Thursday, October 1, 2015

MAIDEN UNITED: REMEMBRANCE Vinyl LP Version - (with a huge wonderful surprise that comes in the package for those who had pre-ordered the Vinyl version and then having to wait a long time due to the vinyl pressing problems issue and its so worth it although other stuffs like the T-Shirt and stuffs were sent out on time)

Salam and Greetings to all, wherever you are.... I want to share something that I am very happy about..

as usual I will give some background info in my broken Malay language, and then onwards to my broken version of the English language.
Enjoy the pretty packaging photos of MAIDEN UNITED - REMEMBRANCE and at the end of this blog post, I will show some covers of some magazines that has Maiden members and themes especially to celebrate the release of The Book Of Soul.

(Love that Samurai Sword, Sun and Steel)

Sapa baca blog ni tahulah aku minat giler kat MAIDEN UNITED ni. Minat sampai tahap pre-order piring hitam bila keluar je berita mereka tengah rakam album.

Untuk sapa tak kenal sangat, ni band ni terdiri daripada pemuzik2 yang kebanyakkan dari negara BELANDA yang main lagu2 Iron Maiden terutama lagu2 dari era 80an dengan cara acoustic - gitar acoustic, bass acoustic, piano, drum, hammond, violin.

Selalunye dorang berlima tapi kalau dalam album studio ada jemputan orang pompuan nyanyi, pemain violin dan tukar2 pemuzik gitu.
Paling famous di antara mereka semua aku rasa ialah pemain gitar dorang ialah jugak guitarist WITHIN TEMPTATION. Tapi bassist dorang handal, dan penyanyi utama dorang memang TERBAIK. Dan semua posisi pun permainan yang terbaik la, tak kira mereka yang dalam band secara tetap atau pun jemputan.

Lagu2 versi mereka ada yang sangat menyentuh hati, dan kadang2 boleh mendatangkan perasaan sedih dan sayu. Menangis tu takdelah, tapi bergenang2 basah kat kelopak mata tu ada la kalau kena ngan masa kita tengah tangkap feeling.

Jadi REMEMBRANCE ni album ketiga mereka. Macam biasa, AKU SUKA cara MAIDEN UNITED memperterjemahkan ikut selera mereka lagu2 Iron Maiden yang kita semua tahu kepada sesuatu yang sangat unik dan kadang2 tu terus berubah ke sesuatu yang sangat istimewa. 

Aku tu hari ada review single pertama dari album ni Strange World. Dan kalau post2 lain aku ada buat pendapat dan ulasan album pertama dan kedua dan foto2 bungkusan dan jugak foto2 cammana bentuk piring hitam mereka untuk album pertama dan kedua.

OK, review tu nanti aku cakap dalam bahasa Omputeh, tapi aku nak cerita sikit, untuk album terbaru ni keluar je berita dah boleh pre-order, so aku terus pre-order dari website mereka pasal dah memang aku suka kan?
So aku pre-order la yang dapat tshirt dan jugak dapat cd single Strange World, dapat free download (versi WAV ok dorang kasi bukan mp3 untuk album ni, dan jugak piring hitam LP.
Tapi dorang ada masalah cetak tekan piring hitam tu ikut apa dorang nak, so mula2 dorang hantar dari Belanda kat aku tshirt, cd single tu semua la, tapi dari email aku tahu ada masalah... Cara dorang email cakap sebenarnye versi LP dah siap, tapi dorang tak mau hantar dan nak cetak balik...
So tunggu je la, padahal album dah release dah lama jugak la kan...
So tunggu la..
dan tunggu 
dan tunggu 
dan ku tunggu dan menunggu...
dan tunggu...
dan tunggu macam buah tak jatuh...
dan tunggu...
dan tunggu lagi.....
aku siap hantar dua tiga email pasal duit dah bayar... HAHA.. lama sangat gitu kan? haha.

Terus akhirnye siap, dan dorang hantar kat post..
So aku bukak, WAHHHH GILER LA!!!!!!!!!!!
Dalam ada postcard ikut artwork Killers intepretasi mereka (Killers ada kat album ni, cuma pakai gitar acoustic dan penyanyi je, dua ni aje...), siap ada mesej beritahu terimakaseh la kerana tunggu untuk yang pre-order, dan jugak dorang pun bengang pasal dorang buat promosi tapi versi piring hitam takde, dan ISTIMEWANYE... dorang kasi satu vinyl cetakan pertama yang tak puaskan hati mereka.
Kira ni memang la ISTIMEWA sangat untuk mereka yang percaya kat kualiti band ni dan pre-order versi piring hitam mereka walaupun tu jam belum dengar lagi....
Siap lagi sekali kasi password untuk download album ni lagi sekali.

TU je la... Harap korang enjoy la tengok2 foto2 ni dan aku rasa korang pun pahamlah kenapa aku happy happy gitu kan buat blog ni kali, dan aku selitikan dari youtube berapa lagu dari album ni, dan jugak kat akhir sekali tu ada bootleg video peminat yang gambarkan cammana mereka main live.

K, lepas ni cakap omputeh lak, review... 

as they played Aces High on this album.

This is their version on this album... a male+female vocals.

I always like the voice when Wudstik does the singing, although main singer Damian Wilson is excellent.

and this is their superb version of BURNING AMBITION. I LIKE THIS A LOT. Although I think the info provided on the Youtube title is a bit wrong?

And on the above Burning Ambition track, they got ""THUNDERSTICK"" to play drums on this song and nope, what I know at the last minute the ex-GYPSY KISS singer (Gypsy Kiss was STEVE HARRIS' previous band when he was young and before he formed his own band IRON MAIDEN ) did not sing on this version of the song.
Here, BURNING AMBITION was sung by the MAIDEN UNITED Piano Player.

The full line up for this album as on the sleeves is this...

As you can see, KILLERS was completely transformed to just a vocal+acoustic guitar version.

So this is a song with Damian doing lead vocals... Still Life 15, because they had previously recorded Still Life for the Mind The Acoustic Piece album, their first album from few years back..


NO DAVE MURRAY HERE, just some most BEAUTIFUL Violin.....

Not all bed of roses though, I just want to say something a bit NEGATIVE,
I would have preferred for Maiden United band members and their support to do the vocals for FUTUREAL and PROWLER.
I don't find it any reason to get BLAZE BAILEY (although I really like him) and PAUL DI'ANNO to do vocals on this two songs.
I hope Maiden United should release future b-sides of these two songs with Damian or Wudstik singing these songs instead.

OK, like I say on the title, something really amazing, at least it is for me.
I had pre-ordered the vinyl version and it was really delayed although Maiden United sent out all the other stuffs early to minimize the dissapointment.
I learn thru email that the vinyl pressings has problems and not up to the Maiden United's standard and quality control.
So it was a big surprise that inside the packaging is a card signed by Ruud and Joey with a message about the delays and their own feelings, and also they have included the vinyl that they would not have sent out in the first place as they want to make a proper vinyl release that they want.

So its something very very special I guess.
I do hope I got to see them play one day... LOL!!!
Yes, pathetic isnt it when you are born in the ass of the world as far as Maiden-related stuffs are concern.

More photos
This is the credit list..

and this is how the rest of the vinyls are.. I had already shown previously in this blog in detail.

PREVIOUS Maiden United stuffs I had talk-cock about, the cds, the vinyls, the special limited edition T-shirt with the name of countries of pre-orders behind it and etc etc are on this link...

OK we are finishing...  this is from Youtube, it looks and sounds so nice how they play live.
This is a live video bootleg recorded of Maiden United somewhere in Germany...

Check this out...!!!
Maiden uniteD
the selection of songs, the pacing is amazing.. and that ROTAM tease at the end of the exhausting first song, and continue to the most dramatic HORRIFYING TERRIFYING version of The Trooper ever... and continue to a heart-wrenching rendition of Revelations.

I hope Maiden uniteD continue to re-interpret and re-create Iron Maiden songs to something special like the 3 albums and also some b-sides they already have released.

Last But Not Least,

I am collecting some latest magazines especially these few months that features Iron Maiden members or themes on the covers and which contents carry full-scale information, news and reports on the new Iron Maiden album, The Book Of Soul.
These are some I have got my hands on so far.....

Kerrang has a very nice cover.. and its actually has Bruce on the outside plastic cover with the cartoon artwork inside.

Classic Rock has the amazing 17, yes... 17 different cover artworks, and I had choosen Piece Of Mind, and then I saw Somewhere In Time and I was like got the urge to buy another one LOL!!!.
Metal Hammer, yes, the amazing magazine comes in a box, WHICH IS A GATEFOLD by itself LOL!!!..
RHYTHM Magazine, how can I resist a full special on Nicko McBrain to celebrate his drumming, his works, and his stories on the recordings of The Book Of Soul...

I will share more, maybe I try to take each page photo so those who cannot get these magazines can enjoy them too...


OK OK next post...

NASIK AMBENG!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. la eh dpt jugak vinyl 1st press yang tak menjadi tu,lama tggu punya pasal takut peminat komplen.heheh..packaging pun puas hati lawa.aku dah berapa kali pegi kino nak beli metal hammer ngan classic rock tu manjang tak masuk lagi..

  2. nak belajar cover maiden akustika la lepas ni

  3. panjang betul tajuk post ni hehe

    gerek gile packaging lp ni heh..mesti cantik detail tu.. siap autograf lagi..

    terbaik koleksi majalah 'full-scale information' The Book Of Soul.

  4. klu bab lagu cover ni pun aku minat nk dgr...sbb kadang2 yg cover lgk bes dri yg xsume la jgk kdng2 sebaliknya... kan bagus klu ade band cmni kt malaysia ni cover lgu gne instrumen yg xgne distortion...

  5. tengok gambar dulu...baru baca pelan2...hahaha...

    aku cadang konon nak beli majalah2 tu semua...tapi sebulan dua ni bajet lari la asyik terbeli cd album2 rock melayu keluaran semula tu...

  6. aku baru tau band ni bila baca post ni. Thanks Deaf kasi review.

  7. walaupun siksa menanti akhirnya dapat kepuasan berganda,, mmg best. mana rebiu album maiden baru tu ye. tak nampak pun postingnya...

  8. oh dah baca lah rebiunya maiden tu.lupa pula aku. share lah gambar bungkusan maiden album baru kamu dpt tu, musti spesial kan..
