Monday, November 16, 2015

Attack on / Serangan di : BATACLAN - PARIS,

In Malay Language & then in English. Contents are different to some extend...

Pukul 5 lebih pagi Ahad, kul 6am gitu kot? Aku kat kerja tu jam, shif malam, so aku dahbis buat kerja so aku nak relak kejap aku ambik tablet aku dari dalam beg, relak kejap la, then masuk tenet, then CNN was like cakap ada attack kat Paris, dalam hati aku, lagi sekali? so aku scroll scroll, biar betik Stade De France apa jadi siak?? France versus Germany - hati aku sempat berdetik.. siot la players Arsenal involve berapa orang sey ni game aku start kira...

pasal serangan baru berlaku jadi berita CNN pun tak clear la,
then aku scroll tengok baca BATACLAN kena serang???!! Biar betik tentu ada band rock tengah main punye... tapi tu jam CNN prompting serangan di Paris ni dah 15 kematian dan berita pun samar2....(PADAHAL MATI 100 LEBIH) Pasal kita ngan Paris beza waktu 7 hours gitu, Makin berita makin clear aku asyik carik berita Bataclan aje.... 
pasal setahun lepas aku tengok Extreme main kat sana, lepas festival Hellfest kat Clisson abis, Isnin pagi aku cam giler rush balik bandar Paris yang jauhnye 350KM kot aku naik keretapi . tak tidur, dengan backpack, lagi sorang2 hegeh2 cam sesat naik subway Paris tu carik kawasan Bataclan ni pasal Paris besar giler, semua pasal nak tengok Extreme main kat Bataclan ni la, aku campak beg haversack aku yang berat nak mampos tu kat lodging berdekatan paling murah aku jumpa, aku siap pergi makan dulu kat kedai2 makanan halal kat kawasan zon Republic tu, aku masih ingat aku gatal tanya penjual tu "HALAL?" dia jawab ""YES, ALL HALAL EXCEPT FISH NOT HALAL", Siot je kan? YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY TO MY STUPID QUESTION.. hahahaa... korang paham eh? ni joke ok.. kedai tu memang halal, aku gatal tanya lagi...  Yes, aku selenger bacin. haha. 
so aku gi Bataclan, tiket kat tangan aku dah beli online 6 bulan lepas sebelum tu, dan dah post kat aku dah, aku diri kat belakang pasal aku lambat, aku dekat ngan pintu masuk, aku dekat ngan merchandise nye stand. Aku dalam kepala hotak, bila baca laporan2 yang mula keluar dari Bataclan, aku dah boleh imejin clear cut cammana keadaan... then aku like sedih la kan, then cam apa sey buat gini.... lepas tu lepas 24 jam ni aku tengok dah kat Bataclan je 89 rock fans mati, tapi aku tahu ramai lagi cedera.. 

Terus terang cakap , tak dinafikan peluang aku yang giler sanggup backpack tengok bands aku minat main kat tempat pelik2 sambil menyusahkan diri, aku kot yang mungkin antara mati kena tembak? I mean ni aku cakap terang2 la kan?

aku minat pengetahuan am, jadi aku memang minat untuk cuba (cuba ok, maklum aku lemah mental) mengabsorb, baca dari berbagai sumber, cuba memahamkan apa sebenarnye terjadi berkenaan pergolakkan dunia hari ni.. Aku cuba tak mau kena pengaruh ngan apa aku baca dan fikir sendiri dan nilai sendiri dari agama yang aku dididik. Pasal terang2 agama Islam merangkumi segalanya. Sifat Ehsan, sifat belas kasihan, sifat kasih sayang, CONSCIENCE DALAM HATI KITA
tolonglah jangan jadi mentaliti melayu jenis "busuk2 pun orang melayu jugak" nye mentaliti untuk defend apa pun keburukan orang melayu dah buat,(aku nak emphasis eh, Islam yang aku dididik, well, korang jangan lahar aku la, aku tahu dari blog ni rata2 ada korang tentu dengan bangga dan besar diri tahu aku banyak setan bertenggek atas kepala aku LOL!!)
dan macam heran sey manusia dah jadi gini.. well... (sambil angkat bahu). Ada time baca kat bawah tu aku cut and paste salah satu laporan... then bayangkan.. part henfon berbunyik merata tu waktu ada dah mati, ada hidup tapi basah kuyup ngan darah, tapi bunyi henfon kat badan masing semua pasal mungkin kawan atau family tengah telepon, padahal tak tahu pun apa dah jadi....

Updated : Maka buat masa ni, sekurang2 nye DUA ORANG ISLAM DAH MATI SAMA, so adakah lagi sapa2 nak justify yang aku dan semua yang berduka cita tentang peristiwa ni diremeh-temehkan?

Seorang dari nye ialah pelajar sampai tahap buat research ke hapa ke, dan research tu dilakukan waktu dia pergi ibadah di Mekah waktu buat pillgramage.
Dia tengah kat salah satu cafe, yang diserang. Lagi satu ialah sepupu Diarra. Pemain France yang main kat Stade De France malam tu...

So???  Well... (angkat bahu lagi).

This was Bataclan when I was there just last year...  

One of the most memorable shows I had seen with the band EXTREME playing and both the band & audience were simply amazing at a majestic location.

On stage - Nuno Bettencourt was swearing on his children life that Paris has the best Extreme fans in the world or something.

A sold out show ( I got the ticket for this show about 6 months in advance I believe and I remember the balcony was already sold out by then) which is certainly made up of the Paris hardcore fans of the band Extreme.

It was a Monday evening, the Hellfest Music Festival of 3 days 3 nights I attended has just ended at Clisson, Nantes.
Without any sleep I rush back to Paris by train from Nantes, find my own way by their subways to the Republique Zone of Paris where Bataclan is, dump my backpack at a nearby cheapest lodging place I can find, grab some Halal food at the area (AND YES I AM A MUSLIM) and then  to catch what I know will be amazing, Extreme playing in front of their 1500 Parisian fans in a historic place called LA BATACLAN which is 150 years old hall. (The same night Joe Satriani was playing at Olympia, another historic live music location in Paris)

But, less than 24 hours ago LA BATACLAN is full of blood and at least 89 death now. The rock band EODM was playing. I am very sad, 
Without sounding dramatic, I can visualise the entry of the attackers at the main entrance behind the fans who are all facing the stage, where the Merchandise stand is located and what happened next as describe by the fans who were there.
The first report I read is the fan who was upstairs at the balcony, 
the second report is the one I copy and paste below at the end of this blog post. 
There is already a video posted on internet of footage facing the stage from a fan as the first gunshots began and the reaction of the band. 
Other videos are from the emergency exits. And some of the bodies who stumbled out did not move anymore.

I dont think I'll paste the videos here.. Its just too depressing because these people are there to just ROCK!
This is one of the reports of the fan who was watching EODM inside Bataclan.


IN CONCLUSION , as a Muslim, this attack is out of order.
I just hope, common sense will prevail.
Justice will prevail.
And in this world, Good is not necessarily on the flag, is not necessarily in what you wear, is not neccessarily in what you say or proclaim.
All these is wrong. 

Loic Wiels could feel the bodies hitting the floor around him at a Paris music hall where a team of assailants opened fire Friday in one of France's deadliest terror attacks.
The bullets whizzed so close, he was hit by the wood splinters they sent flying. And under his feet he could feel the blood that had poured out of the wounded and the dead.
Wiels is one of four survivors of the assault on the Bataclan concert venue who recounted to AFP how he survived. At least 82 other people there were killed.
Just an hour prior Wiels had felt lucky to be among the crowd at the venue in eastern Paris. He had managed to get a ticket at the last minute for the Eagles of Death Metal concert, which was sold out.
In the packed hall, which can hold up to 1,500 spectators, the rock group had been playing for about 45 minutes when the explosions rang out.
Someone in the audience joked: "It's firecrackers."
"I turn around and I see two guys with Kalashnikovs. They were dressed normally: jeans and sneakers. At first I thought they were shooting in the air. Then I saw people falling over," said Sylvain Raballant, 42.
Everyone that was in the pit, like Wiels and Raballant, hit the floor.
"I saw three attackers, two of them clearly. One looked like a young guy, with a three-day beard. The other was closely shaved, wearing small eye glasses and some kind of yellow beret. He was also wearing what I took for a bullet-proof vest. It was actually an explosive vest," said Wiels.
Wiels, 33, is now struck by the "incomprehension in the room. I felt the blood on the floor, the shockwaves of the people falling around me. I got hit with woodchips sent flying by the bullets, but in the balcony nobody realised what was happening."
"They fired into the crowd and people tried to escape but the attackers said: 'If you move, we'll kill you,'" said Philippe, 35.
- 'We're going to die' -
He heard the attackers say: "What's happening to you, is your fault. We are avenging our brothers in Syria."
The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the series of attacks on the French capital, including the one on the Bataclan, that left nearly 130 people dead.
As the audience gradually understood they were caught in a siege, they tried to make themselves as invisible as possible.
But mobile phones were ringing, quickly followed by shooting. It seemed like every 15 seconds there was another shot.
Raballant saw people getting up and trying to escape and decided to do the same. But a fresh burst of gunfire sent him back to the floor with his "head in his hands, near the sound board."
"I couldn't move anymore. I tried not to even breathe. Next to me, there was a drunk guy who kept saying 'We're all going to die.' A couple of us whispered for him to shut up. There were also people who were moaning ... it was horrible," Raballant added.
Anthony, another survivor, said the fact that he was at the back of the room saved his life.
The moving crowd knocked him to the floor.
When he lifted his head, after a moment that lasted "between 30 seconds and 20 minutes...", he saw "a bearded guy, no mask, a gun in his hand," who was shooting methodically.
"I was waiting for the fatal shot," said Anthony.
"And then somebody yelled that they (attackers) were gone, everybody wanted to get out. I slipped in a pool of thick blood. We crawled, we climbed over people."
When Raballant saw the police he ran toward the bar, his hands on his head so as to not be taken for a shooter.
In the meantime, Wiels and Philippe, seizing the moment when the attackers went upstairs, rushed towards the exits.
"From the balcony they started shooting into the pit. When they backed up to reload I got up and I ran, I ran to the exit and I didn't stop until the Metro," said Philippe.

Maybe One day I will return....
to this place called BATACLAN.


  1. angle death metal ke apa nama band yg main tu haha.
    klu kat fb lagi lah dasyat, mcm2 boleh tgk dorang punya pendapat.fb pun ada buat gambar profil tukar kaler bendera prancis.

    dia punya lawak tu makan dalam hahahaha.... ikan lagi tu.

  2. Aku baca paper katanya IS ni berhubung dengan geng2 diorang guna Playstation 4 via intenet.siot la patut la ramai member online aku tanak fren ngan aku dah.

  3. paling xbole belah zaman skrg ni bila orang mati kita nak ucap simpati/takziah pun diperlekeh dan kena ikut jumlah bilangan yang terkorban...tak boleh kesian sebab korban ratus je, yang disana jutaan terkorban..tapi hakikatnya nyawa juga yg melayang...kalaulah saudara atau rakan kenalan kita yang menjadi mangsa ditempat kejadian tu...apa drg nk ckp...lain tempat, lain lah dia punya situasi...lepas tu timbul lah teori konspirasi, teori domino, pizza dominos...api jumpa api memang tebakar la smp bila2...benda-benda macam ni memang tunggu masa je akan berlaku di Malaysia....

  4. Dunia ni tak adil...penuh dgn kezaliman....semoga suatu hari nti...akan muncul pembawa keadilan.... countdown

  5. At least dua orang Islam mati. Sepupu Diarra yang main game france germany malam tu, dan lagi seorang bijak pandai yang dah buat pillgramage to Mekah. Siap buat apa research entah si mati tu. Dia tengah minum dekat cafe kena serang.
    Sappa yang orang Islam perlekehkan hal serangan ni ssmoga sedar..
