Friday, March 4, 2016

Judas Priest British Steel - 30th Anniversary Deluxe 3 disc

Salam Jumaat Korang
Rock You All Around The World..

As usual I will start the introduction with my kind of vulgar rude market Malay Language, before proceeding to elaborate more in my broken (I hope you can comprehend) English Language.

This is what suspiciously looks like a Inferior Copy (LOL!!!) of British Steel 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition boxset which comprises of 3 discs.

- CD1 - Complete British Steel Remastered with 2 additional songs RED WHITE AND BLUE (one of those British salute songs LOL!!) and a live version of Grinder.
- CD2 - Audio version of the 30th Anniversary British Steel Live comprising 15 songs and missing Prophecy.
- DVD - 16 songs of live show to celebrate British Steel 30th Anniversary somewhere in Hollywood USA.

Judas Priest ni antara band rok aku minat la, nak cakap minat sangat susah jugak, pasal ada album aku suka giler seluruh album contoh - Defenders Of Faith, Painkiller, tapi selalunya setiap album tu ada lagu2 aku minat ada lagu2 aku skip.
Tapi sejak zaman Rob Halford masuk balik, dah berapa album?
Satu lagu je aku betul2 suka sejak Rob Halford masuk balik... tu pun lagu jiwang cinta sentimental meleleh - Angel.

Album British Steel ni pun sama, ada lagu aku minat, ada lagu aku tak dengar langsung contoh lagu UNITED? Macam sial lagu ni hahaha.... aku tak berkenan. UNDIVIDED Bon Jovi? Hahhh tu gerek.. haha.
Dah tu ni album takde lagu slow rock meleleh jiwang.... lagi la aku kureng.....

Tapi apa pun, ni album ada lagu yang memang live feberets, lagu2 hurray-hurray, happy manjang.
So ok la jugak...
dan lagu2 jarang dalam setlist live dorang contoh GRINDER. Aku suka lagu ni, Judas Priest ni kadang2 bila dorang slow down...  Tetap HEAVY NAK MAMPOS.
dan jugak Steeler. Sedap la heavy metal awal 80an Judas Priest.

Anyway... zaman jahiliah dulu (ooo kayyy sekarang pun aku masih jahiliah ye...hahaha) kumpul bootleg, minat bootleg dulu, METALLICA nye persembahan RAPID FIRE tu memang la, carikkk ok. haha.

OK, dah tu je kot? hahaa... ooo yeah, ni aku selit dari youtube, full album British Steel kalau sambil tengok foto2 packaging ni nak mengimbau kembali zaman ROCK MAMPOS korang!!

Anyway masa Judas Priest main kat Singapore, sabarrrrr je la... 4 lagu ok dari album ni haha, tapi ok la...aku dah Freewheel Burning pleaseee pleasee.. tapi satu lagu je dari album Defenders Of The Faith, WAK LU!!!! ok la Sentinel pun Sentinel la haha..
Dari album British Steel malam tu dorang main Rapid Fire, Metal Gods, Living After Midnight dan Breaking The Law yang Rob Halford tak nyanyi, kira pandai2 la audience survive nyanyi sendiri HAHAHA... Bila chorus bukan main kuat, bila main verse....sayup2 je hahaha....

Ni macam Mr Bean kat Church Gereja. Korang tengok?  bila verse semua dia tak tahu, bila part Hallelujah, bukan main kuat suara MR BEAN. HAHAHA!!!!

Rock fans pergi konsert Judas Priest pun sama je macam Mr Bean, dua kali lima. HAHAHAHAHAAHAH.

Tapi fun la, seronok hurray hurray lagu2 ni, sangat mesra alam.

Nanti aku letak bootleg kat bawah persembahan lagu ni malam tu, 
aku tape la complete bootleg... haha.

Itu malam kira macam double billing gitu, Lamb Of God sibuk je, main full set gitu... aku boleh siap timing jalan kaki dari City Hall nak sampai Fort Canning Park agak2 cun2 LOG abis main pasal pada aku buang masa la kan?
Datang ala... LOG masih main, ok.. nasib terus dahbis.. haha...
Sila jangan lahar...

Tapi... biar aku nak cakap, aku suka Richie Faulkner jadi peganti KK Downing..

Aku harap KK Downing masuk balik, Judas Priest ikut style Iron Maiden pakai 3 guitarist.Walau interview dia cakap Judas Priest always 2 guitar band, tapi ye la, tak cuba lagi ye tak, tapi Judas Priest ni tak tahu la sapa kepala dorang, tu susah tu, kalau Iron Maiden senang, ada Steve Harris, diktator kuku besi si degil ni, senang uruskan masalah hahaha, tapi bila tengok sampai sekarang Maiden masih pakai curtain kat belakang untuk live, tukar2 curtain, tarik pakai tangan...betul2 tradisional macam persembahan2 seni zaman dahulu. Aku akan pilih band ada seorang diktator kuku besi. HAHA. Harap sampai bila2 tak ubah. 

K, lain kali boleh berbual lagi pasal Ritchie Faulkner, bila aku berbual kon pasal Screaming For Vengeance kot? haha.

haha.. k bye.

The text on the inlet booklet is not much but still nice, Donington Park Monsters Of Rock is mentioned. Its always a special place for the older bands - this Donington.
How I wish I was there when it all began. The Midlands fans and all that.

The story goes when Judas Priest singer Rob Halford saw the bill for this year Donington Download Festival with headliners on different days Black Sabbath & Iron Maiden and Motorhead is also playing,

I think he did mentioned how he wished Judas Priest will also play to make it a British Heavy Metal Celebrations

and it would be amazing to see them play at the Midlands where Donington is, the meetings of the Midlands areas where traditionally Heavy Metal is at its strongest , and two of these bands are originally from there.

But although Judas Priest wont be there, but I hope I WILL BE there this year LOL!!!!

But I had read rumours, the Motorhead Lemmy Tribute on Friday at Main Stage to take over the original Motorhead Stage Slot will have Rob Halford doing the vocals???
Possibly this could be amazing tribute line up.
It will be crazy!!! I will stand at a safe distance of course from the happy riots in front. LOL!!


This deluxe 30th Anniversary of British Steel.
Many great songs, some songs I do not like, but in whole some , a great boxset packaging and content.

I always like KK Downing the most, LOL!!!

Hope he returns and Judas Priest will be a 3 guitar band like Maiden.

Some youtube content from the DVD itself, and an audio bootleg of Living After Midnight from the Singapore show in 2012, which I taped.
thats about it...

Metal Gods.... HEAVY METAL GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!

OK, its a Friday. Respect a bit. LOL!!!

Anyone wants to see the 30th Anniversary Japanese Edition of Defenders Of Faith is below...

Its a beauty


  1. faham aku mr bean tu pena tgk hahahaha... dulu klu aku tgk cover album ni rasa ngilu tangan tu pegang jilid.. haha

  2. Aku teruja dgn cover album judas priest ni..memang awesomela..sgt2 gerek

  3. Oii..jangan kutuk lagu United tu...walaupun takder kena mengena pasal bola..tapi sesuai betul kalau pasang kat Old Trafford...naik semangat budak2 LVG kalau dengar lagu ni...sure Arsenal kena lauk kagi...hahaha...

    Btw tadi aku baca KK cakap dia cuma berminat nak main balik dgn Priest jika Priest main live dengan Maiden atau Black Sabbath...tapi memang best la kan kalau tiga2 band ni main satu stage...

  4. Aku cuba dengar Judas Priest tapi masih tak boleh consume.

    Back to Bon Jovi please

  5. best betul isi dalam dia.kalau ada kat sini mesti mahal giler ni.

  6. cover british steel antara cover album metal terhebat! terasa ngilu jari! ouchh!

  7. Dulu mula2 aku kenal ni band dia stail rock n roll..lepas tu nape tetibe plak dia dh tuka jd metal.. hehe tp mmg bagus lah dirg tuka jd metal.. mmg kene jgk
