua lagu dia buat suara growl lama dia untuk album ni, lagu lain biasa2 je suara dia.

Tapi aku nak komplen la, Paradise Lost ni suka tukar2 drummer haha.

Tapi lagi 4 orang tu maintain la, Nick, Greg , rhythm gitaris yang suka goyang2 badan goyang2 bontot kepala botak tu dan jugak ngan bassist dia, kebelakang je bassist dia... dah tu live dvds Paradise Lost cam kureng je bassist dia..sedih.

Dan of course la ada macam2 style lagu, ada pompuan nyanyi pun backing kat satu lagu, dan of course untuk telinga aku ada satu lagu ROCK MAMPOS tetap ada iaitu lagu CRY OUT..

secara keseluruhan aku suka la ni album, aku harap dapat tengok Paradise Lost main lagi...

dan aku harap dapat tengok konsert dorang sendiri, atau dorang headline..

Masa aku tengok dorang kat Hellfest dorang main dalam satu jam? 70 minit gitu je.

So tu jam jadual waktu tu cakap Paradise Lost main petang la, kul 4 gitu, then kat Altar stage, dan korang tahu Paradise Lost clash ngan sapa kat main stage?

So mula2 macam, kongajar betul la Hellfest, asyik band clash yang aku nak tengok dua2,
tapi fikir bagus jugak... Biar semua orang pergi tengok Soundgarden, yang confirm nak tengok Paradise Lost tentu peminat2 dorang kan...

HAH KAU!!! Bergoyang2 mamat2 Peranchis ni semua haha, happy siot.

Nah...tahun lepas Paradise Lost main kat Hellfest pentas kecik Altar clash ngan Soundgarden, rasa macam semalam...

Aku keluar kan handphone kejap tangkap video pendek masa Say Just Words.

Happening, aku diri tepi2 dah, kat tengah...dah la tak nampak stage, dah tu semua huru-hara tak kuasa aku...haha. Diri diam2 sopan santun dah.

KORANG BAYANGKAN tahun depan Iron Maiden world tour datang Malaysia, Singapore then dorang buat tema, British Invasion gitu, then band pembukaan dorang pakai Paradise Lost ngan Pet Shop Boys.. GILER BEST!! OK aku dah start merapek...   OK TU JE....

Anyway... Bulan Puasa tak boleh rock sangat,

tak elok

So layan Paradise Lost bawak cover version lagu Sisters Of Mercy dan Everything But The Girl la...

"   And I Miss You... 
 Like The Deserts Miss The Rain.... "



aku cakap la kan, korang sapa tak pernah dengar Paradise Lost ni, sila la dengar...

kalau korang rock fans, mungkin paling best start ngan Draconian Times...

Aku start dengar dorang Draconian Times la, then backwards album2 lama, then forward la...

kalau korang suka electronic music macam Depeche Mode ...hah... One Second boleh, HOST pun lagi la goyang2 abis2an...

Apa pun tak menghampakan la kan..... apa2 album..

dorang semacam ni band, suka toknenek dorang nak buat apa style lagu...


  1. aku tak dengar lagi ni...tapi dia punya booklet tu memang cantik la..

  2. sedap juga lagu video pertama tu ngam rentaknya dengan mood skg yg tengah puasa ni.

  3. kena beli nih... sebelum beli kena layan kat spotify dulu... WAJIB BELI!

  4. Cantik la booklet dia..aku suka betul lagu missing yg diorang cover tu.lagi best dari versi asal

  5. Bakal dicuba... jujur mengatakan aku tak pernah dengar PL ni

  6. Bakal dicuba... jujur mengatakan aku tak pernah dengar PL ni

  7. memang heavy + melekat riff lagu beneath tu..
