Monday, April 18, 2016

ANTHEM 30+ blue-ray-disc. (bulan April ni dah jadi bulan borak pasal rock jepun part 3)

and as Pet Shop Boys say on their new album first single - "Rock Is Overrated". LOL!!

As usual I will talk-cock and elaborate first in my vulgar, rude, disrespectful bazaar market Malay Language, and then to my broken, incoherent, disoriented English Language.

Scroll down a bit more that is.

cute obi strip..

Kita teruskan berbual-kons kita untuk bulan April ni pasal rock jepun.

Macam Kumpulan Wings jugak...
Kumpulan Anthem menyambut 30 Tahun pada tahun 2015.

Dan antara acara sambutan itu, salah satu persembahan live mereka di Club Citta Kawasaki Tokyo 28/11/2015 telah DIABADIKAN dalam bentuk cakera Blue-Ray. 
Jumlah isi padu cakera blue-ray'made in japan' ini lebih kurang 4 jam.

(cehhh Melayu aku, dahsyat siol pakai word2 bombastic entah sesuai ke tak haha, isi padu siot).

Aku rasa, terbitan video live ini tak keluar dalam bentuk dvd langsung, hanya dalam bentuk Blue-Ray sahaja.

OK, apa nak cakap? OK, paling penting, untuk aku yang tak pernah tengok Anthem main live, ini la peluang aku untuk tengok dalam video rasmi Anthem, Yukio Morikawa membawakan lagu2 semasa Eizo Sakamoto menjadi penyanyi utama Anthem terutama sewaktu zaman2 2000an pasal Yukio pun baru jugak masuk band ni balik untuk album Absolute World.
Kalau zaman Yukio sebelum ni akhir 80an hingga awal 90an tu memang ada videos la kot dia dendangkan live lagu2 zaman Eizo awal 80an. Memang ada pening sikit ni dua orang pusing2 kat kumpulan Anthem sebagai penyanyi.

Kalau sapa tak tahu, Anthem punya penyanyi ni antaranya dah dua kali bergilir2 Eizo dan Yukio silih berganti.. Eizo zaman 80an kemudian Yukio zaman akhir 80an hingga awal 90an..
kemudian lepas reformasi Anthem dan khidmat Graham Bonnet untuk satu album tahun 2000, Anthem kembali kepada Eizo dan lebih kurang dua tahun lepas, Eizo keluar dan Yukio masuk balik kumpulan ni.

Memang susah nak dapat maklumat kumpulan2 rock Jepun, tapi apa aku ada baca. Eizo sakit.

ni serupa jugak, drummer mereka Homma kemalangan, dan masih belum pulih penuh dan digantikan, MALAHAN pemain bass Anthem iaitu Naoto Shibata - ketua, tukang tulis lagu, dan tulang belakang kumpulan ni, sebagai mana Steve Harris ialah pemimpin kuku besi Iron Maiden, jugak menghidapi sakit barah perut tak silap tapi dia dah pulih rasanya.

Jadi memang seronok aku tengok Yukio mendendangkan lagu2 zaman Eizo terutama untuk lagu2 dari album Black Empire contohnya yang aku minat sangat album tu.

Sama hebat sama dahsyat kedua2 Yukio dan Eizo walau kalau aku nak mudahkan pada telinga aku ni Yukio lebih kepada hard rock, dan Eizo lebih kepada style heavy metal.

Naoto Shibata memang hebat abis kat blue-ray ini, gitaris Akio Shimizu pun dah lama beraksi untuk kumpulan Anthem dan memang terbaik dari segala segilah pada aku, aku minat dia ni haha, dan jugak drummer baru mereka Isamu Tamaru memang dahysat jugak.

Takde solo2 ok kat show ni, lagu demi lagu... semua nya 28 lagu. tak yah nak segmen solo la kan main je lagu demi lagu berapa banyak lagu sedap dorang ye tak, si Akio Shimizu setiap lagu pun gitar dia dah giler2 dan memang solo2 dia kat setiap lagu dah cukup best giler dah, dan Naoto Shibata biasalah, bass dia memang menonjol sejojol-jojolnya kat audio apa2 la rilisan Anthem. haha.

OK, dua lagu dimainkan style accoustik, lagu Walk Through The Night dan lagu Racin Rock yang lagu lama dari album pertama.
Menarik giler.

OK selain 28 lagu, blue raya ni jugak ada interview2 punya segmen, macam2 interview la,
tapi cam siot...
semua berbual Jepun, bahasa Jepun mana aku paham apa dorang berbual, 

banyak ok MASA ITO. Korang mesti tahu kan nama ni, dari zaman Rainbow, Deep Purple, Iron Maiden, dan banyak la band2 rock, semua nama ni, dan dia memang banyak kat interview2 nye segmen.
Ada Burrrnnn nye majalah nye editor la apa la...

Memang rasa macam sial abis la, tengok dorang seronok cerita2 borak2 pasal apa entah, aku melopong tak paham satu benda pun...

Aku cuma heran kenapa dalam interviews ni atau live, members Anthem lain takde, at least panggil la si Eizo ye tak...

ok ok, seluruh blue-ray ni, ada satu bahagian cakap Inggeris, apabila Chris Tsangarides (producer terkenal omputeh) berbual pasal Anthem pasal dia kan mula terbitkan album dorang zaman Bound TO Break.
Dia cakap Anthem - MAJESTIC. dan dia puji Naota Shibata, apa yang penting ialah kualiti lagu.

dan memang betul... Anthem ni konsisten dan rasanya macam makin bagus lak... haha...

ok Nanti aku senang, aku rakam pakai handphone aku aksi2 dari live blue ray ni then aku tampal kat youtube channel aku.... 

k dahbis berbual kon cakap melayu.

ANTHEM. or should I say, the current line up of Anthem is as above poster..

What can I say? Possibly one of the best bands around.

This is my review and short opinion of the new Anthem blue-ray release Anthem 30+ to celebrate 30 years.

Unfortunately, not many people in the world are aware of them and follow their developments,
Fortunately, I got to discover their music, Lucky me.
and currently, and for a number of years now, they are my clear favourite Japanese rock band.

I am blowing up my money to get their releases. Damn fuckin expensive Japanese releases may I add.

I have yet to go crazy on them like I am into Iron Maiden, so no crazy alone backpacking to Japan to see them play live. And fuck, how am I going to get tickets to their shows?? LOL!!!

maybe next time, I may travel to Japan to see Anthem play, once Steve Harris announce Iron Maiden has stop. LOL!!!

OK, again another outstanding live release from Anthem. Only on Blue-Ray. 4 hours, 28 songs + Interviews.

AGAIN NO SUBTITLES!!! So you have Masa Ito among others yakking away in an alien language but,
Chris Tsangarides is on this interview segment, alas, we got something in English... LOL!!!

He says if he has only one word to describe Anthem. It will be Majestic. And he did praise Naoto Shibata and yes, he did say, Anthem is all about songs, quality songs.


No bass solos, No guitar solos...  28 songs is more than enough to hear Naoto Shibata's exploding bass and Akio Shimizu's exciting guitars and solos.

Yukio is back, and its great to hear and see him singing Eizo's songs from the 2000 years...

Black Empire? Great.
Walk Through The Night? Its accoustic, beautifully done, and Yukio again. Awesome.
They also did Racin Rock as an accoustic. Amazing

The whole show is awesome. Seems lots of funny things and stories is being told.


If nobody shows it on youtube I will record a bit using my handphone and upload it on youtube as usual.

I think I stop now...

Other Anthem releases I had blogged about are here...

Other Japanese bands releases I had blogged about are here...

Just maneuover it at the bottom to click the previous pages..

ok more photos of packaging...

World Peace. Bye.


  1. Menarik jugak.mcm2 ada.packaging pun lawa."cakera blu ray" i like that word..heheh

  2. aku baru jer publish discography anthem kat blog, hari sabtu lepas.. tapi OK laa, macam kesinambungan cerita laa jugak nie.. by the way.. nice post mr.deaf.. and my question's, how much you bought the Anthem blue-ray disc..? thanx bro and see yaa..

  3. banyak kali dah ko promote ni...nak try dengar juga la nanti...

  4. Hi, I just bumped into your blog while googleing ANTHEM releases. Totally moved by your enthusiasm! Since I can read Japanese & there's a lack of band's info in English, I'd like to share with you some things I know about them.
    1. Eizo released one solo album in 2014 called Heavenly Days, in the same vein of his previous solo ones around 2001-2006, and performs actively in Anime song events (since he's famous for fronting Animetal). As far as I know, he has not joined any new major bands in these 2 years, nor did Homma.
    2. As see in LIVE UNBROKEN documentary, band leader Naoto was diagnosed stomach cancer in Dec 2012 but fortunately in early stage, he got an operation in Jan 2013 and straight back to studio in Feb, hence the UNBROKEN TOUR later that year.

  5. 3. About line-up change:
    Because of this incident, Naoto re-considered the ways of his life, according to his own words, both he and Eizo feels that a. they had tried out every musical possibilities together b.Eizo is no longer that young maybe he want to take more time for his own music ambitions (since then he did a lot of gigs in SOUTH AMERICA where seems quite a big fan base for "THE ANIMATION SONG SINGER" Eizo) so they parted ways friendly c.Naoto thinks highly of Yukio's voice, Anthem's disband in 1992 was with a lot of regrets (the tides of Heavy Metal in Japan at alltime low, he got too tired for leading band and constant changing members ect ). So Naoto feels he still got a lot want to do with Yukio and change of vocalist brings new motivation to Anthem.
    4. I know Naoto likes Homma as a drummer and a good friend very much since their years in LOUDNESS, but Homma got injured for bike accident around 2008, after that his body condition has ups and downs, but eventually no longer perfect for the heavy duties a band like Anthem demands, trying too hard would just be bad for his health, so the supporting drummer Tamaru got promoted to official member in 2014.

  6. about OUTRAGE and Masa Ito
    5. Besides being a musical critic, Masa Ito used to run a band agency company in the 80s, first he signed Earthshaker, then Anthem, then OUTRAGE. Actually OUTRAGE gave their first Demo tape to musical director which leads to their signing to Ito's agency and a deal with record company, after they attended an Anthem gig.
    6. Right now, ANTHEM, OUTRAGE, LOUDNESS are all under Universal's Thunderball666 label, hence the OUT-LOUD festival and Anthem's involvement this year.
    7. The event captured in TRIMETALLIC boxset is an one-off thing called Headstrong Festival in 2015, planned by Anthem, to celebrate its 30th Annivesary. OUTRAGE guys are kinda like little brothers to Naoto, off-cause they got invited.

  7. about interview in BLAZING FAITH... bluray
    8. They talk about how Akio Shimizu joined Anthem. In mid 1991, band auditioned for new guitarist for nearly 3 months with no resault until a friend of Yukio (who's Akio's schoolmate) gave them a live recording of an amateur band featuring Akio, then a 20 year old university student who never thought about being professional guitarist. Naoto was impressed by his playing so much that they arranged a proper audition in few days and decide to invite Akio at once. So Akio stopped going to school and went to record with Anthem in London. The band & staff rent an house and stayed together for several weeks (If you have OFFICIAL BOOTLEG box set you can see footage of them in London with Chris), Akio thought he was way below the bar so he practiced every night almost without sleep, practiced so hard that the chair in his bedroom became loose and collapsed one day. Naoto said without Akio they might not abel to finish Domestic Booty, that Akio had computer-like memory , Naoto would demonstrate with guitar or just describe the music day before recording while "Mad" Ouchi took notes in his notebook. Akio didn't write down a thing but remembered everything, would remind them if something got omitted while recording. Naoto always says finding Shimizu (yeah he calls Akio by family name) is like Phil Lynott grabbed John Sykes in to make one last great album. Then Masa Ito says: Come on you were tired of running a band alright but Akio just got started, what a gap between you two's mind! Naoto says that strangely he had faith in Akio that he can totally make a living in music business cos Akio had very wide music tastes like himself, the only thing he regrets is Akio didn't finish college education like Naoto earged him to, he feels kinda "wronged" Akio's parents.
    9. They also talk about Anthem's reform. Originally, Graham-Anthem was just an one-off project, a dream fulfilled (Graham is Naoto's favorite rock singer), Naoto was still a member of LOUDNESS then. After 3 gigs in Japan, Naoto was thrilled by audiences and staff's enthusiasm, seemed like everyone thought there must be more. Plus, after last show Akio got totally drunk and emotional, begged him many times to perform as Anthem again on their way home. The rest is history...

    WELL that's it for now, hope these information be useful to you~

  8. Hello my Anthem music fan,

    Thanks a lot for the detailed description and sharing of knowledge.
    I really appreciate it.
    It is magical reading this.
    Thanks a lot.

  9. It's so good for you to write also in English and keeps buying there new products to support the band. I checked many Japanese Anthem fans' blogs, they are detailed in reviews or live reports, but can hardly find fellow fans' opinions in English speaking world, though according to Youtube responses seems there are keen fans out there. I wonder how you first get to know this band?

    It's a pity that Anthem does not make more efforts to expend oversea fan base, even no English infos in official site! They did very informative interviews for each album online and in bonus DVDs of albums & does SNS ( but THEY ARE ALL IN JAPANESE. So in non-Japanese speaking world the band may known as a fierce old school Metal band, but actually these guys are also quite ineresting characters. During 2011 they wrote a band blog for several months, it's funny as hell. Like Eizo is kinda narcissist and hugely comical and Naoto always makes fun of him (with kind heart). Akio keeps low profile, outside Japan fans hardly know that he also write songs for Japan's most popular idol groups & had several top 1 singles such as this one:

    Naoto Shibata is known as disciplined, stoic and hard-working in studio & on stage, demands nothing but top-notch stuff from everyone, but on the private side he has fabulous sense of humor, sometimes even very sweet, kinda a cuddly father figure to others, no wonder there are quite a number of lady fans follow this band...

    Thou I don't write blog in English, but it's nice to share interests with fellow Anthem fans. Let's keep in touch.
