Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2016 Wishes & HARAPAN.... and incoming IMFC mag 101 & Maiden 2015 Xmas card

Salam Semua..
semoga korang dan love ones korang sentiasa selamat dan dilindungi Allah dimana sahaja korang dan dorang love ones kita semua berada dengan orang giler banyak merata sekarang.
(banyak ok.. as in banyak binatang or banyak babi dalam kandang... aku tak pakai "ramai" as in ramai orang, memang... aku bastard pakai word gini)

2016(66) TWO ZERO ONE SIX ( SIX.. SIX...) .. new challenges, new hurdles, new solutions needed to same old problems.. LOL!!
yes.. don't forget.. new age number hohohoho...

but one happy thing does not change.. ROCK NEVER DIE.

and evil things does not change too.. bombs, and violence and guns and mad leaders, mad politicians, greedy humans, people being manipulated in their religious beliefs, and the worst of them all, their followers who blindly follow without thinking.

Anyway fuck all that, lets be happy and relax for just a little while. And one way... is to blog about rock n roll.... and travels and of course glorious food. 

I have not even finished or half way finished the super thick 100th edition magazine of the Iron Maiden Fan Club. And magazine 101 is already out..

I will express my opinion on both magazines issues soon for those who could not get a copy...

But here it is.. fot those who havent seen the Christmas Card from Iron Maiden for the the recent 2015 Xmas greetings.


Sacrified Nightwish playing tonight in Singapore. LOL!!
Really hoping to see them instead playing mainstage just before Maiden headlining show at Donington. Really... hoping... LOL!!!
They wont be kicking Maiden's ass in Donington out of all places, but it will be close I hope.


  1. semoga bro deaf ngan keluarga juga dalam lindungan allah.. amin
    berentung betul bro deaf jadi fan maiden, bukan calang2 kipas mati ohh... siap ada tandangan segala lagi tu.. pergh!! tabik..

  2. all the best for 2016...and your trip to Donington...

  3. Sejak2 kes bom sana sini aku nak gi mall beso2 mcm klcc tu pun aku takut.mmg betul ramai org gila skarang ni

  4. 2016 ada rejeki kita jumpa kurang satu konsert atau showcase bro.

  5. WTF bro... Christmas card... that is Christian? U kristian or muslim bro? Celebrating krismas... u dah christianized...

    1. Lu sape der..tuhan ke mudah sangat nak hukum org ckp kwn wa ni christian
