Friday, April 1, 2016

HIGH ON FIRE spitting fire vol 1 & 2 and new PSB is out today... Hurray!!!

Today, for those who havent seen it, I want to show a bit the live cds by HIGH ON FIRE called SPITTING FIRE LIVE VOL 1 and SPITTING FIRE LIVE VOL 2 and a bit of personal celebrations on the latest Pet Shop Boys release. 

But first a bit of how I come across this band but in Malay Language.

"Sesuatu yang berlaku secara kebetulan mungkin boleh berakhir dengan kegembiraan jangka panjang..."  Cehhh.. ayat.

High On Fire, aku tak tahu pasal band rock ni, tak pernah dengar lagu, cuma tu jam aku backpacking pergi  Brisbane nye Soundwave pasal nak gi tengok Iron Maiden headline waktu malam...
Aku datang awal jugak la petang dan tak kuasa nak datang lagi awal, aku lagi suka aku pergi jalan2 sorang2 merayap kat bandar Brisbane tengok tempat orang cammana sampai aku sanggup miss Saxon main awal, 
dan aku paksa diri datang awal sikit pasal aku nak tengok beberapa band rock lain beraksi selain Iron Maiden lain antaranya Dimmu Borgir dengan Slayer main.

Tu jam, ICS Vortex dah takdelah haha, tapi satu istimewa ialah tak silap aku hari itu ialah pertama kali kot dalam sejarah, GARY HOLT first time ever performance main dengan Slayer. Tu jam yang Jeff Hahnneman sakit.
Aku masih ingat aku agak kecewa pasal ICS Vortex dah takde dalam Dimmu Borgir yang aku menengok, 
tapi aku jugak rasa teruja dengan Gary Holt pasal tertiba Slayer lain sikit, ada lebih pergerakkan kat atas pentas???!!! haha... 
Toing!! Toing!! Toing!! Gary Holt.. haha.

OK OK, jadi sebelum Dimmu Borgir main, kat pentas sebelah ni ada satu band nama High On Fire nak main, so aku pun fikir ok la nak check it out.
Sekali tu aku tengok, ok 3 piece. Gitaris ialah jugak penyanyi.., bassist, dan drummer.
Start je lagu pertama..
Aku dah jatuh cinta dengan ni band... ada pengaruh Motorhead gitu tapi MACAM PUTING BELIUNG!!!

Tapi tak semua la.. kalau album2 studio dorang memang ada lagu2 perlahan, instrumentals2 yang gerek2...., catchy2 gitu haha...
Korang nengok video bawah ni, peluh memercik2 haha..

Dorang live band la...

Dorang untuk aku la serupa TOTO, band live yang sangat mengujakan...

OK la, TOTO pun dari Amerika jugak kan...  aku agak hampa sikit, tour terbaru TOTO ni nampaknya dorang takkan main kat Singapore atau Malaysia, dorang dah pakai drummer baru.

more pictures of the packaging...

What a band, what an awesome live band. Simply astounding especially when they play live, and what happiness this band brings to the heavy metal music world.

I saw this band plays live without knowing anything about them, and it was really love at first sight.

No mood to talk a lot just say...

I mean the Red over the White.
I mean the Vol 2 over Vol 1.

To me, Vol 2 is more varied.. LOL!!

I guess this is the only photo I have of High On Fire that I took myself... LOL!!!

Brisbane!! backpacking across Australia for Iron Maiden.. and it was a festival then for the Maiden Brisbane show...
, I accidently catch this band in action (I remember they were Stage 4 and Dimmu Borgir and Slayer were next on the Stage 3) because I came early to catch some other bands play (and Gary Holt first ever Slayer Show if I remembered correctly!!!!! so if its really his first show? then I witness a kind of Slayer history? LOL!!!), before Maiden headline at night...  Happiness!!


1st April ...

Today..... is new Pet Shop Boys album is coming out..

I have no problem with the first single POP KIDS. I like it.. I read many complaints on the first single...

Lets see what other songs are good? So maybe I will get an original cd? LOL!!!

The single is out, and I think this is the extended version of Pop Kids.. Like I say I have no problem, but I think some people are dissapointed...

 but maybe Pet Shop Boys are now like Iron Maiden, the very first song released of a new album is the worst song of the album?? LOL!!!!


""They call us the Pop Kids...""

" and rock is overrated.. "



  1. Best jugak high on fire dia pun tak penah nampak kt sini

  2. Tak pernah tau band ni...tapi pet shop boys zaman 80an dulu suka jugak..melodi dia sedap2...

  3. komentar dan review terbaik dari encik deaf-angel.. bravo brother..

  4. sempoi la pulak Snakes for the Divine, start lagu dgn tapping ala Thunderstruck..

    kemudian boom!!! solo kat hujung tu perghh..
